Girl with a Pearl Earring

Girl with a Pearl Earring

《Girl with a Pearl Earring》是2001年1月8日Penguin Random House US出版的圖書,作者是TracyChevalier(崔西·雪佛蘭)。


  • 中文名:Girl with a Pearl Earring
  • 作者:TracyChevalier(崔西·雪佛蘭)
  • 出版社:Penguin Random House US
  • ISBN:9780452282155


History and fiction merge seamlessly in this luminous novel about artistic vision and sensual awakening. Girl with a Pearl Earring tells the story of sixteen-year-old Griet, whose life is transformed by her brief encounter with genius ... even as she herself is immortalized in canvas and oil.
但在他們之間,似乎隔著一堵透明的,無法跨越的玻璃牆! 在葛麗葉和維梅爾之間,有掌管維梅爾家經濟實權的刁鑽岳母,有表面高貴優雅實際嫉妒成性的維梅爾夫人,還有無法逾越的身份和地位。當那幅《戴珍珠耳環的少女》的作品完成之後,葛麗葉被那兩個氣急敗壞的女人趕出了畫家府邸,最後嫁給了一個屠夫的兒子。葛麗葉是沉默的,因為在那個上流社會裡,窮苦女孩沒有說話的權利,她的語言都在那雙眼睛裡,那種悄然穿過門縫的注視,那雙懷有新奇渴望的怯怯目光。 最終,灰姑娘並沒有變成白天鵝。但我們總也忘不了,那清澈的目光,純潔的眼神,以及珍珠般晶瑩剔透的心靈。


Born and raised in Washington, D.C., Tracy Chevalier moved to London in 1984 after earning her bachelor's degree in English from Oberlin College in Ohio. Intending to return after six months, she lives there still.
Chevalier worked for several years as a literary editor for a reference book publisher, editing encyclopedias about writers and literature. In 1994, she graduated with a master's degree in creative writing from the University of East Anglia in Norwich. Her first novel, chosen by W. H. Smith for its prestigious Fresh Talent promotion, was published in the U.K. in 1997. Set in France and Switzerland, The Virgin Blue explores the persecution of French Huguenots in the 16th-century through the lens of a contemporary American woman, who unravels the puzzling secrets of her own ancestry. The Virgin Blue will have its first American publication in a Plume edition to be published in 2002.
Chevalier lives with her husband and son and is at work on a third novel, set in London at the dawn of the 20th-century. To date, she has stood face-to-face with 28 of Johannes Vermeer's 35 known paintings. One of her primary goals in life is to see them all in person.


