Generalized Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation是一個非線性偏微分方程。


Generalized Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation是一個非線性偏微分方程。
equation Generalized Burgers-Fisher equation是Burgers-Fisher非線性偏微分方程。廣義Burgers-Fisher方程(Generalized Burgers-Fisher equation) 是Burgers-Fisher 非線性偏微分方程的推廣:作代換 上式變為:得 作反代換即得最後的行波解 ...
Kuramoto-Sivashinsky 方程是一個非線性常微分方程 非線性偏微分方程 Kuramoto-Sivashinsky 方程是一個非線性偏微分方程 行波解 此方程的行波解為 其中 近似解 Kuramoto-Sivashinsky 方程的柯西問題近似解。;初始條件 u(0)=sin(x);
廣義Kuramoto-Sivashinsky型方程周期初值問題的整體吸引子 The Global Attractors for the Periodic Initial Value Problem of Generalized Kuramoto-Sivashinsky Type Equations in Multi-dimensions Periodic Boundary Problem and Cauchy Problem ...
(4). Huaitang Chen, Hongqing Zhang,New multiple soliton solutions to the general Burgers-Fisher equation and the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 19 (2004), Issue:1,Jan, pp.585-591 (...
10,J. Duan and V. J. Ervin, On the Stochastic Kuramoto-Sivashinsky Equation, Nonlinear Analysis, 44(2001), 205-216。11,J. Duan and B. Nadiga. Stochastic parameterization for large eddy simulation of geophysical ...