《Exit, Voice, and Loyalty》是1970年Harvard University Press出版的圖書,作者是Albert O. Hirschman。
- 中文名:Exit, Voice, and Loyalty
- 作者:Albert O. Hirschman
- 出版社:Harvard University Press
- ISBN:9780674276604
《Exit, Voice, and Loyalty》是1970年Harvard University Press出版的圖書,作者是Albert O. Hirschman。
《叛離、抗議與忠誠》是2018年商周出版出版的圖書,作者是阿爾伯特.赫緒曼(Albert O. Hirschman) [1] 中文名 叛離、抗議與忠誠 作者 阿爾伯特.赫緒曼 出版時間 2018年3月8日 出版社 商周出版 頁數 256 頁 ISBN 9789864774173 定價 390 元 裝幀 平裝 原作品 Exit, Voice and Loyalty: Responses to Decline in...
7. 赫緒曼(Albert O. Hirschman),李宗義、許雅淑譯,2018,《退出、呼喊與忠誠:對於企業、組織與國家衰退之回應》(Exit, Voice, and Loyalty: Responses to Decline in Firms, Organizations, and States),台北:商周出版社。8. 克萊德‧普雷斯托維茲(Clyde Prestowitz), 李宗義、許雅淑譯, 2017,《日本...
2.Effects of Psychological Contract Violation on Manager’s Exit, Voice, Loyalty and Neglect in Transactional Economy: In the Chinese Context. International Journal of Human Resource Management. 2008.5: 932-944.3. Uncover the black-box of leadership effectiveness: leader-member exchange as the ...
. Exit, Voice,Loyalty, and Neglect Reactions to Frequency of Change: A SensemakingPerspective Through the Lens of the Psychological Contract. Employee Relations , 2016, 38(4): 536-562.23. 朱蘇麗,龍立榮,賀偉,王忠軍。超越工具性交換:中國企業員工-組織類親情交換關係的理論建構與實證研究。管理世界...
June 2017 Exit, Voice or Loyalty? An Investigation into Mandated Portability of Front-Loaded Private Health Plans with Juan Pablo Atal, Martin Karlsson, Nicolas R. Ziebarth: w23468 Published: Juan Pablo Atal & Hanming Fang & Martin Karlsson & Nicolas R. Ziebarth, 2019. "Exit, Voice, or ...