Henry IV, Part I(莎士比亞的歷史戲劇)

Henry IV, Part I(莎士比亞的歷史戲劇)

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Henry IV, Part I 一部莎士比亞的歷史戲劇,由Dover Publications Inc出版社出版。


  • 中文名:Henry IV, Part I
  • 作者:威廉.莎士比亞
  • 類別:歷史劇
  • 出版社:Dover Publications Inc.
  • 出版時間:1997年4月14日
  • 頁數:96 頁
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • ISBN:0486295842


David Bevington is Professor of English at the University of Chicago. --This text refers to the Paperback edition.


As Henry's throne is threatened by rebel forces, England is divided. The characters reflect these oppositions, with Hal and Hotspur vying for position, and Falstaff leading Hal away from his father and towards excess. During Shakespeare's lifetime Henry IV, Part I was his most reprinted play, and it remains enormously popular with theatregoers and readers. Falstaff still towers among Shakespeare's comic inventions as he did in the late 1590s. David Bevington's introduction discusses the play in both peformance and criticism from Shakespeare's time to our own, illustrating the variety of interpretations of which the text is capable. He analyses the play's richly textured language in a detailed commentary on individual words and phrases and clearly explains its historical background. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.


"Certainly one of the best of the OXF4 series: informative, intelligent, and independent....This edition is a splendid piece of work, a valuable reference full of original insights and good sense. The commentary notes alone are worth the price of the book."--Shakespeare Quarterly
--This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.


