adj. 像人的
n. 類人動物
humanoid robot n. 人形機器人
Made by Toyota, Partner Robot is humanoid. 機器人助手更有人類的特點,是由豐田公司製造的。
Shoot the red ball with a humanoid cannonball. 用類似人形的炮彈射擊紅色的球。
HRP-4C is among the most advanced humanoid robots out there. HRP - 4c是最先進的人形機器人之一。
Eventually, advanced humanoid robots will escape from the laboratory. 最終,先進的人形機器人將走出實驗室。
It will open the way for the commercial use of humanoid robots doing housework. 它的問世將為人型家務機器人的商業套用開闢道路。
A humanoid robot head that can learn facial gestures and look at things it finds interesting. 一個仿人機器人,可以學習面部表情動作,如果看到有趣的東西它還會一直盯著看。
Japan has presented a humanoid robot, a cleaning robot and a porter robot in the Shanghai Expo. 在上海世博會,日本推出了仿人機器人、清潔機器人和機器人搬運工。
Robot See, Robot Do : Mataric plays a mirroring game with humanoid Bandit. John B. Carnett 機器人所看,機器人所做:馬塔里奇與機器人班迪特玩鏡像遊戲。
Kahn had children and adolescents play guessing games with a cute little humanoid named Robovie. Kahn組織了一些兒童和青少年,讓他們與一個可愛的類人小機器人robovie一起玩猜謎遊戲。
These service robots may be humanoid-after all, they will be working in an environment designed for humans. 這些服務機器人應該是人形的,畢竟它們將要在為人而設計的環境裡工作。
In fact, he sees a similar overall timeframe between autonomous driving and autonomous humanoid workers. 事實上,他看到了在自動駕駛與自動化人形機器人間有一個類似的整體時間表。
The expert panel initially considered sending a two-legged humanoid but judged a "rover-type" robot more practical. 專家小組最初考慮派遣一個人形兩足機器人,不過最終還是決定採用“漫遊者”類型的機器人更加實用。
They may have pizza-size eyes or roachlike antennae, but their oddities are draped on a familiar humanoid frame. 他們或許長著比薩餅般的大眼睛,或許生有蟑螂一樣的觸角,可是種種稀奇古怪卻都附著在我們熟悉的人的軀殼上。
The Emotional Humanoid Robot can express seven different feelings, including delight, surprise, sadness and dislike. 這台“人類情感機器人”可以表達七種不同的感情,包括喜悅、驚訝、悲傷和厭惡。
His lab’s latest effort is a humanoid called CHARLI, for Cognitive Humanoid Autonomous Robot with Learning Intelligence. 最近,他的實驗室發明了一種在信息掌握和理解方面具有人性化特徵的機器人,叫作“CHARLI”,是根據 “CognitiveHumanoidAutonomous Robot”(即仿照人類自主認知功能的機器人)的縮寫命名的。
When the human Zoe dies, her digital brain is implanted into a humanoid robot, effectively bringing her back from the grave. 當祖的身體死去時,她的數字大腦將會被植入一個人形機器人,實際上等於將她從墳墓中復活。
They rode to work on their Honda motorcycles and got to explore speculative projects like jet airplanes and humanoid robots. 這些工程師們騎著本田摩托去上班,開發的是像噴氣式飛機和人形機器人這種令人嘆為觀止的項目。
A humanoid robot will visit space for the first time in September aboard the space Shuttle Discovery, NASA announced Wednesday. NASA在本周三宣布,第一台人形機器人將於今年九月搭乘發現號太空梭首次踏入太空。
That will be the first humanoid robot in space and will deal with the housekeeping chores so the astronauts can focus on their work. 屆時,它將成為第一個進入太空的人形機器人,負責處理‘家庭’雜務,以便讓太空人專注於自己的專業工作。
Now, the arrival of increasingly humanoid automatons in workplaces, in an era of high unemployment, is bound to provoke a reaction. 現在,在工作場所越來越多的人類機器人的到來,對於一個高失業率的時代,必然要激起一點反應。
Kobian, a "humanoid" robot, which can express seven human emotions, has been unveiled by researchers at Waseda University in Japan. 日本早稻田大學的研究人員日前研製出一款“人性”機器人,可以表達七種人類情感。
The 'creature' is two feet long, has an enormous head, large bulbous eyes and an appearance somewhere between a fish and a humanoid. “外星人”長約2英尺,頭部巨大,長著大大的球狀雙眼,外貌看起來介於魚類和人類之間。
Both have been developed for the day when DLR researchers expect humanoid robots to be in many homes to carry out a variety of tasks. DLR的研究人員開發他們是希望有一天人性化的機器人能在許多家裡乾各種各樣的家務。
Wilson argued that space was a uniquely good environment to showcase both the versatility of people and a general-purpose humanoid robot. Wilson堅持認為,太空是一個特別優越的環境,它不僅可以展示人類太空人的能力,而且可以令多用途的類人機器人表現出良好的適應能力。
Softbank mobile Corp. 's new mobile line looks like a small humanoid with attachable arms and legs, with the screen showing various faces. 軟銀移動公司推出的這款新型手機外形像個小機器人,有胳膊有腿,螢幕上還能顯示各種不同的面部表情。