《I Am Walking, Walking》是Russian Druzhina Ensemble演唱的歌曲。
- 外文名:I Am Walking, Walking
- 所屬專輯:Russian Folk Songs
- 歌曲原唱:Russian Druzhina Ensemble
- 發行日期:2006年11月14日
- 歌曲語言:俄語
《I Am Walking, Walking》是Russian Druzhina Ensemble演唱的歌曲。
Yeah I got a first class ticket 對,我是坐頭等艙來的 But I'm as blue as a boy can be 但是我卻像一個迷惘的孩子一樣憂傷 副歌:Then I'm walking in Memphis 我漫步在孟菲斯 Walking with my feet ten feet off of...
I am walking on When you leave your home 我正在步步行走,當你離開家的時候 Where did it begin? And you're far away 它的起點應在哪裡你漸行漸遠 Where will it end? On a dusty way 它會在哪裡結束,在坎坷的路上 A...
'Cause I am walking a tightrope Into the moon I don't want to feel so different But I don't want to be insignificant' and I Don't know how to see the same things different Now Oh can you see me I am one...
Am I strong enough to walk on water Smart enough to come in out of the rain Or am I a fool going where the wind blows Where the wind blows Here I am walking naked through the world Taking up space, society's...
I am walking in the shoes you made for me, on the desert road I am wearing clothes sewed together by you, to fend off wind, rain, and sun I will pass every city and village that you know so well I am ...
I’m so much more than before I have changed,you can’t ignore mission:縈繞在腦海你的話 心裏面只有你一個 握緊你的手我對你說 不再錯過你的任何一刻 mi2:I feel like I’m walking on the cloud I’m smiling so ...
I'm walking here! I'm walking here! “我正在這走呢,我正在這走呢!”—— 午夜牛郎(Midnight Cowboy, 1969)演員:達斯丁.霍夫曼(飾"Ratso" Rizzo)Ratso是個街頭騙子,影片中有個鏡頭是他和另一位男主角喬一起過馬路,...
I am so super pupper drupper 我是一個超級美女 I’m the front girl in round 我是個潮流女孩 I am so cool with my sexy bad hips 我性感的電臀電力十足 When I am walking down…當我走來 All the boys say: “Wow ...
I'm almost desperate 我就要崩潰 This close to desperate 瀕臨崩潰 But I am too proud to say it 而我卻無從訴說 VERSE Get up from my feet I'm walking and walking 掙紮起身 我倔強地不斷前行 I'm a warrior for your...