葡文名為ISCTE-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa,英文名為 ISCTE-University Institute of Lisbon,簡稱 ISCTE-IUL,獲得中國國家教育部官方認證。ISCTE 始建於1972年,原名Instituto Superior de Ciências do Trabalho e da Empresa,是ISCTE簡稱的由來。
1997年加入高校基金會,2005年加入高校校長聯盟,已獲:AACSB認證、EUA歐洲大學協會認證、AMBA協會認證。2009年改名,成為了現在的ISCTE-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa。
ISCTE-IUL葡語名 ISCTE-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa,英文名 ISCTE– University Institute of Lisbon,又被中國國家教育部譯成 里斯本大學學院。根據中華人民共和國教育部教育涉外監管信息網發布的訊息,ISCTE - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa為葡萄牙公立大學。中國教育部-學位認證
ISCTE是代表學校初建時的歷史名稱縮寫:高級工商科學研究院 Instituto Superior de Ciênciasdo Trabalho e da Empresa,學校歷經發展現成為一所公立“綜合類大學”,位於葡萄牙首都里斯本大學城內。ISCTE 始建於1972年,原名Instituto Superior de Ciências do Trabalho e da Empresa,是ISCTE簡稱的由來,1997年加入葡萄牙高校基金會,2005年加入葡萄牙高校校長聯盟,2009年改名,成為了現在的ISCTE-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa。ISCTE-IUL以商科最為有名,是一所國際化的高校,重視科研和學術交流,教學語言一般為葡萄牙語及英語。
LABS | Lisbon, an ecosystem of collaborative and innovative managed by AUDAX-IUL, is the result of a partnership between the City of Lisbon, ISCTE-IUL, and the EPUL Calouste Gulbenkian.
With an area capable of about 300 jobs, the LABS Lisbon was designed for creating and growing businesses, providing integrated services and flexible as the assignment of spaces and shared services, training and mentoring, expert advice and a program of events regular support entrepreneurship.
The opening ceremony will be attended by the Mayor of Lisbon, Dr António Costa, Rector of ISCTE-IUL Professor Luis Reto and Director General of AUDAX-IUL, Luis Matos Martins. The Labs | Lisbon innovates by creating conditions for the development of R & D projects that can meet the demands of companies that coexist in this space, as well as the needs of industry. The creation of LABS Lisbon reinforces the position of ISCTE-IUL as the epicenter of the creation of the largest business city campus, enhancing also the success of the projects created in academia, and putting themselves on the map of European innovation and entrepreneurship .
Cais do Sodré:交通樞紐,捷運上蓋有火車可以到很多旅遊景點,包括歐洲大陸的最西端——天涯海角(Cabo Da Roca,下火車後還需轉乘公車才能到達)。在火車站外可以乘坐公共汽車到Belém。到了Belém,就可以吃到親愛的葡撻,品嘗美味後還可以參觀附近的修道院、航海博物館、美術館、航海紀念碑,還有最著名的世界遺產——Belém塔。