《Entropie》是由Russell Craig Richardson執導,Christian Bouillette、Eric Piederriere主演的一部影片。
- 外文名:Entropie
- 導演:Russell Craig Richardson
- 主演:Christian Bouillette、Eric Piederriere
- 片長:90 分鐘
導演 |
Russell Craig Richardson |
角色 | 演員 | 配音 |
- | Eric Piederriere |
《Entropie》是由Russell Craig Richardson執導,Christian Bouillette、Eric Piederriere主演的一部影片。
導演 |
Russell Craig Richardson |
角色 | 演員 | 配音 |
- | Eric Piederriere |
Entropie 《Entropie》是由Russell Craig Richardson執導,Christian Bouillette、Eric Piederriere主演的一部影片。職員表 演員表 參考資料
熵(shāng),熱力學中表征物質狀態的參量之一,用符號S表示,其物理意義是體系混亂程度的度量。發現簡史 克勞修斯(T.Clausius) 於1854年提出熵(entropie)的概念,我國物理學家胡剛復教授於1923年根據熱溫商之意首次把entropie譯為“熵”。A.Einstein曾把熵理論在科學中的地位概述為“熵理論對於整個科學來說是第一...
熵的概念是由德國物理學家克勞修斯於1865年所提出。克氏定義一個熱力學系統中熵的增減:在一個可逆性程式里,被用在恆溫的熱的總數(δQ)概念 克勞修斯對變數S予以“熵”(希 εντροπια = entropia, 德 Entropie, 英 entropy)一名,發音同(商),希臘語源意為“內向”,亦即“一個系統不受外部干擾時...
克勞修斯(T.Clausius) 於1854年提出熵(entropie)的概念, 我國物理學家胡剛復教授於1923年根據熱溫商之意首次把entropie譯為“熵”。A.Einstein曾把熵理論在科學中的地位概述為“熵理論對於整個科學來說是第一法則”。查爾斯·珀西·斯諾(C.P.Snow)在其《兩種文化與科學革命》一書中寫道: “一位對熱力學一無所...
Eric Piederriere Eric Piederriere是一名原創音樂、演員,主要作品《Entropie》。主要作品
Russell Craig Richardson Russell Craig Richardson,編劇,1999年參與編劇電影《Entropie》。人物經歷 1999年參與編劇電影《Entropie》。主要作品
熵(Entropie)決定(Entscheidung)失望(Enttäuschung)發展(Entwicklung)開發中國家(Entwicklungsländer)規劃(Entwurf)祛魅(Entzauberung)百科全書(Enzyklopädie)模仿(者的)史達林主義(epigonaler Stalinismus)敘事戲劇(episches Theater)認識論(Epistemology)時代(Epoche)遺產(Erbe)土地(Erde)經驗...
4.3 System Entropies 4.4 System Entropies for the Binary Symmetric Channel 4.5 Extension of Shannon's First Theorem to Information Channels 4.6 Mutual Information 4.7 Mutual Information for the Binary Symmetric Channel 4.8 Channel Capacity 4.9 Supplementary Exercises Using an Unreliable Channel ...
Catherine Jarrier-Prieur,演員、布景師、藝術指導,1999年參與電影《Entropie》的藝術指導,2000年參演電影《蝴蝶振翅》,2001年參與電影《狼族盟約》的布景師。人物經歷 1999年參與電影《Entropie》的藝術指導。2000年參演電影《蝴蝶振翅》。2001年參與電影《狼族盟約》的布景師。2001年參與電影《我餓》的布景師。2005年...
1944年 ,薛丁格出版了《生命是什麼》一書,提出了負熵(Negentropie)的概念,試圖用熱力學、量子力學和化學理論來解釋生命的本性。該書使許多青年物理學家開始注意生命科學中提出的問題,引導人們用物理學、化學方法去研究生命的本性,使薛丁格成為分子生物學的先驅。榮譽表彰 個人生活 家世背景 埃爾溫·薛丁格的母親...
The entropies of quantum fields on event horizon of a toroidal black hole are given using the improved brick-wall model. 按薄層模型的觀點,在視界面附近薄層上的量子場的熵就是黑洞的熵。Based on netting theory, linear equations for the single spiral, spiral and hoop filament wound toroidal ...
7 F X Li,Y K Tai(戴運軌).The absolute valuse of entropies of aqueous ions J ChinaChem Soc ,1941,8(1):60—64.8 E X Li,Y K Tai The entropy of hrdration of faseousions J ChinaChem Soc ,1941,8(2):185—193.9 戴運軌.開明新理化教本.台北:台灣開明書店...
16. Dongkui Ma*, Min Wu, Cuijun Liu, The entropies and multifractal spectrum of some compact systems, Chaos Solitons & Fractals, 38(3)(2008), 840-851. (SCI)17. Zhiting Xu, Baoguo Jia, Dongkui Ma, Oscillation theorems for elliptic equations with damping, Appl. Math. Comput.156...
5 Elements of Graph Theory. Adjacency, Walks, and Entropies 5.1 Binary Relations and Their Graphs 5.2 Background from Linear Algebra 5.3 Adjacency Operator and Adjacency Matrix 5.4 Adjacency and Walks 5.5 Determinant of Adjacency Matrix and Cycle Cover of a Graph 5.6 Principal Invariants ...
13. Zhang, X.(2005): Metric entropies of sets in abstract Wiener space, Bull. Sci. Math. 2 Serie, Vol. 129, Issue 7, 559-566.12. Ren, J. and Zhang X.(2005): Schilder theorem for the Brownian motion on the diffeomorphism group of the circle, J. Func. Anal., Vol. 224, I. ...
5:Badger RM,Wu Xuezhou,The Entropies of Some Simple Polyatomic Gas es Calculated from Spectral Data,JAmChemSoc,1932,54(9):3532~3592.6:Strong J,Wu XuezhouFar Infrared Spectra of GasesPhysRev,19 32,42(2):267~287.7:Wu Xuezhou,Zhu Zhenjun (TCChu),The Ultraviolet Absorption ...
5. Huyi HU, Yongxia HUA and Weisheng WU, Unstable entropies and variational principle for partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms, Advances in Mathematics, 321, (2017), 31-68.4. Lifan GUAN, Peng SUN and Weisheng WU, Measures of intermediate entropies and homogeneous dynamics, Nonlinearity, 30, (...
[6] Y. Cao, H. Li, G. L. Long, Entanglement of linear cluster states in terms of averaged entropies, Chinese Science Bulletin 58, 48-52 (2013).[7] Y. Cao, W. Y. Huo, Q. Ai, and G. L. Long, Theory of degenerate three-wave mixing using circuit QED in solid-state circuits,...
reveals that quantum mechanics is a generalisation of classical probability theory. After a gentle introduction to the necessary mathematics the authors describe the geometry of quantum state spaces. Focusing on finite dimensional Hilbert spaces, they discuss the statistical distance measures and entropies...
15. 荊繼良, 閆沐霖, Entropies of rotating charged black holes from conformal field theory at Killing horizons, gr-qc/0004 Physical Review D 62, (2000) 104013.16. 荊繼良, 閆沐霖,Entropies of the general stationary non-extreme axisymmetric black hole: statistical-mechanical and thermodynamics, gr...
4.2.2 Empirical Error Entropies Based on KDE 76 4.3 Identification Algorithms Under MEE Criterion 82 4.3.1 Nonparametric Information Gradient Algorithms 82 4.3.2 Parametric IG Algorithms 86 4.3.3 Fixed-Point Minimum Error Entropy Algorithm 91 4.3.4 Kernel Minimum Error Entropy Algorithm 93 ...
1. topological and fundamental-group entropies 2. a survey of degree theory motivation; the degree of circle maps; two definitions of degree for smooth maps; the topological definition of degree 3. degree and topological entropy 4. index theory for an isolated fixed point 5. the role of ...
14. Multifractal analysis of local entropies for recurrence time, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 33(2007), 1584-1591 (with Yan Zhengzheng)15. High-dimensional multifractal analysis of local entropies, Journal of Systems Science and Mathematical Sciences, 28(2008), 40-50 (with Yan Zhengzheng)16....
[4]Shao-wu Zhang, Yun-Long Zhang, Hui-Fang Yang, Chun-Hui Zhao and Quan Pan. Using the concept of Chou’s pseudo amino acid composition to predict protein subcellular localization: an approach by incorporating evolutionary information and von Neumann entropies.Amino Acids, 2008, 34(4): 565...
[3] 謝文賢(Xie Wenxian),蔡力(Cai Li),岳曉樂(Yue Xiaole),雷佑銘(Lei Youming),徐偉(Xu Wei).兩種群隨機動力系統的信息熵和動力學研究[Information entropies and dynamics in the stochastic ecosystem of two competing species].物理學報[Acta Physica Sinica], 2012, 61(17): 170509[SCI: 017CS][4] ...