



  • 中文名:樊武舫
  • 外文名:Wufang Fan
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢族
  • 出生地:河東
  • 畢業院校:耶魯大學
  • 職稱:教授


樊武舫博士上世紀70年代參軍;1982年2月畢業於中國人民解放軍第三軍醫大學基礎醫學部並獲微生物學與免疫學碩士學位。留校後任微生物學講師, 後任教研室黨支部書記(正團職單位)。1985年被學員以最高票數評為全校模範教師,榮獲全軍優秀教師稱號,立軍隊三等功一次。同年考取世界衛生組織分子病毒學獎學金,於1986年12月份進入美國哈佛大學醫學院微生物學及分子遺傳學系,歷任該系訪問學者和講師;在諾貝爾獎得主John F. Enders(1954年諾貝爾獎得主,脊髓灰質炎疫苗的奠基人)病毒實驗室從事核糖核酸病毒及缺損病毒的研究,並從此開始在國際著名學術雜誌發表研究論文。1988年接受世界著名蟲媒病毒學家Robert Shope教授的邀請,就讀於《耶魯大學文理科學研究生院》,從事剛果出血熱病毒和乙腦病毒糖蛋白基因的研究,於1990年獲病毒學碩士學位。同年轉入耶魯大學遺傳系成為人類分子遺傳學博士研究生,師從於著名分子遺傳學家Sherman M. Weissman教授(美國科學院資深院士,美國國立衛生研究院NIH遴選的20位研究基金終身獲得者之一),同時受教於細胞生物學教授George E. Palade博士(1974年生理學和醫學諾貝爾獎獲得者)。1993年底完成博士研究論文,被授予PhD博士學位。博士論文題目為《在人類主要組織相容性抗原位點(MHC)第一區段發現,定位和鑑定39個非免疫相關的新基因》。樊武舫博士在MHC第一區段首次發現的嗅覺受體基因,FAT10基因(一種泛素蛋白修飾基因),和具有鋅帶蛋白質結構的轉錄因子NZRD1基因,在人類生殖行為,神經生物學,MHC功能學及腫瘤學研究方面,引起很大反響。世界多家著名實驗室對其所發現的新基因進行積極深入的研究。僅在國內,科學院上海某研究所和第三,第四軍醫大學已將上述後兩個基因列為腫瘤研究的重點課題。
樊武舫博士於1994年受聘於美國勞倫斯國家實驗室人類基因組國家研究中心,任資深研究員並參與指導加州大學學生(和諾貝爾獎化學獎得主Glenn T Seaborg共同指導在美國勞倫斯國家實驗室的實習生)。1997年受聘於美國Gene Logic公司任高級研究員及疾病基因研究部主任,取得一系列成果並開始在美國專利局申請腫瘤和疾病相關基因的技術專利。2001年受聘於美國OriGene公司任基因分析部主任。由於其在人類基因組研究方面的精湛造詣,他在一年多的時間裡就獲得二十多項基因專利。從2002年7月開始,受聘於加州Immusol藥物研發公司,出任生物信息學部主任,其研究成果亦獲得數個技術專利。從2006年下半年起,任聖地亞哥柯爾曼大學分子生物學及生物信息學教授。








1.Ning Ke,Wufang Fanet al (2007) Orphan G-protein coupled receptor GPR56 plays a role in cell transformation and tumorigenesis involving the cell adhesion pathway. Molecular Cancer Therapeutics.6(6):1840-50
2.Jiangping Yang,Wufang Fan, Cheryl Rogers, Jon E. Chatterton, Cui-Ying Wang, Joshua Bliesath, Guohong Liu, Ning Ke, Kristina Rhoades, Flossie Wong-Staal, Qi-Xiang Li(2006)A novel RNAi library based on partially randomized consensus sequences of nuclear receptors: Identifying the receptors involved in amyloid beta degradation. Genomics 88(3):282-92.
3. Dehua Yu; Wufang Fan; Guohong Liu; Vivian Nguy; Jon E Chatterton; Shilong Long; Ning Ke; Bernd Meyhack; Adrian Bruengger; Arndt Brachat; Flossie Wong-Staal. (2006). PHTS, a novel putative tumor suppressor gene, is involved in the transformation reversionOf HeLaHF cells independently of the p53 pathway. Experimental Cell Research. 312(6):865-76, 2006.
4.Ke, N; Claassen, G; Yu, D-H; Albers, A; Fan W;Tan, P; Grifman, M; Hu, X; DeFife, K; Nguy, V; Meyhack, B; Brachat, A; Wong-Staal, F; and Li, Q-X.(2004).Nuclear Hormone Receptor NR4A2 is involved in cell transformation and Apoptosis.Cancer Research64: 8208-8212.
5.Fan, W.Wang, Z.H., Kyzysztof, F.,Prange, C., and Lennon, G. (2000).A new zinc ribbon gene (NZRD1) is cloned from the human MHC class I region.Genomics63:139-141.(One of the figures in the paper was chosen as the cover of this issue of Genomics).
6.Liu, Y.C., Pan, J., Zhang C.,Fan, W., Collinge, M., Bender, JR., and Weissman,SM. (1999).A MHC-encoded ubiquitin-like protein (FAT10) binds noncovalently to the spindle assembly checkpoint protein MAD2.Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 96(8): 4313-4318.
7.Dosanjh, M.K., Collins, D.W.,Fan, W.,Lennon, G.G.,Albala, J.S.,Shen, Z., Schild,D.(1998).Isolation and characterization of RAD51C, a new human member of the RAD51 family of related genes.Nucleic Acids Res.26:1179-84
9. Liu, N., Lamerdin, J.E.,Tebbs, R.S.,Schild, D.,Tucker, J.D.,Shen,M.R.,Brookman,K.W.,Siciliano,M.J.,Walter,C.A.,Fan, W.,Narayana, L.S.,Zhou, Z.Q.,Adamson, A.W.,Sorensen, K.J.,Chen, D.J.,Jones, N.J., and Thompson, L.H.(1998).XRCC2 and XRCC3, new human Rad51-family members, promote chromosome stability and protect against DNA cross-links and other damages.Mol Cell. 1998 1: 783-93.
10. Prange, C.K., Pennacchio,L.A., Lieuallen, K.,Fan, W., and Lennon, G. (1998). Characterization of the human neurocan Gene, CSPG3.Gene 221:199-205.
11. Albala, J.S., Thelen, M.P., Prange, C.,Fan, W., Christensen, M., Thompson, L.H., and Lennon, G.G. (1997)Identification of a novel human RAD51 homolog, RAD51B, Genomics 46: 476-479:
12.Fan, W., Christensen, M., Eithler, E., Zhang, X., and Lennon, G. (1997).Cloning, sequencing, gene organization and localization of the human ribosomal protein rp L23agene.Genomics.46:234-239.
13.Gruen, J.R.,Nalabolu, S.R.,Chu, T.W.,Bowlus, C.,Fan, W.,Goei, V.L.,Wei H., Sivakamasundari R.,Liu Y.C.,Xu, H.X., Parimoo, S.,Nallur,G.,Ajioka, R., Shukla, H., Bray-Ward, P., Pan, J., and Weissman S.M. (1996).A transcription map of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I region.Genomics, 36:70-85
14.Fan, W., Cai, W.,Parimoo, S., Lennon, G., and Weissman, M.S. (1996).Identification of seven new human MHC class I region genes around the HLA-F locus.Immunogenetics. 44: 97-103
15.Fan, W.,Liu, Y.C.,Parimoo, S., and Weissman, S.M. (1995). Olfactory receptor-like genes are located in the human major histocompatibility complex.Genomics. 27: 119-123.
16.Fan, W., Wei H., Xu, H., Parimoo,S.,Shukla, H., Chaplin D..D., and Weissman, M.S. (1993).Genes in one megabase of the HLA class I region.Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 90: 11870-11874.(The first two authors contributes to this paper equally)
17.Fan, W., Wei, X., Shukla, H., Parimoo, S., Xu , H.X., Sankhavaram, P., Li, Z., and Weissman, M.S. (1993).Application of cDNA Selection Techniques to Regions of the Human MHC.Genomics.17:575-581
18.Fan, W., and Mason, P.W. (1990).Membrane Association and Secretion of the Japanese encephalitis Virus NS1 Protein from Cells Expressing NS1 cDNA.Virology 177:470-476.
19.Fan, W., Chen, S.T., and Huang, A.S., (1989).Multiple Thermolabile and Temperature-Sensitive Lesions in Mutant tl17 of Vesicular Stomatitis Virus.Intervirology 30:148-155.
20.Fan, W., Yu, S.R., and Cosgriff, T.M. (1989).The re-emergence of Dengue inChina(1989). Rev Infect Dis.11:S847-853.
21.Fan, W.(1988)Basic and clinical medicine: their combination and mutual promotion.
Technology Review 6 (8802): 32-34.
22.Fan, W., Li, G.P., and Zhu, D.Z. (1987).Purification and Analysis of the Hemagglutinin of the Russian Spring-Summer Encephalitis Virus.Chinese Journal of Zoonoses. 3:456-461.
23.Fan, W.,Ren, D.X., and Zhu, D.Z. (1986).Detection of Specific IgM Antibodies to Russian Spring-Summer Virus in Patient Acute-Phase Serum by ELISA and its Application in Diagnosis. Chinese Journal of Zoonoses. 2:327-332.
24.Fan, W., Liu, Q.F., and Zhu, D.Z. (1986).A Practical Approach for Concentration and Purification of the Russian Spring-Summer Encephalitis Virus from Infected Mouse Brains.Acta of theTTMMUMedicalUniversity. 4:283-287.
25.Fan, W., Liu, Q.F., and Zhu, D.Z. (1984).An Indirect Peroxidase Antibody Test(IPA) for Detection of Specific Antibodies to Hemorrhagic Fever with Renal Syndrome Virus in Patient Serum. Medical Journal of PLA. 9:333-337.
26.Fan, W., and Zhu, D.Z. (1984).Establishment of an Indirect ELISA for Detection of Specific IgG Antibodies to Russian Spring-Summer Encephalitis Virus in Patient serum and its Potential Application in Clinical Diagnosis.Chinese Journal of Medicine in Epidemiology.5:107-112.
27.Fan, W. (1984).The New Advance in Study of the Etiological Agents for Hemorrhagic Fever
with Renal Syndromes(HFRS).Reviews of Foreign Medicine. 5:10-14.
28.Fan, Wand Zhu, DZ:Virology of thehemorrhagic feverwith renal syndrome.Foreign
Medicineof ClinicalBiochemistry andLaboratory Medicine:1984(Z1)
29Fan, W. Li, G.P., and Zhu, D.Z. (1983).A Modified Hemagglutination Inhibition Test for
Diagnosis of Russian Spring-Summer Encephalitis Patients. Chinese Journal of Medicine
in Epidemiology. 4:372-375.
30Fan, W.(1981).The Application of ELISA in Diagnostic Virology.Reviews of Medicine in
the World.3:1-9.
Wufang Fan- Patents & Inventors, bibliographic references
Recent bibliographic sampling of patent applications for Wufang Fanlisted/published in the public domain by the USPTO (USPTO Patent Application # Title):
Year: 2006 to 2007, Patent ID#
1. 20070184459 - Methods of inhibiting cancer growth by binding to nuclear receptors
2. 20070087984 - Method of identifying agents that inhibit the growth of cancer cells
3. 20060241015 - Cancer genes
1. Methods of inhibiting cancer growth by binding to nuclear receptors
Abstract: The present invention provides methods for identifying agents useful for inhibiting cancer cells by binding to various nuclear receptor proteins, or to the genes or RNA encoding such proteins. (end of abstract)
2. Method of identifying agents that inhibit the growth of cancer cells
Abstract: The present invention is directed to methods of identifying agents useful for inhibiting cancer cells. The agents bind to one of the proteins described herein, or to a gene or mRNA encoding such protein. The invention is also directed to methods for inhibiting cancer cells by administering an agent that binds to one of the proteins described herein, or to a gene or mRNA encoding such protein. (end of abstract)
3. Cancer genes
Abstract: The present invention relates to all facets of novel polynucleotides, the polypeptides they encode, antibodies and specific binding partners thereto, and their applications to research, diagnosis, drug discovery, therapy, clinical medicine, forensic science and medicine, etc. The polynucleotides are differentially expressed in prostate and breast cancers and are therefore useful in variety of ways, including, but not limited to, as molecular markers, as drug targets, and for detecting, diagnosing, staging, monitoring, prognosticating, preventing or treating, determining predisposition to, etc., cancers. (end of abstract)
樊武舫博士曾主編或與他人合編出版了多種書籍,其中包括合編出版的《醫學微生物學》是軍醫大學五年制學生的重要教材(1985第三軍醫大學出版),主編出版的《美國主要大學及研究生院介紹》是中國的暢銷書之一(1985,重慶人民出版社),全國各大學及各圖書館均將其作為館藏書目。合編出版的中文版和英文版《分子生物學實用技術》在中美同時發行(Practical Protocols in Molecular Biology,Science Beijing/New York, 1996);以及新近與他人合編出版的《新藥藥物靶標開發技術》已在中國發行(2006,高等教育出版社)。
1.Fan, W.D:CD40 expression in gastric adenocarcinoma. Abstract forASHG/ICHG 2011
Meeting inMontreal,Canada, October 11-15.
2.Fan, W., Lennon, G.A simple differential and quantitative PCR method to replace Northern
analysis.The 10th International Congress on Genes, Gene Families, and Isozymes.
Beijing,China, October 4-10, 1999.
3.Fan, W.., Wang, Z.H., Kyzysztof, F., Prange, C., and Lennon, G.Cloning of a new zinc ribbon gene from the human MHC class I region.48Th Annual Meeting of The American Society of Human Genetics.October 27-31, 1998.Denver,Colorado.
4.Fan, W.,and Lennon, G.Gene organization, chromosome locationand full-length cDNA sequencing of the human rp L23agene.47th Annual Meeting of The American Society of Human Genetics.October 28-November 1, 1997.Baltimore,Maryland.
5.Fan, W.., Lennon, G.G., Mohrenweiser, H.W., and Eithler, E.E.Identification of the triplet repeat containing genes: Potential candidate for neurological disorders.46th Annual Meeting of The American Society of Human Genetics.October 29 to November 2, 1996.San Francisco.
6.Fan, W.., Liu, Q.C., Parimoo, S., and Weissman, M.S: Olfactory receptor-like gene identified from human MHC class I region and its possible biological significance.The 9th International Immunology Conference.San Francisco, July 23-28, 1995.
7.Fan, W.,Parimoo, S., Weissman,M.S.: Large scale identification of expressed sequences by hybridization cDNA selection.The 4th international workshop on identification of transcribed sequences from genomic DNA.October 15-17,Montreal,Canada, 1994.
8.Fan, W.., Parimoo, S., Weissman,M.S and et al: Newnon-classical class I genes in the human MHC class I region.Organ Conference.Vermont,USA.July, 1994.
9.Fan, W.., Parimoo, S., and Weissman,M.S.: 39 new genes found in the MHC class I region by novel approach: the cDNA selection.The 12th Eurapean Immunology Conference.Barcelona,Spain.June 14-17, 1994.
10.Fan, W.., Wei, H., Xu, H., Sheila, H., Parimoo, S., Bowlus, C., Chaplin, D., Gruen, J., and Weissman, M.S.:Cloning expressed sequences from the HLA class I region.The 9th International H-2/HLA Cloning Workshop.PoliclinicodiBorgoRoma.Italy. May, 1994
11.Wei, H.,Fan, W.., Shukla,H., Parimoo, S., Xu, H.X, Chaplin, D., Freije, D and Weissman,M.S.: cDNA selection of the MHC class I region.Second annual chromosome 6 workshop,Berlin,Germany.September 18-19, 1993
12.Fan, W.,Parimoo, S., Shukla, H.,Patanjali,S.,Li, Z and Weissman, MS.,: Discovering, mapping and characterization of 35 new genes in human MHC class I region covering one megabase chromosomal DNA by cDNA selection.The first symposium on life sciences and biotechnology for Chinese scientists overseas and at home.Beijing, P.R.China. August 17-21, 1993
13.Shukla, H., Hongxia, X., Bonds, W., Parimoo, S., Sivakamasundari, R.,Fan, W.,Gardiner, H.K. and Weissman, S.M.: Large scale mapping of short fragment cDNA on chromosome 21 long arm. Fourth International Workshop on Chromosome 21,Paris,France, April 23-24, 1993.
14.Weissman, S.M., Shukla, H., Parimoo, S.,Fan, W.,Patanjali, S.R., Gruen, JR., Chaplin, D.D., Expressed sequences in the human MHC.First International Workshop on Chromosome 6,UniversityofMichigan,Ann Arbor, June 7-9, 1992.
15.Parimoo, S., Shukla, H.,Fan, W.,Patanjali, S.R., Chaplin, D.D and Weissman, S.M: Hybridization selection is an efficient method for identifying cDNAs encoded in large DNA fragments.ColdSpringHarborLaboratory Meeting on "Genome Mapping and Sequencing," May 6-10, 1992.
16.Shukla, H.,Fan, W.., Parimoo, S., Chaplin, D.D., Mathur, R., Chorney, M.J. and Weissman
, S.M:, Approaches for rapid identification of cDNA encoded in MHC.Chapel Hill, N.C, April
1-5, 1992.






2000年被世界著名人物雜誌《Who is Who》評選收錄為引導美國生物學進入21世紀的500名生物科學家之一。由於他在生物學領域的傑出貢獻,於2005年6月14日被美國總統布希邀請到白宮參加總統晚餐。


