《JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE》是Reston, VA : Society of Nuclear Medicine出版的一部作品。
- 語言:英語
- 出版時間:1960年
- 出版社:Reston, VA : Society of Nuclear Medicine
- 出版地:美國
- 類別:醫學類圖書
- 影響因子:5.774
- ISSN:0161-5505 (印刷版)1535-5667 (電子版)
《JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE》是Reston, VA : Society of Nuclear Medicine出版的一部作品。
《JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE》是Reston, VA : Society of Nuclear Medicine出版的一部作品。簡介JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE出版國...
The American Journal of Roentgenology, Radium Therapy and Nuclear Medicine 《The American Journal of Roentgenology, Radium Therapy and Nuclear Medicine》是一本圖書,作者是Society, American Radium
據2021年2月LetPub顯示,《AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ROENTGENOLOGY》年文章數為399篇。影響因子 據2021年2月LetPub顯示,《AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ROENTGENOLOGY》2019-2020自引率為9.20%,h-index為182,Cite Score為5.1,SJR為1.287,SNIP為1.431,在Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging類期刊(284種)中排第48...
據2021年2月LetPub顯示,《AMERICAN JOURNAL OF NEURORADIOLOGY》年文章數為333篇。影響因子 據2021年2月LetPub顯示,《AMERICAN JOURNAL OF NEURORADIOLOGY》2019-2020自引率為9.10%,h-index為162,Cite Score為5.9,SJR為1.557,SNIP為1.562,在Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging類期刊(284種)中排第...
核技術(Nuclear Technology) 1971 月刊 續表 出版地 期刊名稱 創刊年 刊期 美國 聚變技術(Fusion Technology) 1981 雙月刊 聚變能雜誌(Journal of Fusion Energy) 1981 季刊 電漿物理(Plasma Physics) 核醫學雜誌(Journal of Nuclear Medicine) 1960 月刊 美國核學會會刊(Transactions of American Nuclear Society...
《中華核醫學與分子影像雜誌》(Chinese Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging)是由中國科學技術協會主管,中華醫學會主辦的學術性期刊。《中華核醫學雜誌》創刊於1981年,2012年,更名為《中華核醫學與分子影像雜誌》。據2018年5月《中華核醫學與分子影像雜誌》官網顯示,《中華核醫學與分子影像雜誌》第...
其中,Nature Photonics是光電子學領域影響因子最高的期刊;Transaction on Nuclear Science為IEEE核與等離子分會會刊;Journal of Nuclear Medicine 是核醫學刊物中影響因子最高的刊物之一;獲獎記錄 已授權或者已公開的智慧財產權超過100項,其中國際專利3項,個人註冊軟體著作權6項,登記積體電路專有權1項。2018年研究...
主持江蘇省自然科學基金項目、江蘇省重點研發計畫項目、江蘇省博士後科研基金項目等,參與國家973計畫項目、國家自然科學基金項目。獲得軍隊醫療成果二等獎、江蘇省醫學新技術引進獎二等獎和南京市科學技術進步獎一等獎。以作者在Journal of Nuclear Medicine、Ctinical Nuclear Medicine、《...
(SUMHS). He isalso the Elected President of the Asia Oceania Federation ofNuclear Medicine and Biology; Dean of Asia School ofNuclear Medicine; Editor in Chief, Chinese Journal ofNuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging; and thePredecessor President of the Chinese Society of NuclearMedicine.
2. (with Wei Zheng, Jihan Zhang, Si Li, C. Ross Schmidtlein, David H. Ferglin, Yuesheng Xu, Andrzej Krol) New ECT reconstruction algorithm withL0 regularizer,Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 57(supplement 2) :1968, 2016.3. (with Zhifeng Wu, Si Li, Yuesheng Xu, Andrzej Krol) Reducing ...
[8]Y. Yin, H. Wu, S. Komarov, A. Garson III, Q. Guo, H. Krawczynski, L. -J. Meng, Y. –C. Tai, “Investigation of Sub-500?m PET imaging based on 350?m pitch pixelated CdZnTe detectors,' Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 52 Suppl 1:1956, 2011.[9]Y. Yin, X. Chen, H. Wu...
10. Y. Fan, H. Lu, C. Hao, and Z. Liang (2006), “Fast Analytical Reconstruction with Non-Uniform Attenuation Compensation for Dynamic Cardiac SPECT Imaging” (abstract), Journal of Nuclear Medicine, vol.47, no.5, Supplement 1, pp.122.11. 范毅,盧虹冰,郝重陽,劉謹. SPECT解析重建算法...
3.Nuclear Medicine Communications(《英國核醫學會雜誌》)編委 4.Annuals of Nuclear Medicine(《日本核醫學會英文雜誌》)編委 5.European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging(《歐洲核醫學與分子影像雜誌》)編委 6.Nuclear Medicine & Molecular Imaging(韓國核醫學與分子影像雜誌)編委 7.Evidence-...
他已在美國Circulation、Journal of Nuclear Medicine、European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging、Journal of Nuclear Cardiology、《中華心血管病雜誌》等國內外學術刊物上發表學術論文200餘篇,其中,被SCI收錄100多篇,被SCI引用2600多次,論文被國際權威性心臟病學教科書、美國心臟病學會/美國心臟協會...
新型電子元器件基礎材料及精細工藝國家重點實驗室學委會委員、中國材料學會特種陶瓷分會理事、中國矽酸鹽學會薄膜與塗層分會理事、中國研究型醫院學會消化內鏡分子影像學專業委員會常務委員;國際學術期刊“Bioconjugate Chemistry”、“Recent Patents on Materials Science”、“American Journal of Nuclear Medicine and ...
5. 2010-2012 American Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging編委 6. 2912-2014 中國組織工程研究雜誌執行編委 7. 2012- 高等學校博士學科點專項科研基金網路評審專家 8. 2012- 教育部學位中心“省市優秀碩士學位論文評選”通訊評議評審專家 研究方向 主要從事幹細胞治療,人胚胎幹細胞的分化,組織工程,...
吳階平醫學基金會核醫學專家委員會副主任委員等,擔任《中華核醫學與分子影像雜誌》副總編,《中國臨床醫學影像雜誌》、《影像診斷與介入治療》、《華中科技大學學報》(醫學版)、American Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging(USA)、International Journal of Nuclear Medicine Research(USA)等雜誌的編委...
Dispersion of the neutron emission in U-235 fission[J]. Journal of Nuclear Energy (1954), 1956, 3(1-2): 64-IN10. Cohen M, Feynman R P. Theory of inelastic scattering of cold neutrons from liquid helium[J]. Physical Review, 1957, 107(1): 13-24. Feynman R P. There’s plenty ...
王凡,女,博士,北京大學醫學部生物物理學系教授。現任中國生物物理學會分子影像學分會主任委員;國際放射性藥物科學學會理事;Bioconjugate Chemistry、Molecular Pharmaceutics、European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging、Nuclear Science and Techniques編委,Biophysics Reports副主編。基本簡介 1997年在中國...
Zhenxing Huang, Yaping Wu, Fangfang Fu, Nan Meng, FengyunGu, Qi Wu, Yun Zhou, Yongfeng Yang, Xin Liu, Hairong Zheng, Dong Liang, MeiyunWang*, Zhanli Hu*, “Parametricimage generation with the uEXPLORER total-body PET/CT system through deep learning”,European Journal of Nuclear Medicineand...
Changyin Wang*;Yanfen Zhao; Ying Shen. Inaccuracy of thyroid to background uptake ratio in evaluating technetium-99m-pertechnetate thyroid uptake and establishing an improved algorithm [J].Asia Oceania Journal of Nuclear Medicine & Biology, 2019, 7(2): 160-171.Qisheng Yang; Changyin Wang*; ...
兼任《Inorganic Chemistry》編委成員(Editorial Advisory Board,2011-2013)、《American Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging》(ISSN: 2160-8407)的Senior Editorial Board(2011-2015)和《化學學報》編委(2012-2015)、《上海醫學影像》雜誌第三屆常委編委(2011-2015);還兼任中國稀土學會發光專業...
7. Liu YJ,Yu HJ,Zhao, LZ, Zhang HB*, Design and synthesis of new agents for neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChRs) imaging,NUCLEAR MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY,2013,40(1): 126-134 8. Liu YJ, Yu HJ, Zhao, LZ, Zhang HB*,Design and synthesis of new agents for neuronal nicotinic ...
Zhou JY*, Shang SB, Gong H, Chen QX, Wu JX, Shen HG, Chen TF, Guo JQ. 2005. In vitro expression, Monoclonal Antibody and Bioactivity for Capsid Protein of Porcine Circovirus Type II without Nuclear Localization Signal. Journal of Biotechnology. 118(2):201-211 Zhou JY*, Ye JX, Zheng ...
of the dorsal medial prefrontal cortex predict individual differences in decision impulsivity. NeuroImage, 200, 556-561. (SCI, 2018 IF = 812; ranked #1 out of 14 in Neuroimaging in SSCI; ranked #11 out of 129 in Radiology, Nuclear Medicine & Medical Imaging in SCI; ranked #36 out of ...
“彼得·拉特克利夫在全球範圍內享有盛譽,他為理解分子對氧氣消耗的反應做出了里程碑式貢獻(Globally celebrated, Dr. Ratcliffe has made landmark contributions to our understanding of molecular responses to oxygen depletion)。”(美國癌症研究協會評)“在為醫學前沿研究做出巨大貢獻的同時,彼得·拉特克利夫還為...
23. Yang ZZ, Fang WH, Habib M. First Results of Detection of PRRSV and CSFV RNA by SYBR Green I-based Quantitative PCR. Journal of Veterinary Medicine B, 2006;53(10):461-467.24. Li L, Fang WH, Li JR, Huang YW, Yu L. Oral DNA vaccination with the polyprotein gene of infectious...
+ Applications [9] Low-dose CT restoration with deep convolutional neural network, 2017 International Conference on Fully Three-Dimensional Image Reconstruction in Radiology and Nuclear Medicine [10] Denoising with convolutional neural network, 2017 IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging ...
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