《International Migration》是OUP Oxford出版的圖書,作者是Khalid Koser
- ISBN:9780199298013
- 作者:Khalid Koser
- 出版社:OUP Oxford
- 出版時間:2007年2月22日
- 頁數:152
- 定價:GBP 7.99
- 裝幀:Paperback
- 叢書:Very Short Introductions
《International Migration》是OUP Oxford出版的圖書,作者是Khalid Koser
《Trends in International Migration,Annual Report》是2004年2月Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)出版的圖書,作者是OECD Publishing、Oecd Publishing, Publishing。內容簡介 This report analyses recent trends ...
《Migration, Globalisation and Human Security》是2000年出版的圖書,作者是Graham, David T.; Poku, Nana K.。內容簡介 In recent years international migration has become a growing political issue in many countries, and a ...
This book critically evaluates the transnational communities approach to contemporary international migration. It does so through a specific focus on the relationship between 'transnational communities' and 'home'. The meaning of ...
國際移民組織(International Organization for Migration, IOM)是聯合國聯繫組織。截至2023年4月,有175個成員,8個觀察員國。1951年12月5日,在比利時和美國的倡議下,於布魯塞爾召開的“國際移民會議”決定成立歐洲移民問題政府間委員會...
《國際移民》是2009年11月鳳凰出版傳媒集團出版的圖書,作者是斯坦尼西奇。內容簡介 國際移民組織(International Organization for Migration)對“國際移民”的定義為:一般來講,國際移民是指為了在其他國家定居的目的而跨越國境流動的人群,...
他為國際勞工組織(ILO)撰有The Work of Strangers: A Survey of International Labour Migration以及Workers Without Frontiers: The Impact of Globalization on International Migration。他的網站:www.pstalker.com◆蔡繼光 報社資深編譯...
W.M.斯佩爾曼是位於阿什維爾的北卡羅來納州州立大學歷史學教授。他的著作有《不確定的身份:自1945年以來的國際移民狀況》(Uncertain Identity:International Migration since 1945)和《君主》(Monarchies)等。目錄 目錄 第 1 章 | ...
1 History of Migration and Migration Law 2 Theoretic System of International Migration Law 3 The Purpose and Principles of International Migration Law Chapter 2 Legal System of Passport 1 Ftmctions of Passport 2 Types of ...
曾在Demography,Chinese Sociological Review,International Migration和《青年研究》等具有影響力的中英文期刊上發表論文數篇。獲得日本文部省學術振興會.高榮譽博士獎“日本學術振興會博士特別研究員”(2016-2019年),目前主持國家社科基金...
英國勞特里奇出版社於2017年3月出版聯合國大學全球化研究所研究員瓦萊里婭·貝羅(Valeria Bello)的新書《國際遷移與國際安全:為什麼偏見成為全球安全的威脅》(International Migration and International Security: Why Prejudice is a Global ...
跨領域的建構、排除、與承諾》(International Migration Research: Constructions,Omissions,and Promises of Interdisciplinarity);《社會學與(移民)遷徙的歷史:一位實務工作者的反思》(Sociology and History of(Im)Migration: ...
Wang Huiyao, Miao Lu: China’s Domestic and International Migration Development, 2019, Springer Group Wang Huiyao, Miao Lu: International Migration of China: Status, Policy and Social Responses to the Globalization of ...
《中國國際移民報告》《中國企業國際化報告》《大國智庫》《全球智庫》《全球化VS逆全球化》《大轉向:誰將推動新一波全球化》《International Migration of China: Status, Policy and Social Responses to the Globalization of Migration...
現任南京師範大學中北學院信息科學系教學主任、教授,兼任《International Migration Review》雜誌評論員、《Migration Letter》雜誌編委、國際人口研究聯盟(IUSSP)會員、江蘇省老年學會理事等。長期從事人口統計學、人口分析技術、社會統計軟體、...
Tu, M. and Nehring, D., (2019) ‘Remain, return, or re-migration? The (im)mobility trajectory of mainland Chinese students after completing their education in the UK’, International Migration Nehring, D. and Kerrigan...
all developed nations have become countries of immigration, absorbing growing numbers of immigrants not only from developed regions, byt increasingly from developing nations of the Third World. Although international migration has...
--- 「Governing Migrant Workers at a Distance: Managing the Temporary Status of Guestworkers in Taiwan」,International Migration,SSCI期刊, (forthcoming) (co-authored with Yen-fen Tseng)2010 Ethnic Diversity and Statistics ...