Guess Who?

Guess Who?

《Guess Who?》是1994年9月15日HarperCollins US出版的圖書,作者是Margaret Miller 。


  • 中文名:Guess Who?
  • 作者:Margaret Miller
  • 出版社:HarperCollins US
  • ISBN:9780688127831


"A simple question is posed along with a picture of a child in a familiar situation. On the opposite page are four picture choices; the answers are funny and ridiculous. Flip the page and the correct picture and words appear, in a clever visual game that develops logical thinking and categorizing skills. Large, color photographs make this a perfect book for sharing."--Boston Globe.


In Her Own Words... "When I was growing up, my mother was the family photographer. Often I would stand at her side in the darkroom watching the image mysteriously appear in the developer. I thought it was magic. "After college I worked in children's book publishing for eight years and then took time off to be at home with our two children, Kate and Jacob. Like my mother, I became the selfappointed family photographer, and I quickly discovered how Much I enjoyed taking pictures. I loved the pursuit of my subject; the tension of waiting to press the shutter; and the thrill of realizing that I had captured a special moment. "I went back into the darkroom with my mother, but this time as her student. I took courses and I read about photography, but mostly I practiced with my camera, taking pictures everywhere--from family gatherings to grade school portraits. "My ideas for my books have been inspired by my experiences with our children. My son's love of hats, the silly guessing games we played on long trips, and my daughter's delight when she learned to tie her shoe are the starting points for my books. "Working as a photographer with young children is challenging because it is so unpredictable. A three-year-old may cooperate for five minutes or two hours. It's my job to make the photo session into a play date because if the child is having fun, the pictures will be natural and full of life. I photograph the children in my neighborhood, not professional models, because I want them to look like the everyday kids who read my books. "I feel very lucky to be a writer and photographer of children's books. Through my camera I am blessed with a strong connection to my past as well, and each book is a brand new adventure in the future.


