樂隊與Simple Plan有著密切的合作。Our Last Goodbye, G Get up and Dance, Too Little Too Late 都是和Simple Plan一起共同創作。
Dave Faber--主唱
Jordan Pritchett--吉他手
Seamus O'Neilll--鼓手
seven second surgery
發布於 2007-05-23
專輯名稱: Seven Second SurgerySeven Second Surgery
專輯歌手: Faber Drive
發行日期: 2007 5
專輯類型: Pop Punk
唱片公司: 604 Records
01. 24 Story Love Affair
02. Tongue Tied
03. Second Chance
04. Sex And Love
05. Sleepless Nights (never let her go)
06. Killin' Me
07. When I'm With You
08. Summer Fades To Fall
09. Time Bomb
10. Obvious
11. You'll Make It
專輯名稱: Can't Keep a SecretCan't Keep a Secret
專輯歌手: Faber Drive
發行日期: 2009-11-10
專輯類型: Pop Punk
唱片公司: 604 Records / Universal Music Canada
1 The Payoff
2 G-Get Up And Dance!
3 You And I Tonight
4 I'll Be There
5 Give Him Up
6 Our Last Goodbye
7 Lucky Ones
8 Forever
9 Never Coming Down
10 Just What I Needed
11 By Your Side
12 I'll Be There (Feat. Jessie Farrell)
新專推出了兩個MV,G-Get Up And Dance! 和Give Him Up
而該專輯的第三個MV (You and I tonight)已經拍攝完畢,並且已發布。
《by your side》是Faber寫給他父親的歌,“It’s a little hard for me to listen to sometimes,” reveals the singer, who penned the song late one night while thinking about his father, who passed in 1995 of stomach and lung cancer. “It’s basically about how someone important in your life will always be a part of you, even once they’ve left this world.”