The Journal of Accounting Research publishes original research using analytical, empirical, experimental, and field study methods in accounting research. The journal had been published since 1963 by the Accounting Research Center (ARC) at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business. Beginning in 2001, the Journal of Accounting Research has been published by the ARC in partnership with Blackwell Publishing.


  • 中文名稱:會計研究雜誌
  • 外文名稱:Journal of Accounting Research
  • 語言:英文
  • 類別:會計學
  • 主辦單位:Accounting Research Center at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business
  • 出版周期:季刊
  • 國際刊號:00218456
  • 審稿周期:不定
  • 審稿制度:匿名
  • 版面費:無,但需要400美元投稿費。
  • 是否核心期刊:SSCI
  • 投稿方式:通過網站註冊投稿
英文簡介,審稿周期,評論,Editorial Information,


The Journal of Accounting Research publishes original research using analytical, empirical, experimental,and field study methods in all areas of accounting research. The Journal publishes four regular issues and one conference issue, which contains papers and discussions from the annual accounting research conference held at the University of Chicago. The Journal of Accounting Research has been published since 1963 by the Accounting Research Center (formerly the Institute of Professional Accounting) at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business.





Editorial Information

Philip G. Berger, University of Chicago
Christian Leuz, University of Chicago
Douglas J. Skinner, University of Chicago
Advisory Editor
Haresh Sapra, University of Chicago
Coordinating Editor
Ray Ball, University of Chicago
Editorial Manager
Lisa M. Johnson, University of Chicago
Editorial Board
Anne Beatty, Ohio State University
Robert Bloomfield, Cornell University
Brian J. Bushee, University of Pennsylvania
Robert M. Bushman, University of North Carolina
Hans Christensen, University of Chicago
Ronald A. Dye, Northwestern University
Peter D. Easton, University of Notre Dame
Merle Erickson, University of Chicago
Richard Frankel, Washington University, St. Louis
Pingyang Gao, University of Chicago
Joseph Gerakos, University of Chicago
Frank B. Gigler, University of Minnesota
Luzi Hail, University of Pennsylvania
Rachel M. Hayes, University of Utah
Thomas Hemmer, Rice University
Raffi J. Indjejikian, University of Michigan
Chandra Kanodia, University of Minnesota
Lisa Koonce, University of Texas, Austin
Mark H. Lang, University of North Carolina
David F. Larcker, Stanford University
Clive Lennox, Nanyang Technological University
Gregory S. Miller, University of Michigan
Steven Monahan, INSEAD
Valeri Nikolaev, University of Chicago
Joseph D. Piotroski, Stanford University
Jonathan L. Rogers, University of Colorado
Darren Roulstone, Ohio State University
Stephen Ryan, New York University
Catherine M. Schrand, University of Pennsylvania
Lakshmanan Shivakumar, London Business School
Abbie Smith, University of Chicago
Mark T. Soliman, University of Southern California
Suraj Srinivasan, Harvard University
Rodrigo Verdi, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Robert E. Verrecchia, University of Pennsylvania
Joseph Weber, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Michael Willenborg, University of Connecticut
Regina Wittenberg Moerman, University of Chicago
Peter D. Wysocki, University of Miami
Sarah Zechman, University of Chicago
Frank Zhang, Yale University


