



  • 書名:信息和編碼理論
  • 作者:(美)卡雷斯,(美)瑪麗 著
  • ISBN:9787302214885
  • 頁數:210
  • 定價:¥34.00
  • 出版社:清華大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2009-11-1
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 開本:16開
作者簡介,編輯推薦,目錄,Source Coding,Optimal Codes,Entropy,Information Channels,Using an Unreliable Channel,Error-correcting Codes,Linear Codes,


原名:Gareth A. Jones J. Mary Jones
譯名:(美)卡雷斯 (美)瑪麗




Notes to the Reader

Source Coding

1.1 Definitions and Examples
1.2 Uniquely Decodable Codes
1.3 Instantaneous Codes
1.4 Constructing Instantaneous Codes
1.5 Kraft's Inequality
1.6 McMillan's Inequality
1.7 Comments on Kraft's and McMillan's Inequalities
1.8 Supplementary Exercises

Optimal Codes

2.1 Optimality
2.2 Binary Huffman Codes
2.3 Average Word-length of Huffman Codes
2.4 Optimality of Binary Huffman Codes
2.5 r-ary Huffman Codes
2.6 Extensions of Sources
2.7 Supplementary Exercises


3.1 Information and Entropy
3.2 Properties of the Entropy Function
3.3 Entropy and Average Word-length
3.4 Shannon-Fano Coding
3.5 Entropy of Extensions and Products
3.6 Shannon's First Theorem
3.7 An Example of Shannon's First Theorem
3.8 Supplementary Exercises

Information Channels

4.1 Notation and Definitions
4.2 The Binary Symmetric Channel
4.3 System Entropies
4.4 System Entropies for the Binary Symmetric Channel
4.5 Extension of Shannon's First Theorem to Information Channels
4.6 Mutual Information
4.7 Mutual Information for the Binary Symmetric Channel
4.8 Channel Capacity
4.9 Supplementary Exercises

Using an Unreliable Channel

5.1 Decision Rules
5.2 An Example of Improved Reliability
5.3 Hamming Distance
5.4 Statement and Outline Proof of Shannon's Theorem
5.5 The Converse of Shannon's Theorem
5.6 Comments on Shannon's Theorem
5.7 Supplementary Exercises

Error-correcting Codes

6.1 Introductory Concepts
6.2 Examples of Codes
6.3 Minimum Distance
6.4 Hamming's Sphere-packing Bound
6.5 The Gilbert-Varshamov Bound
6.6 Hadamard Matrices and Codes
6.7 Supplementary Exercises

Linear Codes

7.1 Matrix Description of Linear Codes
7.2 Equivalence of Linear Codes
7.3 Minimum Distance of Linear Codes
7.4 The Hamming Codes
7.5 The Golay Codes
7.6 The Standard Array
7.7 Syndrome Decoding
7.8 Supplementary Exercises
Suggestions for Further Reading
Appendix A. Proof of the Sardinas-Patterson Theorem
Appendix B. The Law of Large Numbers
Appendix C. Proof of Shannon's Fundamental Theorem
Solutions to Exercises
Index of Symbols and Abbreviations


