


  • 中文名張其威
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢族
  • 職業:副教授



1.腺病毒疫苗及載體(Adenovirus vaccines and vectors)
近年來人3、4、 7、14、55型腺病毒感染在美洲、歐洲、亞洲,特別是在我國幼稚園、學校以及軍隊中的感染頻頻暴發,目前無安全的腺病毒疫苗,也無特效的治療方法,因此迫切需要進行相關的疫苗研究。研製開發價格低廉、安全有效、具有我國自主智慧財產權的腺病毒疫苗,經濟效益和社會效益巨大,套用前景廣闊。本研究利用人5型複製缺陷型腺病毒載體,構建同時表達其他型別腺病毒六鄰體蛋白的複製缺陷型重組腺病毒疫苗候選株,為今後腺病毒疫苗的套用研究奠定基礎。同時,鑒於目前尚無合適的腺病毒動物感染模型,我們擬建立一種新的腺病毒小動物感染模型,以推動腺病毒疾病體內研究的飛速發展。目前該研究受國家自然科學基金、廣東省自然科學基金和珠江科技新星項目支持。 2.腺病毒分子流行病學與基因組學(Genomics and molecular epidemiology of adenoviruses)




2002/09 - 2007/06,武漢大學生命科學學院,病毒學國家重點實驗室,博士,導師:張楚瑜 教授
1998/09 - 2002/06,武漢大學生命科學學院,微生物專業,本科(學士),導師:方呈祥 教授
2010/10 - 至今, 南方醫科大學,公共衛生與熱帶醫學學院 三級生物安全實驗室,副教授.
2008/08 - 2010/10,香港大學醫學院微生物系,新發傳染性疾病國家重點實驗室,Post-doctoral Fellow,導師:鄭伯健 教授.
2007/08 - 2008/07,香港大學醫學院微生物系,新發傳染性疾病國家重點實驗室,Research Assistant.


(2)廣東省千百十人才工程校級培養對象 (2012-2016)


[1] Zhao, Suhui,Wan, Chengsong,Ke, Changwen,Seto, Jason,Dehghan, Shoaleh,Zou, Lirong,Zhou, Jie,Cheng, Zetao,Jing, Shuping,Zeng, Zhiwei,Zhang, Jing,Wan, Xuan,Wu, Xianbo,Zhao, Wei,Zhu,Li,Seto, Donald,Zhang, Qiwei. Re-emergent Human Adenovirus Genome Type 7d Caused an Acute Respiratory Disease Outbreak in Southern China After a Twenty-one Year Absence. Scientific Reports, 2014, 4: 7365,DOI: 10.1038/srep07365. (IF: 5.078
[2] Qiwei Zhang, Donald Seto, Bin Cao, Suhui Zhao, and Chengsong Wan. Genome Sequence of Human Adenovirus Type 55, a Re-Emergent Acute Respiratory Disease Pathogen in China. Journal of Virology, 2012,86(22):12441-12442(IF5.076).
[3] Qiwei Zhang, Seto D, Zhao S, Zhu L, Zhao W, Wan C. Genome Sequence of the First Human Adenovirus Type 14 Isolated in China. Journal of Virology, 2012, 86(12): 7019-7020(IF5.076).
[4] Qiwei Zhang, Su X, Seto D, Zheng B-j, Tian X, Sheng H, Li H, Wang Y, Zhou R. Construction and characterization of a replication-competent human adenovirus type 3-based vector as a live-vaccine candidate and a viral delivery vector. Vaccine, 2009, 27(8): 1145-1153. (IF:3.485)
[5] Qiwei Zhang, Su X, Gong S, Zeng Q, Zhu B, Wu Z, Peng T, Zhang C, Zhou R. Comparative genomic analysis of two strains of human adenovirus type 3 isolated from children with acute respiratory infection in southern China. Journal of General Virology 2006, 87(6): 1531-1541. (IF:3.529)
[6] Qiwei Zhang, Zhang X, Wu H, Seto D, Zhang H-J, Chen Z, Wan C, Zheng B-J. Parental LTRs Are Important in a Construct of a Stable and Efficient Replication-Competent Infectious Molecular Clone of HIV-1 CRF08_BC. PLoS ONE, 2012, 7(2): e31233. (IF: 3.534
[7] Suhui Zhao, Ying Zhou, Chunhui Wang, Yu Yang, Xianbo Wu, Yao Wei, Li Zhu, Wei Zhao, Qiwei Zhang, Chengsong Wan. The N-Terminal Domain of EspF Induces Host Cell Apoptosis after Infection with Enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli O157:H7. PLoS ONE 2013, 8(1):e55164.(IF: 3.534
[8] Xiao-Min Zhang, Hao Wu, Qiwei Zhang, Terrence Chi-Kong Lau, Hin Chu, Zhi-Wei Chen, Dong-Yan Jin and Bo-Jian Zheng. A novel mutation, D404N, in the connection subdomain of reverse transcriptase of HIV-1 CRF08_BC subtype confers cross-resistance to NNRTIs. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 2015, 70: 10.1093/jac/dku565. (IF: 5.439)
[9] Donald Seto, Chodosh J, Brister JR, Jones MS, Members of the Adenovirus Research Community (Qi-Wei Zhang et al 40 authors). Using the Whole-Genome Sequence To Characterize and Name Human Adenoviruses. Journal of Virology, 2011, 85(11): 5701-5702(IF: 5.076).
[10] Guiyuan Han, Hongling Niu, Suhui Zhao, Bing Zhu, Changbing, Wang, Yungang Liu, Mingjie Zhang, Shu Yang, Feitong Liu, Chengsong Wan, Qiwei Zhang. Identification and typing of respiratory adenoviruses in Guangzhou, Southern China using a rapid and simple method. Virologica Sinica 2013, 28(2):103-108.
[11] Seto, J., Walsh, M., Mahadevan, P., Zhang Qiwei. & Seto, D. Applying Genomic and Bioinformatic Resources to Human Adenovirus Genomes for Use in Vaccine Development and for Applications in Vector Development for Gene Delivery. Viruses 2010, 2(1):1-26. (IF: 3.279
[12] Chan, K.-H., Zhang, A. J. X., To, K. K. W., Chan, C. C. S., Poon, V. K. M., Guo, K., Ng, F., Zhang, Qi-Wei, Leung, V. H. C., Cheung, A. N. Y., Lau, C. C. Y., Woo, P. C. Y., Tse, H., Wu, W., Chen, H., Zheng, B.-J. & Yuen, K.-Y. Wild Type and Mutant 2009 Pandemic Influenza A (H1N1) Viruses Cause More Severe Disease and Higher Mortality in Pregnant BALB/c Mice. PLoS ONE 2010, 5(10), e13757. IF: 3.534
[13] Li H, Zhou R, Chen J, Tian X, Zhang Qiwei, Zeng Q, Gong S: A recombinant replication-defective human adenovirus type 3: A vaccine candidate. Vaccine 2009, 27(1):116-122. (IF: 3.485)
[14] Wu, Hao,Zhang, Xiao-Min,Zhang, Hao-Jie,Zhang, Qiwei,Chen, Zhiwei,Huang, Jian-Dong,Lee, Shui-Shan,Zheng, Bo-Jian,In Vitro Selection of HIV-1 CRF08_BC Variants Resistant to Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors,AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses,2015,31(2):260-270 (IF: 2.457)
[15] Su, X., Tian, X., Zhang, Qiwei, Li, H., Li, X., Sheng, H., Wang, Y., Wu, H. & Zhou, R. Complete genome analysis of a novel E3-partial-deleted human adenovirus type 7 strain isolated in Southern China. Virology Journal 2011, 8(1):91. (IF: 2.089)
[16] Dongchi Zhao, Dan Peng, Lei Li, Qiwei Zhang, Chuyu Zhang. Inhibition of G1P3 expression found in the differential display study on respiratory syncytial virus infection. Virology Journal 2008, 5(1):114. (IF: 2.089)
[17] Li, L., Zhao, D., Zhang, C., Zhang, Qiwei & You, S. Prokaryotic expression and polyclonal antibody preparation of novel ZLG10 protein involved in infection of RSV on SPC-A1 cells. Protein Expr Purif 2005, 41(1): 170-176. (IF: 1.508)
張其威*,趙素慧,劉雲崗,趙衛,朱利,萬成松. 人3型腺病毒GZ13株的分離鑑定及六鄰體蛋白的分子進化研究,廣東醫學,2012,9:1198-1201.
趙素慧, 王春暉, 周瑩, 韋耀, 韓桂圓, 鈕紅岺, 趙衛, 張其威*, 萬成松*. TaqMan探針實時螢光定量PCR快速檢測土拉弗朗西斯菌. 中國人獸共患病學報 2012, 28(6), 602-606.
周瑩, 趙素慧, 韋耀, 王春暉, 張其威*, 萬成松*. 腸出血型大腸埃希菌O157:H7 EspF蛋白多克隆抗體的製備和初步純化. 熱帶醫學雜誌 2012, 12(3), 267-270.
韋耀, 周瑩, 王春輝, 趙素慧, 張其威, 萬成松. 鼠疫耶爾森菌TaqMan探針實時螢光定量PCR快速檢測. 中華疾病控制雜誌 2012, 16(11):954-957.
田新貴, 周榮, 李海濤, 龔四堂, 張其威, 朱冰, 盛慧英, 鐘家禹. 諾如病毒衣殼蛋白重組人3型腺病毒的構建. 中華微生物學和免疫學雜誌 2008, 28(9):782-786.
周榮, 蘇曉波, 張其威, 曾其毅, 朱冰, 張楚瑜, 吳後波, 吳灶和, 龔四堂. 人3型腺病毒廣州分離株基因組的進化分析. 中華微生物學和免疫學雜誌 2007, 27(1):14-17.
趙東赤, 李蕾, 陳敏, 張楚瑜, 張其威. 呼吸道合胞病毒誘導人上皮細胞趨化因子差異表達. 中華實驗和臨床病毒學雜誌 2007, 21(1):96.
張其威, 游上游, 孫繼民, 吳旗, 余春華 & 張楚瑜. 呼吸道合胞病毒實時螢光定量PCR檢測. 第一軍醫大學學報 2005(7), 25, 847-852.
張其威, 張楚瑜. 抗病毒中藥研究的最新進展. 中成藥 2005, 27(1):116-119.
張其威, 李蕾, 趙東赤, 張楚瑜, 李樂, 游上游 & 黃靜寧. 人呼吸道合胞病毒感染的SPC—A1細胞相關基因zzz171 con的電子克隆與分析. 胺基酸和生物資源 2005, 27(2), 58-62.
參編美國微生物學會《Clinical Virology》中文版(負責第26章“腺病毒”,科學出版社,2012年出版)


