丹尼爾·英格拉姆(Daniel Luke Ingram,1975年6月13日-)是一名加拿大作曲家,以創作動畫配樂歌曲聞名,主要參與的作品包括《彩虹小馬:友情就是魔法》與《至Q寵物屋》。他於2012至2013年間曾三度獲提名日間時段艾美獎兒童和動畫節目最佳原創歌曲。
- 中文名:丹尼爾·英格拉姆
- 外文名:Daniel Ingram
- 別名:Daniel Luke Ingram
- 國籍:加拿大
- 出生地:溫哥華,不列顛哥倫比亞省
- 出生日期:1975年6月13日
- 職業:職業作曲家、作詞家
- 代表作品:《Becoming Popular》、《May The Best Pet Win》、《The Magic Inside》
人物經歷,作品,Songs of Friendship and Magic 友誼的魔法,Songs of Ponyville 小馬谷之歌,Rainbow Rocks 彩虹搖滾,Equestria Girls 小馬國女孩,Friendship Is Magic Songs of Harmony,The Friendship Games 友誼大賽,Legend of Everfree 森靈傳說,
英格拉姆已經獲得了幾項音樂獎項。從2012年到2017年,他已經獲得了5個日間艾美獎的提名,以表彰在兒童或動畫系列中出色的原創歌曲。《我的小馬駒》(May The Best Pet Win):《友誼是魔法》(Friendship Is Magic)在2012年被提名,而《內心的魔法》(The Magic Inside)和《無盡森林傳奇》(Legend of Everfree)在2016年和2017年被提名,《如果你是一個人》(If You’A Guy)獲得了2013年的提名。2010年,他獲得了《瑪莎·斯特爾》系列卡通片中的最佳音樂獎,並獲得了2008年奧斯卡最佳音樂獎。
2012年10月18日,Hub Network(現在被稱為“發現家庭”)正式宣布,英格拉姆將在《小馬寶莉》第三季中擁有詞曲作者的雙重身份。2013年,他憑藉在《友誼》中的作品獲得了最佳音樂配樂獎,並獲得了最佳音樂配樂獎。他也曾在《滾石》雜誌上為小馬寶莉做過工作。英格拉姆稱艾倫·門肯和蘭迪·紐曼都對他的工作產生了影響。
Songs of Friendship and Magic 友誼的魔法
My Little Pony - Songs of Friendship and Magic (Music from the Original TV Series)
Friendship Is Magic: Songs of Friendship and Magic (Music from the Original TV Series)
- At the Gala Song 3:20
- Becoming Popular 1:54
- The Smile Song 3:26
- Art of the Dress 1:48
- May the Best Pet Win 3:43
- The Flim Flam Cider Song 3:54
- The Laughter Song 1:14
- Winter Wrap Up 3:24
- B.B.B.F.F. 1:42
- This Day Aria 2:16
- Love Is in Bloom 1:52
Songs of Ponyville 小馬谷之歌
My Little Pony - Songs of Ponyville (Music from the Original TV Series)
Friendship Is Magic: Songs of Ponyville (Music from the Original TV Series)
- Hearts as Strong as Hooves 2:03
- Apples to the Core 2:05
- Ballad of the Crystal Ponies 1:39
- Find a Way 1:40
- What My Cutie Mark Is Telling Me 1:57
- A True, True Friend 3:31
- Raise This Barn 2:17
- Babs Seed 1:52
- Twilight's Failure Song 1:42
- Make a Wish (Extended Version) 1:53
- My Little Pony Theme Song 2:03
Rainbow Rocks 彩虹搖滾
My Little Pony: Equestria Girls - Rainbow Rocks (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
- Rainbow Rocks 1:40
- Better Than Ever 1:35
- Under Our Spell 1:51
- Tricks Up My Sleeve 2:06
- Shake Your Tail 1:59
- Welcome to the Show 4:34
- Awesome as I Want to Be 1:16
- Let's Have a Battle (Of the Bands) 2:52
- Shine Like Rainbows 2:35
- Music to My Ears (Bonus Track) 1:45
Equestria Girls 小馬國女孩
My Little Pony: Equestria Girls (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
Equestria Girls (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) - EP
- Opening Titles (Remix) 1:29
- Equestria Girls (Cafeteria Song) 2:53
- Time to Come Together 2:08
- This Is Our Big Night (Full Version) 2:03
- A Friend for Life 2:26
Friendship Is Magic Songs of Harmony
My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic Songs of Harmony
Friendship Is Magic: Songs of Harmony (Music from the Original TV Series)
- The Perfect Stallion 1:35
- Generosity 3:25
- Bats 2:23
- Flim Flam Miracle Curative Tonic 3:36
- You'll Play Your Part 3:05
- Glass of Water 1:56
- Music in the Treetops 0:57
- Find the Music in You 1:53
- Let the Rainbow Remind You 2:09
- True True Friend Winter Wrap-Up (Ultimate Mash-Up) 5:53
The Friendship Games 友誼大賽
Equestria Girls: The Friendship Games (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
- Friendship Through the Ages 2:08
- My Past is Not Today 2:19
- Life is a Runway 1:58
- Dance Magic 2:04
- The Friendship Games 2:41
- CHS Rally Song 2:30
- What More Is Out There 2:48
- Acadeca 2:42
- Unleash the Magic 3:09
- Right There in Front of Me 2:5
Legend of Everfree 森靈傳說
My Little Pony Equestria Girls: Legend of Everfree(Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)

1.The Legend of Everfree2:12
2.The Midnight in Me1:28
3.Embrace the Magic2:26
4.We Will Stand For Everfree1:58
5.Legend You Were Meant To Be2:27
6.Hope Shines Eternal2:33