

暨南大學病原微生物研究院/廣東省病毒學重點實驗室教授、博士生導師,廣東省南山醫藥創新研究院特聘研究員,武漢大學微生物學學士、病毒學國家重點實驗室博士,哈佛大學醫學院訪問學者、香港大學醫學院微生物系博士後、廣東特支計畫“青年拔尖人才”、廣東省高校優秀青年教師、廣州市珠江科技新星,主要研究方向包括呼吸道病毒的基因組學、流行病學、腺病毒載體、疫苗、抗病毒藥物;在呼吸道腺病毒的基礎和套用基礎研究方向取得了一定成果,推動了我國呼吸道腺病毒研究的快速發展。承擔國家重點研發計畫、國家自然科學基金項目多項;在《New England Journal of Medicine》《EmergingInfectious Diseases》《Journal of Virology》《Vaccine》《Emerging Microbes and Infections》《Frontiers in Immunology》等國際學術刊物上發表40多篇研究論文,引用2000多次。2020年廣東省戰“疫”專家組成員,中國微生物學會醫學微生物學與免疫學專委會、病毒學專委會的青年委員,NCBI人類腺病毒研究組委員,廣東省遺傳學會青年委員,中國腺病毒研究協作組發起人;擔任第13屆國際腺病毒大會分會主持人,第四屆全國病毒學青年學者學術研討會共同主席,首屆全國腺病毒學術研討會大會共同主席,青年長江學者和國家自然科學基金評審專家;《Virologica Sinica》、《Frontiers inMicrobiology》Editor,國家大學生創新創業訓練項目指導教師、 廣東省“攀登計畫”大學生科技創新項目指導教師。


  • 中文名:張其威
  • 國籍中國
  • 民族:漢族
  • 職業:教師



1. Recently, more and more human acute respiratory disease outbreaks caused by AdV have emerged in China schools and military. We are developing effective antiviral drugs and vaccine candidates using new strategies and optimal animal models.
2. Analysis of whole-genome sequences for these emergent AdVs and identification of the homologous recombination and transmission mechanism during AdV evolution.
3. The cross-species transmission (CST) of animal AdVs is a potential severe threat to human health. The explorer of CST of AdVs in simians provides a scientific basis for the prevention and control of AdV diseases as well as for the novel AdV vector development.
4. Development of novel adenovirus vectored coronavirus vaccines and attenuated coronavirus vaccines.


1. 國家重點研發計畫: 國際新發病毒變異變遷規律及靶點模型研究,2019.08-2022.12
2. 國家自然科學基金面上項目:“人腺病毒免疫抑制小鼠感染模型的建立及其致病機制的研究”(31570155),2016.01-2019.12
3. 國家自然科學基金面上項目:“我國新發現的14、55型腺病毒的生物學特性與基因組重組機制的研究”(31370199),2014.01-2017.12
4. 國家自然科學青年基金:“人3型、7型腺病毒雙價減毒重組疫苗候選株的構建及免疫原性研究”(31100133),2012.01-2014.12
5. 廣東省自然科學基金研究團隊項目:HIV潛伏激活的分子機制與新型靶向性潛伏激活劑的研究(2018.05.01-2023.4.30)
6. 廣州市健康醫療協同創新重大專項 “病毒感染重症救治的特異性被動免疫套用研究及腺病毒單克隆抗體藥物研發”(201803040004)子課題, 2018.4-2021.03
7. 廣州市健康醫療協同創新重大專項 “呼吸道重要傳染病疫苗的製備及臨床研究”(201803040007)子課題, 2018.04-2021.03
8. 廣東省高等學校優秀青年教師培養計畫項目(Yq2013039),2014.01-2016.12
9. 廣東特支計畫“百千萬工程青年拔尖人才”項目,2015
10. 廣州市珠江科技新星專項:“我國常見的人3、4、7型呼吸道腺病毒疫苗的基礎研究”(2013J2200052),2013.05-2016.04
11. 廣州市健康醫療協同創新重大專項“呼吸道新發突發及重大傳染病綜合防診治”方向三:“腺病毒流行病學特徵研究”(201400000002),2014.03-2017.02
12. 廣東省自然科學基金自由申請項目:“人3、4、7型腺病毒三價減毒重組疫苗候選株的構建及免疫原性研究”(S2012010009261),2012.10-2014.10
13. 香港大學博士後基金: Construction and Characterization of a Full-Length Infectious Molecular Clone from the HIV Type 1 CRF08_BC Isolated inChina.2008.08-2010.10.


1. 學習經歷
2002.09-2007.06: 武漢大學病毒學國家重點實驗室,病毒學 博士
1998.09-2002.06: 武漢大學生命科學學院,微生物學 本科
2. 工作經歷
2008.08-2010.10:香港大學李嘉誠醫學院,微生物系 博士後
2007.08-2008.07:香港大學李嘉誠醫學院,微生物系 研究助理


1. 廣東特支計畫“百千萬工程青年拔尖人才”
2. 廣東省高校優秀青年教師
3. 廣州市珠江科技新星
4. 廣東省千百十工程培養對象
5. 武漢市科學技術成果獎
6. 廣東省大學生預防醫學技能大賽二等獎(指導教師)
7. 廣東省“攀登計畫”大學生科技創新自然科學類資助項目(指導教師)
8. 國家級/省級大學生創新創業訓練計畫項目指導教師


1. Zhonghua Zhou, Ziyi Yang, Junxian Ou, Hong Zhang, Qiwei Zhang*, Ming Dong*, Gong Zhang*. Temperature Dependence of the SARS-CoV-2 affinity to human ACE2 determines COVID-19 progression and clinical outcome. Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal, 2021, 19:161-167.
2. Qiwei Zhang*, Donald Seto. Chimpanzee Adenovirus Vector Ebola Vaccine--Preliminary Report. New England Journal of Medicine. 2015, 373(8): 775-776. (醫學一區,Top期刊,IF: 72.406)
3. Shuping Jing#, Jing Zhang#, Mengchan Cao, Minhong Liu, Yuqian Yan, Shan Zhao, Na Cao, Junxian Ou, Kui Ma, Xiangran Cai, Jianguo Wu, Ya-Fang Mei, and Qiwei Zhang*. Household Transmission of Human Adenovirus Type 55 in Case of Fatal Acute Respiratory Disease. Emerging Infectious Diseases. 2019, 25(9): 1754-1756 (醫學一區,傳染病學一區,Top期刊,IF: 7.422)
4. Qiwei Zhang*, Seto D, Zhao S, Zhu L, Zhao W, Wan C*. Genome Sequence of the First Human Adenovirus Type 14 Isolated in China. Journal of Virology, 2012, 86(12): 7019-7020(醫學二區,Top期刊,IF:4.663)
5. Qiwei Zhang*, Donald Seto, Bin Cao, Suhui Zhao, and Chengsong Wan*. Genome Sequence of Human Adenovirus Type 55, a Re-Emergent Acute Respiratory Disease Pathogen in China. Journal of Virology, 2012,86(22):12441-12442(醫學二區,Top期刊,IF:4.663)
6. Jing Zhao, Shan Zhao, Junxian Ou, Jing Zhang, Wendong Lan, Wenyi Guan, Xiaowei Wu, Yuqian Yan, Wei Zhao, Jianguo Wu, James Chodosh, Qiwei Zhang*. COVID-19: Coronavirus Vaccine Development Updates. Frontiers in Immunology, 2020, 11(3435):602256.
7. Hongying Fan, Zhenhui Chen, Ruqin Lin, Yangyang Liu, Xianbo Wu, Santhosh Puthiyakunnon, Ye Wang, Bo Zhu, Qiwei Zhang*, Yang Bai* and Fachao Zhi*. "Bacteroides fragilis Strain ZY-312 Defense against Cronobacter sakazakii-Induced Necrotizing Enterocolitis In Vitro and in a Neonatal Rat Model." mSystems. 2019, 4(4): e00305-00319. (醫學二區,IF:6.519)
8. Qiwei Zhang*, Shuping Jing, Zetao Cheng, Zhiwu Yu, Shoaleh Dehghan, Amirhossein Shamsaddini, Yuqian Yan, Min Li, and Donald Seto*. Comparative Genomic Analysis of Two Emergent Human Adenovirus Type 14 Respiratory Pathogen Isolates in China Reveals Similar yet Divergent Genomes. Emerging Microbes & Infections, 2017, 6, e93; doi:10.1038/emi.2017.78. (醫學二區,IF: 6.212)
9. Yuqian Yan, Junxian Ou, Shan Zhao, Kui Ma, Wendong Lan, Wenyi Guan, Xiaowei Wu, Jing Zhang, Bao Zhang, Wei Zhao, Chengsong Wan, Weifeng Shi, Jianguo Wu, Donald Seto, Zhiwu Yu* and Qiwei Zhang*. "Characterization of Influenza A and B Viruses Circulating in Southern China During the 2017–2018 Season." Frontiers in Microbiology. 2020, 11(1079): 10.3389/fmicb.2020.01079.(生物學二區,IF: 4.259)
10. Zetao Cheng#, Yuqian Yan#, Shuping Jing, Wen-Gang Li, Wei-Wei Chen, Jing Zhang, Min Li, Shan Zhao, Na Cao, Junxian Ou, Suhui Zhao, Xianbo Wu*, Bin Cao*, Qiwei Zhang*. Comparative Genomic Analysis of Re-emergent Human Adenovirus Type 55 Pathogens Associated With Adult Severe Community-Acquired Pneumonia Reveals Conserved Genomes and Capsid Proteins.Frontiers in Microbiology,2018, 9(1180). (生物學二區,IF: 4.259)
11. Jing Zhang, June Kang, Shoaleh Dehghan, Siddharth Sridhar, Susanna Lau, Junxian Ou, Patrick Woo, Qiwei Zhang*, Donald Seto*. A Survey of Recent Adenoviral Respiratory Pathogens in Hong Kong Reveals Emergent and Recombinant Human Adenovirus Type 4 (HAdV-E4) Circulating in Civilian Populations.Viruses,2019, 11(2):129. (醫學二區,IF:3.761)
12. Haibin Pan, Yuqian Yan, Jing Zhang, Shan Zhao, Liqiang Feng, Junxian Ou, Na Cao, Min Li, Wei Zhao, Chengsong Wan, Ashrafali M Ismail, Jaya Rajaiya, James Chodosh, Qiwei Zhang*. Rapid Construction of a Replication-Competent Infectious Clone of Human Adenovirus Type 14 by Gibson Assembly.Viruses, 2018, 10(10):568. (醫學二區,IF:3.761)
13. Qiwei Zhang, Su X, Seto D, Zheng B-j, Tian X, Sheng H, Li H, Wang Y, Zhou R*. Construction and characterization of a replication-competent human adenovirus type 3-based vector as a live-vaccine candidate and a viral delivery vector. Vaccine, 2009, 27(8): 1145-1153. (醫學二區,Top期刊,IF:3.485)
14. Wenyi Guan, Wendong Lan, Jing Zhang, Shan Zhao, Junxian Ou, Xiaowei Wu, Yuqian Yan, Jianguo Wu and Qiwei Zhang*. "COVID-19: Antiviral Agents, Antibody Development and Traditional Chinese Medicine." Virologica Sinica. 2020: 10.1007/s12250-12020-00297-12250.
15. Yuqian Yan, Shuping Jing, Liqiang Feng, Jing Zhang, Zhiwei Zeng, Min Li, Shan Zhao, Junxian Ou, Wendong Lan, Wenyi Guan, Xiaowei Wu, Jianguo Wu, Donald Seto and Qiwei Zhang*. "Construction and Characterization of a Novel Recombinant Attenuated and Replication-Deficient Candidate Human Adenovirus Type 3 Vaccine: “Adenovirus Vaccine Within an Adenovirus Vector”." Virologica Sinica. 2020: 10.1007/s12250-12020-00234-12251.(醫學三區,IF:2.467)
16. Qiwei Zhang, Su X, Gong S, Zeng Q, Zhu B, Wu Z, Peng T, Zhang C, Zhou R. Comparative genomic analysis of two strains of human adenovirus type 3 isolated from children with acute respiratory infection in southern China. Journal of General Virology 2006, 87(6): 1531-1541. (IF:3.529)
17. Qiwei Zhang*, Shoaleh Dehghan, Donald Seto. Pitfalls of restriction enzyme analysis in identifying, characterizing, typing, and naming viral pathogens in the era of whole genome data, as illustrated by HAdV type 55. Virologica Sinica, 2016, 31(5):448-453. (IF:2.467)
18. Guiyuan Han, Hongling Niu, Suhui Zhao, Bing Zhu, Changbing, Wang, Yungang Liu, Mingjie Zhang, Shu Yang, Feitong Liu, Chengsong Wan, Qiwei Zhang*. Identification and typing of respiratory adenoviruses in Guangzhou, Southern China using a rapid and simple method. Virologica Sinica, 2013, 28(2):103-108.(IF:2.467)
19. Zhiwu Yu, Zhiwei Zeng, Jing Zhang, Yuxian Pan, Manjun Chen, Yonghui Guo, Nan Yu, James Chodosh, Ning Fu, Xiaoyan Che & Qiwei Zhang*. Fatal Community-acquired Pneumonia in Children Caused by Re-emergent Human Adenovirus 7d Associated with Higher Severity of Illness and Fatality Rate. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6:37216. (IF: 4.259)
20. Suhui Zhao, Chengsong Wan, Changwen Ke, Jason Seto, Shoaleh Dehghan, Lirong Zou, Jie Zhou, Zetao Cheng, Shuping Jing, Zhiwei Zeng, Jing Zhang, Xuan Wan, Xianbo Wu, Wei Zhao, Li Zhu, Donald Seto*, Qiwei Zhang*. Re-emergent Human Adenovirus Genome Type 7d Caused an Acute Respiratory Disease Outbreak in Southern China After a Twenty-one Year Absence. Scientific Reports, 2014(4): 7365,DOI: 10.1038/srep07365. (IF: 4.259)
21. Zhiwei Zeng, Jing Zhang, Shuping Jing, Zetao Cheng, Silvia Bofill-Mas, Carlos Maluquer de Motes, Ayalkibet Hundesa, Rosina Girones, Donald Seto*,Qiwei Zhang*. Genome Sequence of a Cynomolgus Macaque Adenovirus (CynAdV-1) Isolate from a Primate Colony in the United Kingdom. Genome Announcements. 2016, 4(6): e01193-01116.
22. Xiangyu Wang, Qi Sun, Zhonghua Ye, Ying Hua, Na Shao, Yanli Du, Qiwei Zhang*, Chengsong Wan*. Computational approach for predicting the conserved B-cell epitopes of hemagglutinin H7 subtype influenza virus.Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine, 2016, 12(4): 2439-2446. (IF: 1.448)
23. Yi Chen, Fanghua Liu, Changbing Wang, Mingqi Zhao, Li Deng, Jiayu Zhong, Yingying Zhang, Jun Ye, Shuping Jing, Zetao Cheng, Yongxin Guan, Yi Ma, Yuanyuan Sun, Bing Zhu*, Qiwei Zhang*. "Molecular Identification and Epidemiological Features of Human Adenoviruses Associated with Acute Respiratory Infections in Hospitalized Children in Southern China, 2012-2013". PLoS ONE, 2016, 11(5): e0155412. (IF:3.0)
24. Qiwei Zhang*, Xiaomin Zhang, Hao Wu, Donald Seto, Hao-Jie Zhang, Zhiwei Chen, Chengsong Wan and Bo-Jian Zheng*. Parental LTRs Are Important in a Construct of a Stable and Efficient Replication-Competent Infectious Molecular Clone of HIV-1 CRF08_BC. PLoS ONE, 2012, 7: e31233. (IF:3.0)
25. Suhui Zhao, Ying Zhou, Chunhui Wang, Yu Yang, Xianbo Wu, Yao Wei, Li Zhu, Wei Zhao, Qiwei Zhang*, Chengsong Wan*. The N-Terminal Domain of EspF Induces Host Cell Apoptosis after Infection with Enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli O157:H7. PLoS ONE 2013, 8(1):e55164. (IF:3.0)
26. Xiangyu Wang, Zhonglu Ren, Qi Sun, Xuan Wan, Yaqing Sun, Ying Hua, Muqing Fu, Na Shao, Yanli Du, Chengsong Wan*, Qiwei Zhang*. Evaluation and comparison of newly built linear B-cell epitope prediction software from a users’ perspective. Current Bioinformatics, 2017,12:DOI: 10.2174/1574893612666170711154318 (IF:1.189)
27. Xiao-Min Zhang, Hao Wu, Qiwei Zhang, Terrence Chi-Kong Lau, Hin Chu, Zhi-Wei Chen, Dong-Yan Jin and Bo-Jian Zheng. A novel mutation, D404N, in the connection subdomain of reverse transcriptase of HIV-1 CRF08_BC subtype confers cross-resistance to NNRTIs. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 2015, 70(5): 1381-90. (藥學一區,Top期刊,IF: 5.439)
28. Ashrafali M. Ismail1#, Tiange Cui#, Kalpana Dommaraju, Gurdeep Singh, Shoaleh Dehghan, Jason Seto, Susmita Shrivastava, Nadia B. Fedorova, Neha Gupta, Timothy B. Stockwell, Ramana Madupu, Albert Heim, Adriana E. Kajon, Eric G. Romanowski, Regis P. Kowalski, Jambulingam Malathi, Kuzhanthai L. Therese, Hajib Narahari Madhavan, Qiwei Zhang, Leonardo J. Ferreyra, Morris S. Jones, Jaya Rajaiya, David W. Dyer, James Chodosh*, and Donald Seto*. Genomic analysis of a large set of currently – and historically – important human adenovirus pathogens. Emerging Microbes & Infections, 2018, 7(1): 10. (醫學二區,IF: 6.212)
29. Tingting Chen, Xiaoen He, Peiru Zhang, Yawen Yuan, Xinyue Lang, Jianhai Yu, Zhiran Qin, Xujuan Li, Qiwei Zhang, Li Zhu, Bao Zhang, Qinghua Wu and Wei Zhao."Research advancements in the neurological presentation of flaviviruses." Reviews in Medical Virology. 2019, 29(1): e2021. (醫學二區,IF:5.034)
30. T. Huang, J. Yang, J. Zhang, W. Ke, F. Zou, C. Wan, L. Wang, X. Zhang, F. Liang, S. Mei, Q. Zhang, Z. Rong, B. Yang and H. Zheng. "MicroRNA-101-3p Downregulates TLR2 Expression, Leading to Reduction in Cytokine Production by Treponema pallidum-Stimulated Macrophages." Journal of Investigative Dermatology. 2020, 140(8): 1566-1575 e1561.
31. T. Huang, J. Zhang, W. J. Ke, X. H. Zhang, W. T. Chen, J. Y. Yang, Y. W. Liao, F. W. Liang, S. Q. Mei, M. J. Li, Z. Z. Luo, Q.W. Zhang, B. Yang and H. P. Zheng. "MicroRNA expression profiling of peripheral blood mononuclear cells associated with syphilis." BMC Infectious Diseases. 2020, 20(1): 165.
32. Jianhai Yu, Xuling Liu, Changwen Ke, Qinghua Wu, Weizhi Lu, Zhiran Qin, Xiaoen He, Yujing Liu, Jieli Deng, Suiqi Xu, Ying Li, Li Zhu, Chengsong Wan, Qiwei Zhang, Weiwei Xiao, Qian Xie, Bao Zhang*, Wei Zhao*. Effective Suckling C57BL/6, Kunming, and BALB/c Mouse Models with Remarkable Neurological Manifestation for Zika Virus Infection. Viruses, 2017, 9(7):165. (醫學二區,IF: 3.761)
33. Xiangyu Wang, Yanli Du, Ying Hua, Muqing Fu, Cong Niu, Bao Zhang, Wei Zhao, Qiwei Zhang, Chengsong Wan. The EspF N-Terminal of Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli O157:H7 EDL933w Imparts Stronger Toxicity Effects on HT-29 Cells than the C-Terminal.Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology, 2017, 7(410): 10.3389/fcimb.2017.00410. (醫學二區,IF: 4.3)
34. Li H, Zhou R, Chen J, Tian X, Zhang Qiwei, Zeng Q, Gong S. A recombinant replication-defective human adenovirus type 3: A vaccine candidate. Vaccine 2009, 27(1): 116-122. (醫學二區,Top期刊,IF: 3.485)
35. Seto, J., Walsh, M., Mahadevan, P., Zhang Qiwei. & Seto, D. Applying Genomic and Bioinformatic Resources to Human Adenovirus Genomes for Use in Vaccine Development and for Applications in Vector Development for Gene Delivery. Viruses 2010, 2(1):1-26. (醫學二區,IF: 3.465)
36. Zhixin Liu, Xiao Xiao, Xiuli Wei, Jian Li, Jing Yang, Huabing Tan, Jianyong Zhu, Qiwei Zhang, Jianguo Wu and Long Liu. "Composition and divergence of coronavirus spike proteins and host ACE2 receptors predict potential intermediate hosts of SARS-CoV-2." J Med Virol. 2020, n/a(n/a): Online. (IF:2.049)
37. G. Li, Y. Fan, Y. Lai, T. Han, Z. Li, P. Zhou, P. Pan, W. Wang, D. Hu, X. Liu, Q. Zhang and J. Wu. "Coronavirus Infections and Immune Responses." J Med Virol. 2020, 92(4): 424-432. (IF:2.049)
38. Ying Hua, Jingwei Ju, Xiangyu Wang, Bao Zhang, Wei Zhao, Qiwei Zhang, Yingzhu Feng, Wenbin Ma, Chengsong Wan. Screening for host proteins interacting with Escherichia coli O157:H7 EspF using bimolecular fluorescence complementation. Future Microbiology, 2017, 13(1):37–58. (IF: 3.374)
39. W. W. Xiao, W. Zhao, L. Li, Q. H. Wu, L. Zhu, Q. W. Zhang, W. P. Dai, Y. Wang and B. Zhang. "Preliminary investigation of the role of BTB domain-containing 3 gene in the proliferation and metastasis of hepatocellular carcinoma." Oncol Lett. 2017, 14(2): 2505-2510. (IF:1.871)
40. Niittykoski M, von Und Zu Fraunberg M, Martikainen M, Rauramaa T, Immonen A, Koponen S, Leinonen V, Vaha-Koskela M, Zhang Qiwei, Kuhnel F, Mei YF, Yla-Herttuala S, Jaaskelainen JE, Hinkkanen A. Immunohistochemical Characterization and Sensitivity to Human Adenovirus Serotypes 3, 5, and 11p of New Cell Lines Derived from Human Diffuse Grade II to IV Gliomas. Transl Oncol, 2017, 10(5):772-779. (IF: 3.025)
41. Xiao-Min Zhang, Qiwei Zhang, Hao Wu, Terrence Chi-Kong Lau, Xuan Liu, Hin Chu, Ke Zhang, Jie Zhou, Zhiwei Chen, Dong-Yan Jin, Bo-Jian Zheng. "Novel Mutations L228i and Y232h Cause Nnrti Resistance in Combinational Pattern". AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses, 2016: 32(9): 909-917. (IF: 2.457)
42. Hao Wu, Xiaomin Zhang, Haojie Zhang, Qiwei Zhang, Zhiwei Chen, Jiandong Huang, Shui-Shan Lee, Bo-Jian Zheng. "In Vitro Selection of Hiv-1 Crf08_Bc Variants Resistant to Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors". AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses, 2015,31(2):260-270 (IF: 2.457)
43. Su, X., Tian, X., Zhang, Qiwei, Li, H., Li, X., Sheng, H., Wang, Y., Wu, H. & Zhou, R. Complete genome analysis of a novel E3-partial-deleted human adenovirus type 7 strain isolated in Southern China. Virology Journal 2011, 8(1):91. (IF: 2.089)
44. Chan, K.-H., Zhang, A. J. X., To, K. K. W., Chan, C. C. S., Poon, V. K. M., Guo, K., Ng, F., Zhang, Qi-Wei, Leung, V. H. C., Cheung, A. N. Y., Lau, C. C. Y., Woo, P. C. Y., Tse, H., Wu, W., Chen, H., Zheng, B.-J. & Yuen, K.-Y. Wild Type and Mutant 2009 Pandemic Influenza A (H1N1) Viruses Cause More Severe Disease and Higher Mortality in Pregnant BALB/c Mice. PLoS ONE 2010, 5(10), e13757. (IF:3.0)
45. Dongchi Zhao, Dan Peng, Lei Li, Qiwei Zhang, Chuyu Zhang. Inhibition of G1P3 expression found in the differential display study on respiratory syncytial virus infection. Virology Journal 2008, 5(1):114. (IF: 2.569)
46. Li, L., Zhao, D., Zhang, C., Zhang, Qiwei & You, S. Prokaryotic expression and polyclonal antibody preparation of novel ZLG10 protein involved in infection of RSV on SPC-A1 cells. Protein Expression and Purification, 2005, 41(1), 170-176. (IF:1.4)


