DANIEL NEHRING,男,博士,華東理工社會公共管理學院副教授。


  • 畢業院校埃塞克斯大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:Global therapeutic cultures、Transnational family migration
  • 任職院校:華東理工社會公共管理學院


2008PhD in Sociology, University of Essex, United Kingdom
2003MA in Sociological Research, University of Essex
2002BA in Sociology, University of Essex


1.Global therapeutic cultures
2.Transnational family migration


Series Editorships
‘Global therapeutic cultures’, monograph series published by Routledge since September 2017.
Nehring, D., López, M. and Gómez, G. (eds.) (2019), Neoliberalism and Post-neoliberalism in Latin America. Bristol: Bristol University Press.
Nehring, D. and Kerrigan, D. (2019), Therapeutic Worlds: Popular Psychology and the Social Organisation of Intimate Life, Abingdon: Routledge.
Nehring, D., Alvarado, E., Hendriks, E. and Kerrigan, D. (2016), Transnational Popular Psychology and the Global Self-Help Industry: The Politics of Contemporary Social Change, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Nehring, D., Esteinou R. and Alvarado E. (eds.) (2014), Intimacies and Cultural Change: Perspectives on Contemporary Mexico, Farnham: Ashgate.
Nehring, D. (2013), Sociology: An Introductory Textbook and Reader, London: Pearson and Routledge.
Research Reports
Nehring, D. and Wang, X. (2019) ‘Gender and Family Migration in East Asia’, in Progress of the World’s Women 2019-2020: Families in a Changing World. New York: UN Women
Nehring, D., with Wang, X., Yang, L. and Qiao, D. (2013) Hard Struggles in Times of Change: A Qualitative Study on Masculinities and Gender-Based Violence in Contemporary China. Beijing: United Nations Population Fund.
Special issues and articles in peer-reviewed journals
Tu, M. and Nehring, D., (2019) ‘Remain, return, or re-migration? The (im)mobility trajectory of mainland Chinese students after completing their education in the UK’, International Migration
Nehring, D. and Kerrigan, D. (2018) ‘Thin selves: Popular psychology and the transnational moral grammar of self-identity in Trinidad‘, Consumption Markets & Culture
Nehring, D. and Wang, X. (2016) ‘Making transnational intimacies: Intergenerational relationships in Chinese-Western transnational families in Beijing’, in The Journal of Chinese Sociology, special issue ‘Aging, Family and Intimacy in Contemporary Chinese Societies’, ed. Stevi Jackson.
Wang, X. and Nehring, D. (2013), ‘Individualization as an Ambition: Mapping the Dating Landscape in Beijing’, in Modern China
Nehring, D. (2012), ‘Soft familism: Intimate citizenship, personal autonomy and intimate attachment among young Mexican middle-class women’, in the Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies
Alvarado, E. and Nehring, D. (2012), ‘Assimilation, Divergence and Hybridity: The Fertility of College-Educated Mexican American Women’, in Aztlan
Nehring, D. (2012), ‘Love in Changing Times: Experiences of intimate relationships among young female professionals from Mexico City’, in the Asian Journal of Latin American Studies
Martellozzo, E., Nehring, D. and Taylor, H. (2011), ‘Online child sexual abuse: Perspectives on female offenders’, in the International Journal of Cyber Criminology
Nehring, D. (2011), ‘Intimate Citizenship, Cultural Change, and Conservative Self-Help Texts in Contemporary Mexico’, in ContemporaryJournal of Anthropology and Sociology
Alvarado, E. and Nehring, D. (2010), ‘Experiences of immigration and sexuality among Latin American migrants in the USA’, in Estudios Sociales
Nehring, D. (2009), ‘Cultural models of intimate life in contemporary urban Mexico: a review of self-help texts’, in Delaware Review of Latin American Studies
Nehring, D. and Alvarado, E. (2009), ‘Intimacy and reproduction: The Role of Hispanic groups in American fertility patterns’, in Florida Atlantic Comparative Studies Journal
Nehring, D. (2009). ‘Modernity with limits: The narrative construction of intimacies, sex and social change in Carlos Cuauhtémoc Sánchez’s Juventud en Éxtasis’, in Sexualities
Nehring, D., (2005). ‘Lo mismo, pero diferente: Reflexiones sobre el estudio del aspecto cultural de las relaciones de género’, in Papeles de Población
Book chapters
Nehring, D. and Frawley, A., ‘Mindfulness and the psychological imagination’, in Nehring, D., Cabanas, E., Kerrigan, D., Madsen, O. J. and Mills, C. (eds.) Handbook of Global Therapeutic Cultures, Routledge
Tu, M. and Nehring, D. (2019), ‘The moral grammar of Chinese transnational one-child families: Filial piety and middle-class migration between China and the United Kingdom’, in Liu, Y. and Wang, S. (eds.) New Chinese Immigrants in Europe: Image, Identity and Social Participation, Berlin: De Gruyter
Nehring, D. (2018), ‘Reconstructing body and mind: Narratives of health and wellbeing in self-help books from global East Asia’, in Molnar, G., Kanemasu, Y. and Amin, S. (eds.) Women, Sport and Exercise in East Asia, Abingdon: Routledge
Nehring, D. (2014), ‘Love Matters: Couple Relationships among Young Female Professionals from Mexico City’, in Nehring, D., Esteinou, R. and Alvarado, E. (eds.) Intimacies and Cultural Change: Perspectives on Contemporary Mexico, Farnham: Ashgate
Nehring, D., (2012), ‘Representaciones de sexualidad y cambio cultural en la novela de autoayuda Juventud en Éxtasis de Carlos Cuauhtémoc Sánchez’, in Esteinou Rosario (ed.) La nueva generación social de familias: Tecnologías de reproducción asistida y temas contemporáneos, CIESAS/Miguel Angel Porrúa: México D.F.
Esteinou, R. and Nehring, D. (2009), ‘Educación familiar y estilos parentales en México: una exploración de la Encuesta Nacional de la Dinámica Familiar’, in Esteinou R. (ed), Construyendo relaciones y fortalezas familiares: un panorama internacional, Mexico City: CIESAS/Miguel Angel Porrúa
Other publications
Book review on: Illouz, E. (2012) Why Love Hurts: A Sociological Explanation. Cambridge: Polity Press, in Sociology
Nehring, D. (2008). ‘The globalisation and glocalisation of Mexican families’, in Macionis, J. and Plummer, K., Sociology: A Global Introduction (4th ed.), Harlow: Pearson Education
Book review on: González López, G. (2005). Erotic Journeys: Mexican Immigrants and their Sex Lives, Berkeley, University of California Press, in Sexualities
Book review on: Hirsch, J. (2003). A Courtship After Marriage: Sexuality and Love in Mexican Transnational Families, Berkeley, University of California Press, in Sexualities
Book review on: Merrell, F. (2003). ‘The Mexicans: A Sense of Culture’, Boulder, Westview Press, in Bulletin of Latin American Research
2019Ministry of Education, People’s Republic of China, Grant programme The Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities,‘A Qualitative Study of Shanghai's Transnational Marriage from the Perspective of Intimate Citizenship’
2017The Sociological Review Foundation, ‘Transnational Family Justice in Migration Crises’, for a workshop co-organised with Dr. Yang Hu (University of Lancaster)
2016British Academy, ‘Transnational Chinese-Western couple relationships in Beijing and London’, with Dr. Wang Xiying (Beijing Normal University)
2015National Endowment for the Humanities, ‘Latino Americans: 500 years of history’, with Dr. Emmanuel Alvarado (Palm Beach State College)
2012/2013United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), ‘Masculinities, gender equality, and gender-based violence in China’, with Dr. Wang Xiying, Dr. Qiao Dongping, and Dr. Yang Lichao (Beijing Normal University)
2010/2011Research Grant, Universities’ China Committee in London, ‘Transnational dating and marriage among young Chinese professionals’


