《I will be with you(where the lost ones go)》跨界女高音莎拉·布萊曼(Sarah Brightman)所演唱的一首歌曲,該歌曲為口袋妖怪系列動畫十周年劇場版電影《決戰時空之塔 帝牙盧卡VS帕路奇犽VS達克萊伊》的主題曲,該曲曾多次與不同男歌手演唱。2007年7月中旬發行單曲版本。後被收錄於其個人錄音室專輯《交響曲》。
《 I Will Be With You》是莎拉·布萊曼的翻唱版本,莎拉·布萊曼在翻唱時對曲調做了些許修改,並將題目改為I Will Be With You。原來這首歌曲的名字是Where The Lost Ones Go,原唱者為Sissel Kyrkjebo。所以在這首歌出現的時候一般都會在歌名後用括弧註明(Where The Lost Ones Go),意在表明此歌其實就是Where The Lost Ones Go。
[00:00.00]I Will Be With You - Sarah Brightman(feat.Chris Thompson)
[00:07.09]Leave and let me go│請讓我離開
[00:12.52]You're not meant for me, I know│我知道你不是為我而存在
[00:18.59]Carry on, carry on│一直走,一直走
[00:24.77]And I'll stay strong│我會始終堅強
[00:31.94]Leave and let me go│請讓我離開
[00:37.68]I will think of you, I know│我知道我會想著你
[00:44.04]But carry on, carry on│但是一直走,一直走
[00:50.05]And I'll stay strong│我會始終堅強
[00:56.53]Someone else will keep you warm from now on│從現在起,會有別人給你溫暖和熙
[01:02.59]Someone else will keep you safe from the storm│會有別人為你遮風避雨
[01:09.09]But I'll be with you wherever you go│然而無論你去哪裡我都會和你一起
[01:14.02]So you will never be alone│讓你永不孤寂
[01:19.07]I'm going where the wind blows│我會去那風吹起的世界
[01:22.74]Going where the lost ones go│追隨那些逝者的腳步
[01:26.04]I will be with you│我會和你一起
[01:30.44]I'm losing the love I found│我的愛就這樣得而復失
[01:33.62]Crying without a sound│默默地呼喚
[01:36.90]Where have you gone?│你究竟去了哪裡?
[01:38.62]I will be with you│我會和你一起
[01:43.34]You were my fool for love│因為你是我所愛的傻瓜
[01:46.44]Sent me from high above│上天給我的恩賜
[01:49.52]You were the one│那就是你
[01:51.39]I will be with you│我會和你一起
[01:56.98]I'm going where the wind blows│我會去那風吹起的世界
[02:00.48]Going where the lost ones go│追隨那些逝者的腳步
[02:09.79]Leave and let me go│請讓我離開
[02:15.42]Don't look back, just let me know│不要讓我知道你在回首
[02:21.63]Carry on, carry on│你要一直走,一直走
[02:27.77]You must stay strong│你一定要保持堅強
[02:34.54]Nothing ever looks the same in the light│在那光輝里一切都顯得不一樣
[02:40.52]Nothing ever seems to quite turn out right│一切似乎都沒走上正確的方向
[02:46.84]When you realize that you have been loved│一旦了解你曾擁有的愛
[02:52.29]Than you will never be alone│便永不再孤單
[02:56.74]I'm going where the wind blows│我會去那風吹起的世界
[03:00.44]Going where the lost ones go│追隨那些逝者的腳步
[03:03.81]I will be with you│我會和你一起
[03:08.44]I'm losing the love I found│我的愛就這樣得而復失
[03:11.58]Crying without a sound│默默地呼喚
[03:14.86]Where have you gone?│你究竟去了哪裡
[03:16.53]I will be with you│我會和你一起
[03:21.09]You were my fool for love│因為你是我所愛的傻瓜
[03:24.13]Sent me from high above│上天給我的恩賜
[03:27.29]You were the one│那就是你
[03:29.00]I will be with you│我會和你一起
[03:35.13]I'm going where the wind blows│我會去那風吹起的世界
[03:38.40]Going where the lost ones go│追隨那些逝者的腳步
[03:47.45]Leave and let me go│請讓我離開
[03:53.44]Baby I can't come along│親愛的,我無法一起來
[03:59.71]Carry on, carry on│一直走,一直走下去
[04:05.74]You must stay strong│你一定要保持堅強
歌曲在Sarah輕柔清澈似泉水叮咚般的聲音展開(說實話,很喜歡這種清澈的聲音。),第一段歌詞,Sarah和Chris各演唱一遍,輕巧的飄逸感和厚重的質感形成了強烈對比,在第二段的和聲中這種感覺給人非常深刻的印象。接著就是那句在Trailer中我們聽到無數次的,魂牽夢繞的“I will be with you~~”。Sarah的聲音一下變的高亢有力(不要誤會,仍是流行唱腔,和前面的曲風保持了一致性。)穿透力極強,說“直入雲霄”一點也不過分。仿佛前面積蓄的情感在這一刻得以釋放。這種酣暢淋漓的感覺讓我想到了《A Question of Honour(Pech remix)》這首混音,當然後者的感覺更強烈些。我想這也是為什麼在和聲中Sarah的聲音稍稍弱了點的原因了——為這裡情感的釋放打下了鋪墊。副歌部分一連三次的“I will be with you”將感情推向了極致,使聽者無不動容。(其實我在那第一句的“I will be with you”剛開口就激動的差點落淚了。)