《Happy Tree Friends》是美國是一個動畫系列,由Mondo Media(盟國媒體)製作,Kenn Navarro和Rhode Montijo設計,於1999年首創,不定期會有新的作品,已有兩百餘部的迷你秀短片(每一集的時間長度在1分鐘到7分鐘左右)。
該動畫系列屬於限制級作品(美國等級限制為12+),不適合兒童和大孩子(Not recommended for small children and big babies)觀看。屬於黑色幽默系列Flash動畫。最初誕生的目的是作為兒童安全宣傳教育短片。
- 中文名:歡樂樹的朋友們
- 原版名稱:Happy Tree Friends
- 其他名稱:HTF,快樂樹朋友,快活林的朋友們
- 動畫製作:Liz Stuart
- 集數:170集,70網路短片,39集TV電視劇集
- 類型:Flash動畫
- 地區:美國洛杉磯
- 原作:Aubrey Ankrum、Rhode Montijo、Kenn Navarro
- 導演:Kenn Navarro, Alan Lau,David Winn
- 音樂:Jim Lively
- 主要配音:David Winn,Kenn Navarro,Lori Jee
- 首播電視台:G4
- 播放期間:1999–
- 其他電視台:10 2, 2014-2006年12月25日 mtv播出
- 出品:Mondo Mini Shows(盟國媒體)
- 發行時間:1999年


名字 | ![]() | |
動物原型 | 駝鹿 | |
名字來源 | Lumpy(愚鈍的) | |
性別 | 男 | |
配音 | 羅德 蒙提荷【Rhode Montijo】(2000-2005) & 大衛 溫【David Winn】(2005-至今)王君程 | |
中文暱稱 | 傻鹿、藍哥(圖解時不知情的人的稱呼)、大鹿哥、藍藍鹿,大傻鹿、總攻鹿、團滅鹿 | |
簡介 | Lumpy長著錯位的眼睛和扭曲的鹿角,極端弱智,是全劇中出場最多的一個角色。他總是在無意識中做出接近於不可理喻的行為導致別人甚至自己的死亡。是死天王之一。主要職業是醫生兼報社主編,他還擔任過警員,商人,機車手,魔術師等等職位。所以說他是HTF里職業最多也是出場率最高的人,以至於常常引來網友吐槽。 | |
數據 | 上鏡次數:104;死亡次數:54;死亡率:51.9% | |
花絮 | 喜歡討論有關錢的問題 非常喜歡吃三明治 |
名字 | ![]() | |
動物原型 | 東方白野兔 | |
名字來源 | Cuddle(擁抱) | |
性別 | 男 | |
配音 | 肯尼 那瓦羅【Kenn Navarro】(1999-至今) | |
中文暱稱 | 拖鞋、小黃兔 | |
簡介 | Cuddles是個天真可愛的小兔子,友善淘氣而又自我,膽大的他敢作敢為,卻也因此使自己死亡率居高不降!總是穿著粉兔子拖鞋,和Toothy關係很好。 | |
數據 | 上鏡次數:74;死亡次數:55;死亡率:74.3% | |
花絮 |
名字 | ![]() | |
動物原型 | ||
名字來源 | Giggle(微笑) | |
性別 | 女 | |
配音 | 達納 本【Dana Belben】(1999-2004)&艾倫·康內爾【Ellen Connel】(2005-2009)&洛瑞梓【Lori Jee】(2009-至今) | |
中文暱稱 | 微笑、笑笑、紅蝴蝶結 | |
簡介 | Giggles頭上有個大紅的蝴蝶結,人如其名,特別喜歡笑,和Petunia親如姐妹,經常在一起。是個可愛而天真的小女孩。十分貪玩,喜歡在花叢中玩鬧。但玩樂中總是不知不覺惹來殺身之禍!職業是護士,上司是Lumpy,和Petunia一起開過一家檸檬水小攤。 貌似對花過敏。(見“Smoochies”GiggIes里的Flowers遊戲。) 好像反應遲鈍。 在動畫裡很多人好像有喜歡她的舉動。 | |
數據 | 上鏡次數:96;死亡次數:51;死亡率:53.1% | |
花絮 | 喜歡縱橫字謎遊戲 |
名字 | ![]() | |
動物原型 | ||
性別 | 男 | |
配音 | 彼得·赫爾曼【Peter Herrmann】(2002-至今) | |
中文暱稱 | 迪斯科熊、DB | |
簡介 | Disco Bear留著橘紅色的爆炸頭,喜歡跳disco,總是踏著舞步出場,造型充滿disco feel,十分潮流前衛。但很少顧及其他同伴,總禍害到同伴慘澹收場,跳舞的時候總會讓所有人倒霉! | |
數據 | 上鏡次數:28;死亡次數:21;死亡率:75% | |
花絮 | 在1972年裡某個唱歌比賽里得過金獎! 得過飛盤金獎,在他還是小男孩兒的時候 喜歡油炸食品 |
名字 | ![]() | |
動物原型 | ||
名字來源 | Flaky(薄而易脫落的,指Flaky的頭皮屑) | |
性別 | 女(官方已確認) | |
配音 | 尼加 落泊【Nica Lorber】(2000-至今) | |
中文暱稱 | 刺刺、紅刺、癔病 | |
簡介 | Flaky是一個全身都是頭皮屑的豪豬,她很害羞、膽小,並且對花生、乳酪過敏。她的一身刺是個危險品,不僅連累自己多次死亡,還害得同伴們都慘遭禍害! | |
數據 | 上鏡次數:50;死亡次數:35;死亡率:70% | |
花絮 | 不允許去氣球店【因為身上的刺會扎破氣球】 喜歡吃玉米腸 和flippy關係貌似很友好,但又怕他的第二人格fliqpy(兩人在同人常常被YY成CP) |
名字 | ![]() | |
動物原型 | ||
名字來源 | Handy(手巧的) | |
性別 | 男 | |
配音 | 沃倫 格拉芙【Warren Graff】(2000-至今) | |
中文暱稱 | 工人、大工、黃板、工匠 | |
簡介 | Handy是一個工匠,沒有雙手,但是能開車和駕駛直升飛機。殘肢處纏著繃帶,當需要用手時會生氣,身穿一條工具袋,頭戴黃色安全帽。他沒幹什麼壞事情,自己總是辛勤工作。可是不幸總是在他身邊發生,最後免不了殃及他這無辜的池魚。總是一副悶悶不樂的樣子(官方表示是因為:如果你感到快樂你就拍拍手……你懂得)。有時候,Handy並不在乎別人受傷和死亡。 【有光敏感性癲癇症 (見HTF TV劇集12.2:In a Jam)】 | |
數據 | 上鏡次數:43;死亡次數:33;死亡率:76.7% | |
花絮 | 喜歡皮影戲 |
名字 | ![]() | |
動物原型 | ||
名字來源 | Petunia(喇叭花) | |
性別 | 女 | |
配音 | 達納 本【Dana Belben】(1999-2004)&艾倫 康奈爾【Ellen Connel】(2005-2009) 洛瑞茲【Lori Jee】(2009-至今) | |
中文暱稱 | 潔癖、小紅花 | |
簡介 | Petunia在脖子上掛著一個松樹形狀的汽車空氣清新劑,性格開朗,和Giggles親如姐妹,經常在一起,但是有嚴重潔癖強迫症,在發現有東西不乾淨時,強迫症就會發作,如果不能打理,甚至會致死(曾經因為沒水洗乾淨污泥而把自己刮死)。 | |
數據 | 上鏡次數:68;死亡次數:51;死亡率:75% | |
花絮 | 一天洗五次澡 |
名字 | ![]() | |
動物原型 | ||
名字來源 | Splendid(閃亮、輝煌的) | |
性別 | 男 | |
配音 | 羅德 蒙提荷【Rhode Montijo】(2000-2005) &大衛 溫【David Winn】(2005-至今) | |
中文暱稱 | 藍煞筆、瞬吸藍、藍超人、藍英、英雄、飛哥 | |
簡介 | Splendid是個超人,有各種超能力:力大無窮、無堅不摧、能飛、能從眼睛射出雷射、能在宇宙生存、千里耳、能逆轉時間(參考超人電影)呼出甚至能讓人凍結的氣息,大概是這些形(sang)形(xin)色(bing)色(kuang)的能力所以是死天王的不二人選...... | |
數據 | 上鏡次數:14;死亡次數:2;死亡率:14.2% | |
花絮 |
名字 | Flippy(Fliqpy) | ![]() |
動物原型 | ||
名字來源 | Flip(發瘋)fliqpy(冷血)flippy(軍人) | |
性別 | 男 | |
配音 | 奧布里 安科斯【Aubrey Ankrum】(Fliqpy)(2006-至今)&肯尼 那瓦羅【Kenn Navarro】(Flippy)(2000-至今) | |
中文暱稱 | 軍人、覺醒(Fliqpy)、老兵 | |
簡介 | ||
數據 | 上鏡次數:27;死亡次數:8;死亡率:29.6% | |
花絮 | 會織毛衣 |
名字 | ![]() | |
動物原型 | ||
名字來源 | Lifty(偷/竊)Shifty(狡猾的) | |
性別 | 男 | |
配音 | 馬克 格拉多【Mark Giambruno】(2000-2005)&肯尼 那瓦羅【Kenn Navarro】(2005-至今) | |
中文暱稱 | 雙子,雙偷 | |
簡介 | Lifty是Shifty的弟弟,經常損人利己、偷雞摸狗,一起登場時經常因為盜竊而害的自己慘澹收場。在緊急關頭常被哥哥丟下,但有時還是會相信著哥哥(Easy For You To Sleigh - Part 2中順著Fliqpy假扮的Shifty指的方向逃去)(在CheesyDoes It沒有死亡) Shifty是Lifty的哥哥,總是與弟弟一起偷竊。戴著一頂草帽,在緊要關頭時會丟掉Lifty,以保住他的性命,但最後總是不能倖免遇難! | |
數據 | 【L】上鏡次數:35(一起);死亡次數:28;死亡率:80%(一起) 【S】上鏡次數:35(一起);死亡次數:29;死亡率:82.8%(一起) | |
花絮 | 【L】打保齡球能達到300分【S】賭博成癮、搶劫技術很高 |
名字 | ||
動物原型 | ![]() | |
名字來源 | Sniffle(抽噎) | |
性別 | 男 | |
配音 | 利茲 斯圖爾特【Liz Stuart】(2000-至今) | |
中文暱稱 | 科學,小科學,學霸 | |
簡介 | Sniffles的智商高達350+,常思考數學問題,並發明了很多高技術含量的設備幫助別人,但處理突發事件的能力幾乎為零,這也就使他只成功吃到一次螞蟻,而其他幾乎都因此死亡的原因。 唯一的一次成功吃掉螞蟻在劇集“Blast from the Past”中,其它劇集都被螞蟻幹掉。原因貌似是因為那一集並不是以吃螞蟻為主線故事。 還和甘黨是一個CP,原因好像是因為他經常用自己的錢給甘黨買糖果。【乙女朋友們的YY】 | |
數據 | 上鏡次數:60;死亡次數:46;死亡率:76.6% | |
花絮 | 喜歡長除法(在Hard Act to Swallow表現出來) 官方表示可能是因為他的智慧經常從事高薪的工作,十分有錢 |
名字 | ![]() | |
動物原型 | ||
名字來源 | Nutty(堅果) | |
性別 | 男 | |
配音 | 李普曼【Michael ·Lippy·Lipman】(2000-至今) | |
中文暱稱 | 甘黨、綠呆子、糖果狂 | |
簡介 | Nutty嗜糖如命,是個精神病。他的頭上有棒棒糖,糖拐杖,和一個焦糖蘋果。他總用棒棒糖和白砂糖刷牙,然後用可樂漱口。左眼珠是綠色的,會像彈珠一樣亂轉,表現了Nutty的精神錯亂。他會把一切看起來像糖果的東西吃掉(如Class Act中將扮演糖拐杖的Sniffles咬傷了,Stealing The Spotlight中把Lumpy的裝飾燈吃掉),結果因自己的嗜糖造成慘痛代價。對他來說糖果似乎比命還重要,不管是別人的還是自己的,有望成為新的死天王。 | |
數據 | 上鏡次數:43;死亡次數:33;死亡率 :76.7% | |
花絮 | 有狂犬病 嗜糖的原因可能是因為嬰兒時期奶瓶里的奶粉被人換成了糖【出自官方問答】 |
名字 | ![]() | |
動物原型 | ||
名字來源 | Pop(老爹)Cub(幼崽) | |
性別 | 男 | |
配音 | Pop:奧布里 安科斯【Aubrey Ankrum】(2000-至今) Cub:達納 本【Dana Belben】(1999-2004) & 艾倫 康奈爾【Ellen Connel】(2005-2009) & 洛瑞茲【Lori Jee】(2009-至今) | |
中文暱稱 | 【P】熊爸 老爹 【C】熊孩子 兒子 | |
簡介 | Pop是Cub的老爸,穿著浴袍,叼著菸斗,很疼愛自己的兒子。但由於他非常粗心大意,還有些無知,所以經常只因為一件小事就把兒子弄得慘不忍睹,然而自己總是不知情,絕不算是一個合格的父親! Cub是Pop的兒子,機靈可愛,總是意識不到面臨的危險,經常被他老爸害死(有時是因為Pop沒有看管好孩子而死),可以說是全劇中死得最具諷刺意味(被自己最親近的人無意害死)、無辜的人物。他總是在生死線中徘徊,然而很少能幸免於難。他的死亡總能給家長帶來極大的警告因素! | |
數據 | 【P】上鏡次數:46;死亡次數:21;死亡率 :45.6% 【C】上鏡次數:52;死亡次數:41;死亡率:78.8% | |
花絮 | 【P】嗜煙如命睡覺也抽菸,小氣鬼 【C】有乳糖不耐症,不能將葡萄糖化為自身養分。沒有把pop當做父親,而認為他是朋友 |
名字 | TheMole | ![]() |
動物原型 | ||
名字來源 | The Mole(鼴鼠/痣/間諜) | |
性別 | 男 | |
中文暱稱 | 盲人、瞎子、盲美人(痴漢們的稱呼) | |
簡介 | ||
數據 | 上鏡次數:57;死亡次數:26;死亡率:45.6% | |
花絮 | 眼睛是淡藍色的(但是因為製作組的偷懶結果並不是淡藍的眼睛,卻畫成了像cub一樣的眼) 愛好攝影,儘管看不見 |
名字 | Mime | ![]() |
動物原型 | ||
名字來源 | Mime(啞劇) | |
性別 | 男 | |
配音 | Sarah Castleblanco(在happy trails-part1中被花生噎到的聲音) | |
中文暱稱 | 啞劇、小丑、啞謎 | |
簡介 | 充滿幽默感的小丑,一般情況下從不開口,也因這個原因給同伴帶來了麻煩。喜歡吃花生,並會許多雜耍。經常為同伴們表演啞劇,但每次都會樂極生悲!他的家具似乎是透明的。 他在Happy Trails Part 1; Something Fishy,Keepin' it Reel中發出過一些喉嚨的聲音,表演啞劇時也會發出一些模仿聲音。曾經找過很多工作,但最後都被開除了,開有一家樂器店。 據官方說,他在以後殺人的次數可能比他自己死的次數還多。 | |
數據 | 上鏡次數:39;死亡次數:26;死亡率:66.6% | |
花絮 | 他其實會說話,只是因為敬業不願說話。最初設計有尾巴,後來被刪掉 在擬人化里常常被設定成女的 |
名字 | ![]() | |
動物原型 | ||
名字來源 | Toothy(露齒的) | |
性別 | 男 | |
配音 | 沃倫 格拉芙【Warren Graff】(1999-至今) | |
中文暱稱 | 板牙、麻子 | |
簡介 | Toothy有著標誌性的大板牙,性格開朗友善,但倒霉的是,他總是無辜的被連帶死亡,貌似在劇情中沒有什麼重要的地位(官方曾表示在未來劇集中更多地展示Toothy的個性)。 | |
數據 | 上鏡次數:68;死亡次數:53;死亡率:77.9% | |
花絮 | 牙線使用過度 |
名字 | ![]() | |
動物原型 | ||
性別 | 男 | |
配音 | Jeff Biancalana(2002-2005)Francis Carr(2006-至今) | |
中文暱稱 | 亞爾(他的聲音)、海賊、海盜 | |
簡介 | Russell是一個海盜,有著傳統海盜的裝備——就像JollyRoger的帽子——鉤子手,一個眼罩和兩個木頭假腿。他喜歡釣魚,航海,吃海鮮,特別是蛤。開著一家快餐店。 看到恐怖或暴力的場面會抓狂,像Flippy那樣,但是不殺人,只是用鉤子到處亂劃並且狂叫。 | |
數據 | 上鏡次數:33;死亡次數:23;死亡率:69.6% | |
花絮 | 的確沒有右眼。有一台iPhone手機。 |
名字 | ![]() | |
動物原型 | ||
名字來源 | Marmot(土撥鼠) | |
性別 | 男 | |
中文暱稱 | 冰人、冰鼠、冰塊君 | |
簡介 | Cro-Marmot是一個凍在冰塊里的土拔鼠,雖說凍在冰塊里,但他能做很多事,例如扔雪球,賣冰淇凌,滑雪,衝浪等。它不會融化,因為他身上冰塊的溫度十分低,喜歡在寒冷的地方居住,家在一個巨大的雪花盆景球里。有時候也開著他的冰淇凌車。 | |
數據 | 上鏡次數:28;死亡次數:6;死亡率:21.4% | |
花絮 | 一旦害羞就會出現融化現象 |
名字 | ![]() | |
動物原型 | 綿羊、黃瓜 | |
名字來源 | Lamb(羊羔),Pickle(醃瓜) | |
性別 | 女 | |
配音 | Renée T. MacDonald.【2009-至今】 | |
中文暱稱 | (L)羊小姐,小羊(M)黃瓜先生 | |
簡介 | Lammy她是個穿著白色羊毛衣的有著精神分裂症的紫色小羊,而Mr.Pickels則是一根綠色的黃瓜。在她眼中,Mr.Pickels是一位戴著禮帽、長著八字鬍的紳士小朋友,可是在別人看來只是一般的小黃瓜而已。在Lammy看來Mr.Pickels總是想殺人,此時Lammy便會試圖阻止,但在別人眼中就是她做的。這導致她初次登場就馬上殺了3個人。初次死於All In Vein,第二次於All Work and No Play,第三次於Spare Tire(有趣的是都與Lumpy有關)。與Truffles同為Happy Tree Friends十周年慶登場的兩個角色,因最高票當選而成為正式演出角色。 (由於她的精神分裂,有望成為新的死天王) | |
數據 | 上鏡次數:7;死亡次數:3;死亡率:42.8% | |
花絮 | Mr.Pickels的五官、四肢、帽子都是Lammy想像出來的,所以實際上Mr.Pickels並未殺過人,全都是Lammy無意殺的(出自官方回答,但是從劇集來看,Mr.Pickels也有著殺人的傾向,甚至在沒有Lammy的情況下殺過人) 【L】喜歡開茶會【M】非常討厭別人參加Lammy的茶會 |
名字 | ![]() | |
動物原型 | 豬 | |
性別 | 男 | |
中文暱稱 | 小豬 | |
簡介 | 身穿水手服的青藍色小豬,與Lammy同為HTF兩名新登場的角色。他在十餘集中出現。由於在新角色投票中輸給Lammy,所以不會成為HTF的主要角色,通常在劇集出現時都會躲在極其隱蔽的地方,只有在Clause For Concern里能看到他完整的形象。與Lammy一樣在All In Vein一集中初次死亡。 | |
數據 | 上鏡次數:22;死亡次數:4;死亡率:18.1% | |
花絮 | 你必須要有鷹眼才能發現這傢伙出現次數的確不少,所以不要邀請他去做躲貓貓 |
名字 | 詛咒金像 | ![]() | |
外表 | 類似埃及法老的石頭,褐黃色,是一個小人坐著的形狀。 | ||
出現劇集 | “Hello Dolly”、“Treasure These Idol Moments”、“Idol Curiosity”以及其他隱藏在角落裡的幾集。 | ||
簡介 | 詛咒金像不喜歡被別人盯著看,所以會讓撿到的人和碰到的人,盯著自己看的人通通死亡。 | ||
花絮 | 雖然詛咒金像只光明正大地出現了三集,但是有很多集它都躲在一些不起眼的角落,可以說,有些動物其實是被它害死的。 除了本來就是要出現的集,(比如詛咒123)其它集也會有隱藏的詛咒金像出現,大多數都是詛咒金像出現所以把他們害死的! 綠寶石,Lifty和Shifty手上抱著詛咒金像; 發布會,Cro-Marmot在賣詛咒金像; 環保,河裡有個詛咒金像; 班級表演,Flaky掉下去的時候,很快很快,大概一秒都不到,在右邊還是左邊的,出現了詛咒金像; 過山車,Lifty和Shifty被門攪碎的時候,門的左邊出現了詛咒金像; |
名字 | Rudy | ![]() |
動物原型 | 綿羊(公綿羊多有螺旋狀大角) | |
性別 | 男 | |
簡介 |
名字 | Tricksy | ![]() |
動物原型 | 雪貂 | |
性別 | 男 | |
簡介 | 褐色和米色相間的雪貂,是冬粉設計出來的角色.初次登場在Pet Peeve,也是只出現過一次,登場時還拿著一個捕獸夾。 |
名字 | Unicornius(Really Good Unicornius) | ![]() |
動物原型 | 獨角獸 | |
性別 | 男 | |
簡介 | 白色的獨角獸,是Mondo公司的一名員工設計出來的角色。只在Pet Peeve出現過一次。 |
名字 | ![]() | |
動物原型 | ||
名字來源 | Buddhist(佛教)Monkey(猴子) | |
性別 | 男 | |
配音 | Jeff Biancalana | |
中文暱稱 | 功夫猴、佛教猴 | |
簡介 | Buddhist Monkey是一隻功夫很厲害的猴子,每當有人破壞他珍視的東西時,他就會發怒,而把他們全殺掉。 | |
花絮 | 它超級愛書、花朵和他的師父 |
名字 | Char Sui(隋) | ![]() |
動物原型 | 豬 | |
性別 | 男 | |
配音 | Kenn Navarro | |
簡介 | Buddhist Monkey的對手 | |
花絮 | 他的名字的空耳是“叉燒”。 |
名字 | Sensei Orangutan/Orangutan Master(給出了兩種名稱) | ![]() |
動物原型 | ||
性別 | 男 | |
簡介 | 是Buddhist Monkey的師傅。據說是本作中唯一一個永久死亡的角色。 出現在Three Courses of Death。 |
名字 | Splendont | ![]() |
動物原型 | ||
性別 | 男 | |
中文暱稱 | 姨媽紅、紅超人、紅英、紅煞筆,東特 | |
簡介 | 一隻紅色的飛鼠,與Splendid是相對,看不起Splendid。相比Splendid的單純【蠢?】,他似乎更顯成熟(?),Splendont總能幫助人們,不同於總會不小心害人死亡的Splendid。但在人們YY中被認為是傲嬌……比起did把救人當成一種責任,自己大多可能是把救人當成一種任務。幫助別人也許是為了告訴他們自己才是這世界的hero。 | |
花絮 | 無,先前百科所提到的“不想拯救地球”沒有官方的依據,不要輕信。 |
名字 | Sneaky | ![]() |
動物原型 | ||
名稱來源 | sneaky(鬼鬼祟祟的) | |
性別 | 男 | |
配音 | Alan Lau | |
簡介 | Flippy的戰友,被Flippy誤殺。 特長是隱身接近用舌頭刺殺敵人。Flippy因躲在他的屍體裡,人格分裂變成了Fliqpy。 |
名字 | Mouse Ka-Boom | ![]() |
動物原型 | ||
性別 | 男 | |
配音 | Brad Rau | |
簡介 | Flippy的戰友,被Flippy誤殺。特長是使用炸彈。 | |
花絮 | 有不明原因的耳聾(可能是因為炸藥爆炸聲) |
名字 | Tiger General(反派) | ![]() |
動物原型 | 老虎 | |
名稱來源 | tiger(虎)general(將軍) | |
性別 | 男 | |
配音 | Ken Pontac | |
簡介 | Flippy的敵人,在最後被Fliqpy殺死。 |
名字 | Tiger Soldier(反派) | ![]() |
動物原型 | 老虎 | |
名稱來源 | tiger (虎)soldier(士兵) | |
簡介 | Tiger General的跑龍套的部下。 |
名字 | The Rat | ![]() |
動物原型 | ||
名稱來源 | rat(大鼠) | |
簡介 | The Mole的敵人,要竊取The Mole紅箱子裡拍了機密檔案照片的照相機,在最後拿到檔案後,打開來看竟然是The Mole的炸彈痣,然後被炸成碎片。 |
集數 | 標題 | 主要 | 配角 | 死亡 | 警示 |
1 | "Spin Fun Knowin' Ya!" | Cuddles Giggles Toothy Lumpy | - | Toothy Giggles Cuddles | "Don't forget to floss!" |
2 | "House Warming" | Petunia Handy | - | - | "Smiles are always free!" |
3 | "Helping Helps" | Giggles Splendid | Giggles' Mom | Giggles | "Don't forget to stop and smell the roses!" |
4 | "Crazy Ant-ics" | Sniffles | The Ants | Sniffles | "Buckle up for safety!" |
5 | "Havin' a Ball" | Pop & Cub | Lumpy | Pop & Cub Lumpy | "Eat your veggies!" |
6 | "Water You Wading For?" | Cuddles Flaky | - | Cuddles | "Don't breathe under water!" |
7 | "Nuttin' Wrong with Candy!" | Nutty | - | Nutty | "Wash behind your ears!" |
8 | "Wheelin' and Dealin" | Lifty & Shifty | Lumpy Handy | Handy Lifty & Shifty | "Look both ways before crossing the street!" |
9 | "Pitchin' Impossible" | The Mole Petunia Lumpy | - | Petunia Lumpy | "Take your vitamins!" |
10 | "Stayin' Alive!" | Disco Bear Petunia Giggles | - | Petunia Giggles | "An apple a day keeps the doctor away!" |
11 | "Treasure These Idol Moments" | Toothy Sniffles Cub Flaky | Lumpy | Toothy Sniffles Cub Flaky Lumpy | "If friends were flowers, I'd pick you!" |
12 | "Chip off the Ol' Block" | Pop & Cub | - | Cub | "Plant kindness and gather love!" |
13 | "Nuttin' but the Tooth" | Nutty Toothy | Lumpy | - | "Brush after every meal!" |
14 | "Hide and Seek" | Petunia Toothy Flaky Flippy | - | Toothy Flaky Petunia | "After the rain comes a rainbow!" |
15 | "Whose Line Is It Anyway?" | Russell | - | Russell | "Adopt a pet!" |
16 | "Boo Do You Think You Are?" | Giggles Sniffles Flaky | - | Sniffles Giggles Flaky | "Don't take candy from strangers!" |
17 | "Mime and Mime Again" | Toothy Mime | - | Toothy | "Silence is golden!" |
18 | "You're Bakin Me Crazy!" | Giggles Lumpy | Petunia | Giggles | "Watch a sunrise!" |
19 | "Tongue Twister Trouble" | Sniffles | Giggles Cro-Marmot | Sniffles(有爭議) | "Mind your manners!" |
20 | "Meat Me for Lunch" | Lifty & Shifty Lumpy | Petunia | Shifty Lifty | "Read a book!" |
21 | "Sweet Ride" | Cuddles Nutty | Cro-Marmot | Nutty Cuddles | "Don't jaywalk!" |
22 | "It's a Snap!" | Lumpy Splendid | Cub | Cub(有爭議) Lumpy | "You don't need a reason to send flowers!" |
23 | "Off the Hook" | Russell Lumpy | - | Russell | "Don't litter!" |
24 | "Spare Me" | Sniffles Handy The Mole | - | Sniffles | "Laughter is the best medicine!" |
25 | "Snow What? That's What!" | Giggles Cro-Marmot | Petunia Lumpy | Petunia Lumpy Giggles | "Never eat the last cookie!" |
26 | "This Is Your Knife" | Giggles Flippy Flaky Cuddles | - | Cuddles Giggles Flaky | "Plant a tree!" |
27 | "Happy Trails" | Cuddles Petunia Mime Lumpy | Giggles Toothy Sniffles Handy Flaky The Mole | Cuddles Mime Petunia The Mole Toothy | "Keep your promises!" |
集數 | 標題 | 主要 | 配角 | 死亡 | 警示 |
28 | "Happy Trails Pt. 2: Jumping The Shark" | Handy Giggles Sniffles Lifty & Shifty Flaky Flippy Lumpy | - | Giggles Lifty & Shifty Flaky Sniffles Handy Flippy Lumpy(有爭議) | "Give but never give up!" |
29 | "Eye Candy" | Toothy | - | Toothy | "Keep your eye on the prize!" |
30 | "Rink Hijinks" | Flaky Disco Bear Cub Lumpy | - | Flaky Disco Bear Lumpy | "What goes around comes around!" |
31 | "Flippin' Burgers" | Petunia Cuddles Giggles Flippy | Pop & Cub | Cuddles Giggles Petunia Pop & Cub | "You are what you eat!" |
32 | "Get Whale Soon" | Russell Lumpy | - | Lumpy Russell | "Don't bite off more than you can chew!" |
33 | "Snip, Snip Hooray!" | Pop & Cub | - | Cub | "Don't run with scissors!" |
34 | "Eyes Cold Lemonade" | Petunia Giggles | - | Petunia | "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade!" |
35 | "Milkin' It" | Lifty & Shifty Lumpy | - | Lumpy Lifty Shifty | "Don't cry over spilled milk!" |
36 | "Out of Sight, Out of Mime" | Mime The Mole | Flaky Lumpy Giggles Cro-Marmot Nutty Pop & Cub Flippy | Mime | "Keep your chin up!" |
37 | "Class Act" | Toothy Lumpy | Nutty The Mole Lifty & Shifty Flaky Giggles Sniffles Cuddles Petunia Pop & Cub Disco Bear Mime Flippy Handy Cro-Marmot Splendid Russell | Cuddles Toothy Lumpy Nutty The Mole Lifty & Shifty Flaky Giggles Sniffles Petunia Pop & Cub Disco Bear Mime Flippy Handy Cro-Marmot Splendid Russell | "It's better to give than to receive!" |
38 | "The Way You Make Me Wheel" | Handy Lumpy | - | Handy Lumpy | "One good turn deserves another!" |
39 | "Better Off Bread" | Splendid Giggles Toothy | - | Giggles Toothy | "Time heals all wounds!" |
40 | "I Get a Trick Out of You!" | Cuddles Lumpy | Giggles The Mole Nutty Toothy Cub Petunia | Cuddles Lumpy | "Two wrongs don't make a right!" |
41 | "Shard at Work" | Handy | - | Handy | "The glass is always half full!" |
42 | "Water Way to Go" | Pop & Cub | Cro-Marmot Cuddles Giggles | Cub | "Keep your head above water." |
43 | "Out on a Limb" | Lumpy | - | - | "The bigger they are, the harder they fall!" |
44 | "Keepin' It Reel" | Flippy Mime Lumpy Petunia Toothy | Flaky Cuddles | Mime Petunia Cuddles(有爭議) Flaky Toothy Lumpy | "A picture's worth 1,000 words!" |
45 | "A Hard Act to Swallow" | Sniffles | The Ants | Sniffles | "Follow your heart!" |
46 | "Let It Slide" | Cuddles Flaky Cub Lumpy | Giggles | Cub Flaky Cuddles | "Don't forget to wear sunblock!" |
47 | "Icy You" | Nutty | Lumpy | Nutty | "Feed a cold, starve a fever!" |
48 | "Hello Dolly" | Petunia Cub Disco Bear | Pop | Cub Disco Bear Petunia | "All that glitters is not gold!" |
49 | "Remains to Be Seen" | Lumpy Flippy | Cuddles Giggles Petunia Nutty The Mole Handy Lifty & Shifty Mime Sniffles Toothy Russell | Cuddles Giggles Petunia Nutty The Mole Handy Lifty & Shifty Mime Shiffles Toothy Russell Flippy | "Live and let live!" |
50 | Stealing the Spotlight | Pop & Cub Lumpy | Nutty The Mole Giggles Sniffles Flaky Lifty & Shifty Toothy Petunia (Truffles) | Nutty Giggles(有爭議) Pop & Cub Lifty & Shifty(有爭議) Toothy Petunia(有爭議) Sniffles(有爭議) Flaky(有爭議) [Truffles(有爭議)] | "Always look on the bright side of life!" |
51 | "Ski Ya, Wouldn't Wanna Be Ya!" | Flaky Disco Bear | Giggles Petunia | Flaky Petunia(有爭議) Giggles(有爭議) Disco Bear | "Put your best foot forward!" |
52 | "Blind Date" | The Mole Lumpy Giggles | Handy Petunia Disco Bear Cuddles | Lumpy Handy Disco Bear Petunia | "Love is blind!" |
53 | "Suck It Up!" | Sniffles | The Ants | Sniffles | "Follow your nose!" |
54 | "From A to Zoo" | Flaky Lumpy Petunia Toothy Cuddles Sniffles | - | Sniffles Petunia Toothy Cuddles Flaky(有爭議) Lumpy(有爭議) | "Don't bite the hand that feeds you!" |
集數 | 標題 | 主要 | 配角 | 死亡 | 警示 |
55 | "Read 'em and Weep" | Pop & Cub | Toothy Petunia Lumpy | Petunia Cub | "Don't judge a book by its cover!" |
56 | "Can't Stop Coffin" | Cuddles Lumpy | The Mole Toothy Russell Pop & Cub Cro-Marmot | Cub Cuddles | "Don't be afraid to get dirt under your fingernails!" |
57 | "We're Scrooged!" | Lumpy | Cuddles Giggles Toothy The Mole Sniffles | Toothy Lumpy | "A great man is hard on himself, a small man is hard on others!" |
58 | "A Sucker for Love" | Nutty | Pop & Cub The Mole Lumpy | Nutty | "Take the bitter with the sweet!" |
"The more you judge, the less you love!" | |||||
59 | "Just Desert" | Lumpy | Pop & Cub | Lumpy | "You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink!" |
60 | "Peas in a Pod" | Lumpy | Toothy Sniffles Petunia Cuddles | Petunia Sniffles Cuddles Toothy | "Two's company but three's a crowd!" |
61 | "Wrath of Con" | Sniffles Splendid | The Mole Toothy Cuddles Flaky Pop & Cub Mime Cro-Marmot Disco Bear Russell Petunia Giggles Nutty Handy Lifty Shifty Lumpy (Truffles) | Mime Disco Bear Russell Petunia Giggles Cuddles Toothy Pop & Cub Lifty & Shifty Handy Lumpy Flaky Nutty Cro-Marmot(有爭議) The Mole Sniffles (Truffles) | "No good deed goes unpunished!" |
62 | "All Flocked Up!" | Lumpy | Toothy The Mole | Lumpy | "Birds of a feather flock together!" |
63 | "Something Fishy" | Russell | Giggles Petunia Cuddles Lumpy Flaky Sniffles Nutty Mime Handy The Mole Pop Toothy | Giggles Petunia Sniffles Mime Russell | "Teach a man to fish and you feed him for life!" |
64 | "Without a Hitch" | Flaky Flippy | Lumpy | Flaky Flippy | "The road to hell is paved with good intentions." |
65 | "Swelter Skelter" | Lifty & Shifty | Cro-Marmot Nutty Giggles Petunia | Nutty Lifty & Shifty | "Don't sweat the small stuff!" |
66 | "I Nub You" | Petunia Handy | Lumpy Cuddles Giggles | Petunia Handy | "The spaces between your fingers are there for someone to fill them." |
67 | "A Bit of a Pickle" | Lammy & Mr. Pickels | Flaky Petunia Lumpy Cuddles Handy Truffles | Petunia Handy Cuddles(有爭議) Flaky | "We don't see things as they are, we see things as we are." |
68 | "See You Later, Elevator!" | Lumpy | Cuddles Giggles Sniffles Mime Toothy Handy Pop & Cub Truffles | Sniffles Mime Cuddles Toothy Handy Pop & Cub Giggles | "There is no elevator to success. You have to take the stairs." |
69 | "Clause For Concern" | Pop & Cub | Truffles The Mole | Cub | "Ignorance is bliss". |
70 | "The Chokes On You" | The Mole Lumpy | Flaky Lammy & Mr. Pickels Truffles | Lumpy Flaky(有爭議) | “The optimist sees the doughnut.The pessimist sees the hole." |
71 | "Royal Flush" | Lammy & Mr. Pickels | Flaky Giggles Petunia Truffles | Flaky Giggles Petunia | “Take the plunge!” |
72 | "Brake the cycle" | Toothy | Lumpy Cro-Marmot Mime Truffles | Toothy Lumpy Mime | "Live is riding a bicycle,In order to keep your balance,you must keep moving." |
73 | “Random Acts of Silence” | Flippy | Mime Sniffles Nutty Flaky Truffles | Sniffles Nutty Mime | "There are times when cilence has the loudest vioce." |
74 | "Breaking Wind" | Splendid | Lumpy Giggles Cuddles The Mole Toothy Handy Disco Bear Petunia Flaky Truffles | 除Splendid以外的所有出場角色。 | "It's an ill wind that blows no good." |
75 | "All in Vein" | Lumpy | Giggles Lammy Mr.Pickles Truffles The Mole Toothy | Lumpy Giggles Lammy Mr.Pickles Truffles The Mole Toothy | "Be positive!" |
76 | "Bottled up Inside" | Russell | Pop & Cub Truffles | Cub Russell | “Don't bottle up your feelings." |
77 | "No Time Like the Present" | Handy | Lumpy The Mole Truffles | Lumpy Handy The Mole | "A hug is a great gift-one size fits all and it's easyto exchange!" |
78 | “By the Seat of You Pants” | Flippy Lumpy | The Mole Cuddles Giggles Cro-Marmot Russell Disco Bear Toothy Handy Sniffles Flaky Nutty Truffles | Flaky Nutty Toothy Truffles Giggles Sniffles Flippy | “Put your pants on one leg at a time.” |
集數 | 標題 | 主要 | 配角 | 死亡 | 警示 |
79 | "You're Kraken Me Up" | Lumpy | Giggles Petunia Pop&Cub Truffles Lammy Mr. Pickles Cuddles Russell | Giggles Petunia Russell Cub | “If you love something, set it free. If it comes back, its meant to be.” |
80 | "All Work and No Play" | Lumpy | Nutty Lammy Sniffles Mr.Pickles Truffles | Nutty Sniffles Lammy | “If it ain't broke, don't fix it!” |
81 | “Buns of Steal” | Lifty&Shifty | Giggles Cuddles Sniffles The Mole Truffles | Giggles Sniffles Lifty Cuddles Shifty | “A half-baked idea is okay as long as it's still in the oven.” |
82 | “Pet Peeve” | Sniffles | The Mole Lumpy Handy Really Good Unicornius Tricksy | The Mole Handy Sniffles Lumpy | “Home is not home without a pet.” |
83 | “A Vicious Cycle” | Flippy | Disco Bear Pop & Cub Lumpy Rudy | Flippy Disco Bear Pop Lumpy | “A wheel that turns gathers no rust." |
84 | “Put Your Back Into it” | Disco Bear | Giggles Petunia Truffles Russell | Disco Bear | "Success depends on your backbone, not your wishbone." |
85 | “Spare Tire” | The Mole | Giggles Pop&Cub Toothy Lammy Mr. Pickles Lumpy Sniffles | Lumpy Pop Toothy Lammy The Mole | “Bad leadership is like a flat tire. You can't go anywhere without changing it.” |
86 | “Camp Pokeneyeout” | Cuddles | Toothy Lumpy Nutty Sniffles Petunia The Mole | Cuddles Toothy Petunia | "Sticks and stonesmay break bones but words will never hurt you." |
87 | “Dream Job” | Sniffles Lumpy | Disco Bear Flippy Giggles Petunia Truffles | - | "Dream as if you'll live forever,Live as if you'll die today." |
集數 | 標題 | 發布時間 |
劇集信息 | ||
1.1 | "The Wrong Side of the Tracks" | September 25, 2006 |
主要: Lumpy and Sniffles 配角: Cuddles, Flaky, Mime, Nutty, Giggles, Petunia, Disco Bear, Russell, Lifty & Shifty , Handy 死亡: Nutty, Mime, Cuddles, Handy, Shifty, Lifty, Lumpy, Petunia, Giggles & Sniffles 警示: "If a job is worth doing, it's worth doing right!" | ||
1.2 | "From Hero to Eternity" | September 25, 2006 |
主要: Splendid 配角: Giggles, Cuddles, Pop & Cub With appearances by Toothy, Petunia, Sniffles, Nutty, Handy, Lumpy, The Mole, Flaky, Cro-Marmot, Russell, Lifty & Shifty 死亡: Cuddles, Petunia, Toothy, Sniffles, Nutty, Handy, Lumpy, Cub, Flaky , Russel,Cro-Marmot, Lifty & Shifty , The Mole ,Giggles(有爭議) 警示: "It all comes out in the wash!" | ||
1.3 | "And The Kitchen Sink" | September 25, 2006 |
主要: Pop & Cub 配角 : Cuddles, Giggles, Toothy, Flaky, Lifty & Shifty 死亡: Flaky, Cuddles, Giggles , Toothy, Lifty & Shifty , Cub 警示: "Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater!" | ||
2.1 | "Party Animal" | October 2, 2006 |
主要: Flaky and Flippy 配角: Cuddles, Toothy, Mime, Sniffles, Nutty, The Mole and Lumpy 死亡: Toothy, Cuddles, Nutty, Mime, Sniffles, Flaky,The Mole 警示: Life is a party and everyone is invited! | ||
2.2 | "Ipso Fatso" | October 2, 2006 |
主要: Disco Bear 配角: Giggles, Petunia, Lumpy, Sniffles, Toothy, Handy, Lifty, Shifty, Pop, Cub, Russell, Cuddles, Nutty, The Mole, Flaky and Cro-Marmot 死亡: Sniffles, Toothy, Russell, Nutty, Handy, Cub, Cuddles, Lumpy & Disco Bear 警示: The way to one's heart is through their stomach | ||
2.3 | "Don't Yank My Chain" | October 2, 2006 |
主要: Handy, The Mole and Lumpy 配角 : Lifty, Shifty, Pop & Cub, Cuddles,Giggles 死亡: Cuddles, The Mole, Handy, Lifty & Shifty, Lumpy 警示: A chain's only as strong as its weakest link! | ||
3.1 | "Doggone It" | October 9, 2006 |
主要: Lumpy, Pop & Cub 配角: Cuddles, Giggles, Disco Bear, Mime, Lifty and Shifty, Handy, Sniffles, Toothy, The Mole, and Petunia 死亡: Toothy(有爭議),Handy(有爭議),Petunia(有爭議) , Sniffles(有爭議) , Cub(有爭議) , Giggles, The Mole, Disco Bear, Mime, Lifty, Shifty & Lumpy 警示: "Let sleeping dogs lie!" | ||
3.2 | "Concrete Solution" | October 9, 2006 |
主要: Nutty 配角: Lumpy, Handy , The Mole, Cuddles, Toothy, Sniffles, Russell, Giggles, Mime, Flaky, Cro-Marmot, Lifty, Shifty, Pop & Cub 死亡: The Mole, Handy, Sniffles, Lumpy, Nutty, Toothy,Cro-Marmot(有爭議),Cuddles(有爭議),Russell(有爭議) ,Flaky(有爭議),Cub 警示: "Take the bitter with the sweet!" | ||
3.3 | "Sea What I Found" | October 9, 2006 |
主要: Russell, Lifty & Shifty 配角 : Lumpy, Disco Bear, Pop & Cub, Cuddles 死亡: Cub, Disco Bear,Lumpy,Russell,Liftyand Shifty 警示: "There's plenty of fish in the sea!" | ||
4.1 | "Easy For You to Sleigh" | October 30, 2006 |
主要: Lifty & Shifty 配角: Pop & Cub, Mime and Flippy 死亡: Shifty ,Lifty,Pop,Cub 警示: "Give until it hurts!" | ||
4.2 | "Wishy Washy" | October 30, 2006 |
主要: Petunia and Lumpy 配角: Disco Bear 死亡: Disco Bear, Lumpy & Petunia 警示: "Wash behind the ears!" | ||
4.3 | "Who's to Flame?" | October 30, 2006 |
主要: Mime 配角: Giggles, Cuddles, Petunia, Lumpy, Toothy , Handy, Sniffles, Disco Bear, Russell, Lifty & Shifty, The Mole, Nutty , Flaky, Pop & Cub 死亡: Cuddles, Petunia, Giggles, Sniffles, Cub, Flaky, Pop, Lifty, Shifty, Russell, Handy, Toothy, Disco Bear, & Nutty,Lumpy,The Mole 警示: "If you cannot take the heat, stay out of the kitchen!" | ||
5.1 | "Every Litter Bit Hurts" | October 16, 2006 |
主要: Giggles and Lumpy 配角: Sniffles, The Mole, Pop, & Cub 死亡: Cub, Pop, Sniffles, Lumpy & Giggles 警示: "A new broom sweeps clean!" | ||
5.2 | "As You Wish" | October 16, 2006 |
主要: Lumpy, Lifty & Shifty 配角: Petunia, Sniffles, Nutty, Disco Bear, Mime, Giggles, Pop & Cub 死亡: Disco Bear, Cub, Nutty, Sniffles, Pop, Mime, Lifty, Shifty, & Petunia 警示: "Be careful what you wish for!" | ||
5.3 | "Take a Hike" | October 16, 2006 |
主要: Lumpy 配角 : Cuddles, Toothy, Petunia, Nutty, Sniffles, and Flaky 死亡: Flaky,Nutty,Toothy,Cuddles,Petunia,Sniffles,Lumpy 警示: "Walk a mile in someone else's shoes!" | ||
6.1 | "Snow Place to Go" | October 23, 2006 |
主要: Russell 配角: Lumpy, Toothy, Cuddles, Flaky, and Giggles 死亡: Giggles, Cuddles, Toothy,Flaky & Russell 警示: "A Friend-Ship never sinks" | ||
6.2 | "Dunce Upon a Time" | October 23, 2006 |
主要: Giggles 配角: Lumpy, Handy, Nutty, Lifty, Shifty, Mime, Cuddles, Flaky, Toothy, Sniffles, and Petunia 死亡:Nutty,Toothy, Handy, Mime , Flaky , Sniffles, Cuddles, Petunia, Lumpy, Lifty & Shifty 警示: "The sky's the limit when your heart's in it!" | ||
6.3 | "Gems the Breaks" | October 23, 2006 |
主要: Splendid, Lifty & Shifty 配角 : Cuddles, Toothy, Sniffles, Lumpy, Giggles, Handy, Petunia, Pop, Cub, and The Mole 死亡: Cuddles, Toothy, Sniffles, Handy, Cub,Lifty, Shifty, Giggles(有爭議), Petunia(有爭議),Splendid and The Mole 警示: "Pressure makes diamonds!" | ||
7.1 | "A Change Of Heart" | November 6, 2006 |
主要: Lumpy and Disco Bear 配角: Giggles, Cuddles, Petunia, Cro-Marmot , Handy, Mime, Toothy, Nutty, The Mole and Flaky 死亡: Handy,Lumpy(有爭議) 警示: "Absence makes the heart grow fonder!" | ||
7.2 | "A Hole Lotta Love" | November 6, 2006 |
主要: Pop & Cub, and Sniffles 配角: Lumpy, Mime, The Mole, Handy, Cuddles, Petunia,Cro-Marmot 死亡: The Mole, Handy, Petunia, Cuddles, Sniffles, Mime,Cub(有爭議) and Lumpy 警示: "Anything worth doing is worth doing well!" | ||
7.3 | "Mime to Five" | November 6, 2006 |
主要: Mime 配角 : Pop, Cub, Russell, Sniffles, Giggles, Disco Bear, Lumpy, Cro-Marmot, Flaky, Toothy, Cuddles, The Mole, Petunia and Nutty 死亡: Pop, Cub, Sniffles, Disco Bear, Toothy,Flaky, Cuddles,Russell,The Mole,Nutty,Lumpy & Giggles 警示: "Keep your nose to the grindstone" | ||
8.1 | "Blast from the Past" | November 20, 2006 |
主要: Sniffles 配角: Lumpy, Cuddles, Giggles and Toothy 死亡:-(由於時間軸錯亂原因無法統計) 警示: "Time heals all wounds!" | ||
8.2 | "Chew Said a Mouthful" | November 20, 2006 |
主要: Nutty and Lumpy 配角: Giggles, Toothy, The Mole, Mime, Disco Bear, and Flaky , Russell 死亡: Mime,Disco Bear, Flaky ,Toothy & Nutty 警示: "Keep a stiff upper lip!" | ||
8.3 | "See What Develops" | November 20, 2006 |
主要: Splendid and The Mole 配角 : Lumpy, Sniffles, Russell, Giggles, Cro-Marmot, Handy, Disco Bear, Flaky, Nutty, Mime, Petunia, Cuddles, Toothy, Pop & Cub 死亡: Mime, Handy, Petunia, Giggles, Toothy, Flaky, Disco Bear, Nutty & Cuddles 警示: "A picture is worth a thousand words!" | ||
9.1 | "Idol Curiosity" | November 27, 2006 |
主要: Sniffles 配角: Giggles, Flaky, The Mole, Russell, Lumpy, and Toothy 死亡: Giggles, Flaky, Lumpy, Russell,Toothy,The Mole, Sniffles 警示: "Step on a crack break your mothers back" | ||
9.2 | "Home is Where The Hurt is" | November 27, 2006 |
主要: Handy and Giggles 配角: Lumpy, Mime, The Mole, Cuddles, and Petunia 死亡: Cuddles, Mime, Giggles, The Mole, Lumpy, Petunia & Handy 警示: "Charity begins at home" | ||
9.3 | "Aw, Shucks!" | November 27, 2006 |
主要: Lumpy 配角 : Cuddles, Toothy, Giggles, Disco Bear, Nutty, Sniffles, Mime, The Mole, Flaky, Handy, Russell, Petunia,Pop&Cub, Lifty and Shifty 死亡: Cuddles, Toothy, Giggles, Disco Bear, Flaky, The Mole, Nutty, Mime, Sniffles, Lifty, Shifty, Handy, Russell, Petunia, Pop & Cub 警示: "Friends are flowers in the garden of life" | ||
10.1 | "A Sight for Sore Eyes" | December 3, 2006 |
主要: The Mole and Russell 配角: Lumpy, Toothy, Sniffles, Nutty, Cuddles and Handy 死亡: Toothy, Sniffles, Handy, Nutty,The Mole 警示: "When the outlook isn't good, try the uplook!" | ||
10.2 | "Wipe Out" | December 3, 2006 |
主要: Cro-Marmot and Lumpy 配角: The Mole, Flaky, Nutty, Giggles, Petunia, Handy, Cuddles, Sniffles and Toothy 死亡: Nutty, Handy, Cuddles, Flaky & Lumpy 警示: "Don't make waves" | ||
10.3 | "Letter Late than Never" | December 3, 2006 |
主要: Lumpy 配角 : Giggles, Cuddles, Pop & Cub 死亡: Giggles, Cub, Lumpy 警示: "Good things come in small packages!" | ||
11.1 | "Wingin' It" | December 10, 2006 |
主要: Flaky 配角: Sniffles, Mime, The Mole, Lumpy, Petunia, and Cuddles Giggles, Toothy, Cro-Marmot, Pop & Cub 死亡: Cuddles, Petunia, Sniffles,Pop & Cub, Giggles, Lumpy ,Mime ,Flaky 警示: "Look before you leap!" | ||
11.2 | "Tongue in Cheek" | December 10, 2006 |
主要: Sniffles 配角:Lumpy and The Mole 死亡: Sniffles 警示: "Don't make a mountain out of an ant-hill!" | ||
11.3 | "Easy Comb, Easy Go" | December 10, 2006 |
主要: Disco Bear and Lumpy 配角 : The Mole, Nutty, Mime, Handy, Pop & Cub, Giggles, Petunia, Sniffles, Russell, Lifty & Shifty, Toothy, Cuddles,Flaky 死亡: Toothy,Nutty, Cub, Handy, & Cuddles 警示: "Don't split hairs!" | ||
12.1 | "I've Got You Under My Skin" | December 17, 2006 |
主要: Sniffles and Lumpy 配角: Giggles 死亡: Lumpy, Giggles, and Sniffles 警示: "It was what was inside that counts!" | ||
12.2 | "In a Jam" | December 17, 2006 |
主要: Cuddles 配角: Lumpy, Sniffles, The Mole, Handy, Russell, and Nutty, Mime and Cro-Marmot 死亡: Russell,Handy, Lumpy, Sniffles, and Cuddles 警示: "He who pays the piper calls the tune" | ||
12.3 | "Junk in the Trunk" | December 17, 2006 |
主要: Lumpy 配角: Cuddles, Toothy, Mime, Lifty & Shifty, Giggles 死亡: Giggles, Mime, Cuddles, Shifty, Toothy & Lifty 警示: "A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush!" | ||
13.1 | "Hear Today, Gone Tomorrow" | December 25, 2006 |
主要: Lumpy 配角: Cuddles, Sniffles, The Mole, Russell, Giggles, and Flippy , Handy 死亡: The Mole, Russell, Flippy & Cuddles 警示: "Actions speak louder than words!" | ||
13.2 | "Double Whammy, Pt 1" | December 25, 2006 |
主要: Flippy 配角: Lumpy, Mime and Nutty, Russell, Handy, Disco Bear, Petunia, Giggles, Flaky, Sniffles, Cuddles 死亡: Disco Bear, Petunia, Giggles, Sniffles, Mime & Nutty 警示: "Two heads are better than one" | ||
13.3 | "Double Whammy, Pt 2 / Autopsy Turvy" | December 25, 2006 |
主要: Cuddles, Toothy, and Flippy配角: The Mole, Lumpy, Cro-Marmot, Lifty and Shifty 死亡: Cuddles, Toothy, Lifty, Shifty, and Flippy 警示: "Two is company, three is a crowd!" |
HTF break系列
劇集名稱 | 主要 | 配角 | 死亡 | 死亡(有爭議 ) |
Bite Sized | Nutty | - | - | - |
Chore Loser | Pop&Cub | - | Cub | - |
Deck the Halls | Cuddles Giggles Toothy Lumpy | - | - | - |
Happy New Year | Lumpy | Cuddles Toothy Giggles Sniffles Nutty Flaky Lifty & Shifty The Mole Petunia Pop & Cub Disco Bear Handy Russell Mime Cro-Marmot | Lumpy | Russell Flaky Petunia Nutty Giggles Toothy |
Moppin Up | Lumpy Sniffles | - | Sniffles | - |
Pop & Corn | Pop & Cub | - | Cub | - |
Seize The Day | Cuddles Lumpy | - | Cuddles | - |
Take Your Seat | Flaky | Cuddles Mime Giggles Petunia FatKat Truffles | Flaky | - |
Cheesy Does It | Shifty | Lifty | Shifty | - |
Butter Me Up | Giggles | - | - | - |
Tunnel Vision | Mime | The Mole | - | - |
Claw | Cuddles Toothy Giggles Nutty Lumpy Flippy Lifty&Shifty Handy | - | Cuddles | - |
All Hail Flippy | Flippy | Toothy Disco Bear Giggles Handy Petunia Cuddles Shifty Flaky | Toothy Disco Bear Handy Petunia Giggles Cuddles Shifty Flaky | - |
Behind The Screams | Disco Bear Nutty Sniffles Lifty&Shifty Petunia Pop&Cub Lumpy Flaky | Flippy Cro-Marmot Giggles Toothy | Disco Bear Nutty Sniffles Lifty&Shifty Pop&Cub Petunia Lumpy Giggles Toothy Flaky | - |
Asbestos I can do | Lumpy | GigglesCuddles Russell Petunia Lumpy Toothy Flaky The Mole Disco Bear Nutty Handy Sniffles Cub Splendid Pop Mime Shifty Flippy Lifty | Cuddles Toothy Lumpy Petunia Handy Lifty Shifty The Mole Disco Bear Cub Pop Giggles Mime Russell Sniffles Flaky Nutty | - |
名稱 | 人物 |
Christmas Smoochie | Pop&Cub |
Cuddles‘Smoochie | Cuddles |
Flaky Baseball Smoochie | Flaky |
Mime Olympic Smoochie | Mime |
Nutty’s Party Smoochie | Nutty |
Petunia‘s Summer Smoochie | Petunia |
Sniffles’s Science Smoochie | Sniffles |
Pop‘s BBQ Smoochie | Pop |
Toothy‘s Easter Smoochie | Toothy |
Valentines Smoochie | Giggles |
Halloween Smoochie | Disco Bear |
劇集名稱 | 發布時間 |
W.A.R. Journal – Operation: Tiger Bomb | February 6th, 2009 |
Buddhist Monkey – Three Courses of Death | March 31st, 2009 |
Splendid’s SSSSSuper Squad – Mirror, Mirror | March 31st, 2009 |
Buddhist Monkey – Books of Fury | April 1st, 2009 |
Buddhist Monkey – Enter The Garden | April 1st, 2009 |
Mole In The City | April 1st, 2009 |
Kickstart the KA-POW Revolution! | April 19th, 2011 |
Love Bites
劇集名稱 | 主要 | 配角 | 死亡 |
Cold Hearted | Giggles | Cro-Marmot Toothy The Mole | - |
Sea of Love | Giggles Russell | - | - |
I Heart U | Mime Petunia | - | Petunia (有爭議) |
On My Mind | Giggles Flippy | - | Giggles |
My Better Half | Petunia Handy | - | Handy Petunia |
Irregulars & Kringles
劇集名稱 | 主要 | 配角 | 死亡 | 注釋/警示 |
Dino-Sore Days | Cro-Marmot | - | Cro-Marmot | Copyright 1927 by Mondo Media, Inc. Renewed 2004 |
Banjo Frenzy | Cuddles Giggles Toothy Lumpy | - | Giggles Cuddles Toothy | 該作品作於1999年 |
Carpal Tunnel Of Love | Cuddles Giggles Lumpy | Toothy Nutty The Mole Handy Fall Out Boy | Nutty Toothy Fall Out Boy The Mole Lumpy Giggles(有爭議) Cuddles(有爭議) | HTF官方為Fall Out Boy的 Carpal Tunnel of Love製作的MV |
Ski Patrol | Lumpy | Petunia Flaky Toothy Cuddles Giggles | Petunia Flaky Cuddles Giggles Toothy | - |
Disco Bears All | Disco Bear | Cuddles Giggles Flaky Petunia Lifty & Shifty | - | 此劇集為Disco Bear的特輯 |
False Alarm | Nutty | Lifty & Shifty Sniffles Cuddles The Mole Petunia | Petunia Lifty & Shifty The Mole | HTF為XBOX遊戲Happy Tree Friends : False Alarm製作的劇集 |
Cubtron Z | Pop & Cub | Lumpy Cuddles Petunia Giggles Mime Toothy Disco Bear | Cuddles Petunia Giggles Lumpy Mime Toothy Disco Bear Pop | - |
Chill Kringle | Petunia Mime | Cro-Marmot | Petunia | "Will you chill out with me this winter?" |
Kitchen Kringle | Lumpy | Giggles Cub Flaky Toothy Flippy Cuddles Lifty Shifty Petunia | Giggles Cub Toothy Lifty Shifty Cuddles Petunia Lumpy | "Warmest wishes!" |
Reindeer Kringle | Petunia | - | Petunia(有爭議) | "Hope youcget a Kick out of the Holidays!" |
Sight Kringle | Giggles | - | - | "Don't lose sight of the true meaning of the holidays!" |
Ski Kringle | Lumpy | Toothy Sniffles | Toothy(有爭議) Sniffles(有爭議) | "Hope I run into you this Season!" |
Star Kringle | Cuddles Toothy | Giggles | Toothy(有爭議) | "Make it a point to have a Merry Christmas!" |
Strain Kringle | Cuddles Toothy Lumpy | - | Cuddles(有爭議) Toothy | "Don't strain yourself this holiday season!" |
Train Kringle | Cub | - | Cub | "Keep track of all your Blessing!" |
Tree Kringle | Lumpy Giggles | - | Giggles | "Wish you have a Marry Axe-mas!" |
Caroling Kringle | Cuddles Giggles Toothy Lumpy | - | - | "I only have Ice for you!" |
■Class Act Blurb
■Blind Date Blurb
■Suck It Up Blurb
■Can't Stop Coffin Blurb
■We're Scrooged! Blurb
■Just Desert Blurb
■Stealing the Spotlight Blurb
■Wrath of Con Blurb
■Nuttin' but the Tooth Blurb
■Eyes Cold Lemonade Blurb
■Shard at Work Blurb
■The Way You Make Me Wheel Blurb
■Take a Hike Blurb
■Let It Slide Blurb
■Brake The Cycle Blurb
■All Flocked Up Blurb
■I Nub You Blurb
■Something Fishy Blurb
■Without A Hitch Halloween Blurb
■Swelter Skelter Blurb
■Ski Ya, Wouldn't Wanna Be Ya! Blurb

參加典禮 | 時間 | 獲得獎項 | 獲獎作品 |
2003 | 最佳網路動畫獎 | Eye Candy | |
2007 | 最佳成人動畫獎 | From Hero To Eternity | |
加拿大渥太華國際動畫節 | 2004 | 最佳網路動畫獎 | Out On A Limb |
2005 | Mole in the City | ||
2007 | 最佳成人電視劇集獎 | Whammy Part.2 |
- 動作特輯