《Human Virology》是Oxford Univ Pr出版的圖書,作者是Collier, L. H., Oxford, J. S., Pipkin, Jim (ILT)
- ISBN:9780198566601
- 作者:Collier, L. H.、 Oxford, J. S.、 Pipkin, Jim (ILT)
- 出版社:Oxford Univ Pr
- 出版時間:2006年6月
- 頁數:322
- 定價:$ 73.39
- 裝幀:Pap
《Human Virology》是Oxford Univ Pr出版的圖書,作者是Collier, L. H., Oxford, J. S., Pipkin, Jim (ILT)
《Virology I: HIV and Related Issues》是一本圖書。內容簡介 A virus is a small infectious agent that replicates within living cells of organisms.Viruses infect all types of organisms, from animals and plants to bacteria and archaea. Today,around 5,000 viruses have been reported in detail, ...
袁正宏,1966年1月17日出生於江蘇啟東,漢族,中共 黨員,醫學病毒學和肝炎肝病研究專家,美國微生物科學院 院 士、中國醫學科學院學部委員 ,現任復旦大學黨委副書記,復旦大學上海醫學院黨委書記,醫學分子病毒學教育部/衛健委重點實驗室主任、研究員,中國微生物學會病毒學專委會主席。袁正宏於1985年畢業於江蘇南通...
《Introduction to Modern Virology》是Wiley-Blackwell出版的圖書,作者是Nigel J. Dimmock,Andrew J. Easton,Keith N. Leppard 內容簡介 Introduction to Modern Virology has been an established student text for over 25 years. Providing an integrated account of the subject across different host systems, ...
《醫學分子病毒學綱要》是2005年復旦大學出版社出版的圖書,作者是聞玉梅。內容簡介 This book provides a key for students to open the door to medical molecular virology, and therefore it only introduces the important themes of medical molecular virology. Questions are included between sections in all ...
Simian Virology is the first text to comprehensively cover all currently known simian viruses. Chapters provide an overview of nonhuman primate models of medically important viral diseases as well as natural infections of nonhuman primates with human and animal viruses. The text covers a variety of ...
陳明周,男,1973年出生,博士,教授/博士生導師。先後於1996和2002年獲華中農業大學學士和博士學位。2002-2009年分別於法國里昂第一大學和美國克里夫蘭臨床醫院從事博士後研究。武漢大學生命科學學院教授博士生導師。現任武漢大學病毒學國家重點實驗室副主任,武漢大學生命科學學院病毒學系副主任。人物經歷 學習經歷 2009:...
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4. Qiwei Zhang*, Seto D, Zhao S, Zhu L, Zhao W, Wan C*. Genome Sequence of the First Human Adenovirus Type 14 Isolated in China. Journal of Virology, 2012, 86(12): 7019-7020(醫學二區,Top期刊,IF:4.663) 5. Qiwei Zhang*, Donald Seto, Bin Cao, Suhui Zhao, and Cheng...
*61. Hai, R., Chu, A., Li, H., Umamoto, S., Rider, P., Liu, F. (2006). Infection of human cytomegalovirus in cultured human gingival tissue. Virology J. 3:84.*62. Liu, F., and Zhou, Z. H. (2007). (Book chapter). Comparative virion structures of human herpesviruses. In...
3.人乳頭瘤病毒16型E7開放讀碼框編碼免疫反應表位的定位, 病毒學雜誌 1990年 第3期 p245 4. Evidence of prevalent genital-type human papillomavirus infections in adults and children ,The Journal of Infectious Disease 1990; 162 60 5.人乳頭瘤病毒18型L1開放讀碼框的克隆和表達,中華流行病學雜誌 1990...
樊武舫,男,河東人。美國耶魯大學蟲媒病毒學碩士,耶魯大學分子遺傳學博士,美國加州聖地亞哥柯爾曼大學分子生物學與生物信息學教授,哈佛大學博士後,現任河北大學生命科學學院教授。人物生平 樊武舫博士上世紀70年代參軍;1982年2月畢業於中國人民解放軍第三軍醫大學基礎醫學部並獲微生物學與免疫學碩士學位。留校後任微...
Liu, B-L., Clarke, I.N., and Lambden, P.R. Polyprotein processing in Southampton Virus: Identification of 3C protease cleavage sites by in vitro mutagenesis Journal of Virology. 70, 2605-2610 (1996). (SCI)Liu, B-L., Clarke, I.N., Caul, E.O. and Lambden, P.R. Human enteric ...