《Eventually》是由澳大利亞搖滾樂隊Tame Impala錄唱的一首歌曲,被收錄在Tame Impala的第三張錄音室專輯《Currents》。
- 外文名:Eventually
- 歌曲原唱:Tame Impala
《Eventually》是由澳大利亞搖滾樂隊Tame Impala錄唱的一首歌曲,被收錄在Tame Impala的第三張錄音室專輯《Currents》。
《Eventually (album version)》是M2M演唱的歌曲,收錄於《The Big Room》專輯中。歌曲歌詞 Open your eyes Undo the seem It's not like before It's not just a dream A hint of a smile As your hand touches mine No ...
終久是漢語辭彙,拼音:zhōng jiǔ解釋是終究,畢竟。出自《山中》。基本解釋 [eventually] 終究;畢竟 靠進口零件維持,終久不是長遠之計 引證解釋 1、猶終究。唐 方乾《山中》詩:“松月水煙千古在,未知終久屬誰家?”《元典章·...
Eventually, it is necessary to design market management process with the clients as orientation. BPR can avoid the risks of new market plan unadapted for social demands.在這激烈的市場競爭中,進行以客戶為導向的市場行銷管理...
美國人,曾參軍參與越戰,後學習考古,現生活在猶他州的桑他金。人物簡介 Steve B. Shaffer was born in Salt Lake City in 1947. At age sixteen, he left home, looking for adventure. Eventually, he became friends with ...
新的運-20最終起飛時,這將顯現出來。And that's likely to show when the new y-20 eventually takes flight.通過逐漸減少注意力的過程,潛在的主題開始顯現並成形。Through that focusing-down process, potential topics should start...
在《Currents》中,最感人的歌曲是《Yes I'm Changing》和《Eventually》。在《Yes I'm Changing》中,一個簡單的後拍、貝斯線的旋律和旋轉的合成器弦在緩慢的民謠中展開。這首歌是《Currents》的主打單曲,展現了一張具有個人轉型...
“With an Economics degree from a prestigious university, Jeremy gave up Wall Street and pursued his NBA dream instead. He eventually became one of the fastest-rising stars in NBA history. His success story not just ...
1、Eventually, he also became regarded as a Desert Father, and several of his apothegms appear in the 'Vitae Patrum' (a collection of sayings from early Christian monks). 2、The poem explicitly mentions one ...
終歸,畢竟 [after all;eventually]。如:他總還是個孩子,哪能像大人那樣有力氣;總來(總歸;終究);總悉(總歸)釋義五 總zǒng 用法同「縱」。縱然;即使 [even though;even if]莫言塞北無春到,總有春來何處知。——《...
that the diverse groups' struggles for social dominance and cultural hegemony often resulted in violence and bloodshed-a volatile situation frequently exacerbated by imperial intervention on one side or the other. Eventually, ...
《Eventually》 BRENDA LEE 第8集 《Fever》 THE CRAMPS 第10集 《Lighter Thief (Demo)》 LEVENT 第11集 《Papa Oom Mow Mow》 GARY GLITTER 第13集 《Love Hurts》 NAZARETH 第16集 《Love Like Blood》 KILLING JOKE 第17集...
old-fashioned.The house had been built in what was once the most elite neighborhood in town.But as time passed by, garages and factories had been constructed, one by one,in and around that neighborhood.Eventually, ...
Most Albanians, inside and outside Kosovo, are fanatically pro-American following the US-led NATO attack on Serbia in 1999 that led, eventually, to Kosovo's declaration of independence.大多數阿爾巴尼亞族人,無論身處...
Eventually he was happy that the sills and doors were a reasonably good fit.門檻和門扇算是貼合良好,他終於開心了。3 She was being fitted for her wedding dress.她正在試穿婚紗。4 He folded his long legs to fit under...
自我和諧 ; 自我一致 Check consistency 檢查一致性 ; 一致性檢查 ; 核對一致 ; [統計] 一致性檢驗 status consistency 地位一致性 ; 地位一致 Entry Consistency 入口一致性 ; 單項一致性模型 Eventually Consistency 最終一致性 ...
Wang Jia is door, brothers in clan many in the fighter effect, Nie matchless eldest brother Nie clear Gu although the juniority becomes prominent, the juniority eventually runs minister.王家是將門,族中兄弟多在軍中效力...
After rain comes down, the sun comes out and dries the puddles. But the water isn t gone. The heat from the sun has turned it into water vapor-it has evaporated. Eventually, this moisture in the air condenses ...
'Cause you'll come around eventually 因為你總有一天會終於醒悟過來 He-he-hey 嘿,嘿,嘿 Will I love someone, and loving all the way?當我愛一個人時,我會從一而終地愛著這個人嗎?He-he-hey 嘿,嘿,嘿 You know ...
Buteventuallywereachthesummitfromwherewecanseeacrosstootherranges,mightyandawe-inspiring.(on the summit是where的先行項)關係詞 關係詞即是定語分句從主句中抽取先行項得到的元素。它處在定語分句中,代替了先行項所要表達的概念,具有...
[It] can squeeze the discs in the spine, [and] eventually can cause discs to bulge, pressing on nerves and causing back pain, potentially leading to disc herniation.它會擠壓腰椎間盤,最後可能會導致腰椎間盤變形,壓迫...
Vitamin C is an essential dietary component that plays an important health-giving role, and prolonged lack of the vitamin results in scurvy and eventually death. 維生素C是必需的飲食成分,它具有重要的增進健康的作用,長期缺乏...
Every island has at least one energy accent: waves in Maui, wind in Lanai and Molokai, solar panels in Oahu and eventually, if all goes well, biomass energy from crops grown on Kauai.每個島嶼都至少擁有一個能量來源:...
We are part of the trajectory of living tissue: our flesh must breathe, metabolize, mate, excrete, and eventually die. 我們是生命組織軌跡的一部分:我們的肉體必須呼吸、代謝、繁殖、排泄,甚至最終消亡。Root system is the ...
It is also imperative that the public’s aesthetic taste be so enhanced and promoted that eventually build up a harmonious scene in which people can enjoy their live tranquilly and .peacefully.同樣,大眾的審美情趣應該得到...
After that, Ms. Dunning, an only child, drove everything on the farm that was drivable, she said, including a Maxwell truck and eventually, tractors.那之後,不過是個孩子的鄧寧女士,把農場上能駕駛的東西都駕駛了個遍,...
On rare clearings in this swampy hell a few Finno-Ugric tribes eventually appeared and left many burial mounts behind, with some of them still belowground because of impassibility of the swamp.在這難得如此空曠的沼澤地獄...
The benevolence of use the 30 years let Tsun 1 in old have eventually, young have long, widowers, widows, orphans and the childless incapacitating disease all have to keep. 用30載愛心讓一村之中老有所終,幼有所長,...