crisis(Joshua Bassett演唱的歌曲)

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《Crisis》是Joshua Bassett演唱的歌曲,收錄於專輯《Crisis / Secret / Set Me Free》。


  • 外文名:Crisis
  • 所屬專輯:Crisis / Secret / Set Me Free
  • 歌曲原唱:Joshua Bassett
My label said to never waste a crisis
我的座右銘 便是絕不陷入危機
And here I am, guitar in my hand
我捧著吉他 於此歌唱
In the middle of one, mmm
歌里的每一句 每一詞
And, honestly, I didn't wanna write this
實話實說 我並非想寫下這首歌
Don't know if I can, still holdin' back, still wanna run
我並不知道 內心的想法 是退縮不止 還是奔向未來
And if you get to tell your truth, then so do I
若你能得到真相 我也會如此
And it's cool if you want me to play the bad guy
But don't you dare act like I didn't love you
Don't go thinkin' that I didn't hurt too
別以為 我心裡沒有傷痕一樣
Don't you ever wonder if I'm okay after all you put me through?
你讓我經歷了那么多事 就從未想過我的感受嗎?
Half the shit you're sayin' is only half true
你所說的話語 並不能全信
You're messin' with my life as a career move
你已把我的職業生涯 搞得天翻地覆
I can't help but wonder, why you won't make it end?
我不禁猜想 你為什麼不結束這一切?
Guess you would never dare, you would never dare
To wastе a crisis
如果那樣 便會陷入危機
My mama called 'cause she hеard I got death threats
我的母親給我打來電話 只因她聽說 我收到了死亡威脅
Oh, what the hell am I supposed to do with that?
Oh, I wish that I could open my eyes and the nightmare be over
真的希望 睜開眼之後噩夢就已結束
But you sensationalize, keep fannin' the fire for the headlines
但你煽風點火 繼續對有關我的頭條煽風點火
But don't you dare act like I didn't love you
Don't go thinkin' that I didn't hurt too
別以為 我心裡沒有傷痕一樣
Don't you ever wonder if I'm okay after all you put me through?
你讓我經歷了那么多事 就從未想過我的感受嗎?
Half the shit you're sayin' is only half true
你所說的話語 並不能全信
Messin' with my life as a career move
你已把我的職業生涯 搞得天翻地覆
I can't help but wonder, why you won't make it end?
我不禁猜想 你為什麼不結束這一切?
Guess you would never dare, you would never dare
To waste a crisis
如果那樣 便會陷入危機
Weren't you the one who left in the first place?
從一開始 不就是你離開我的嗎?
Weren't you the one who called things off?
Was it an act to love me or an act to hate me?
你這是愛我的一種表現 還是恨我的一種表現?
Don't you dare act like I didn't love you
你已敢於 表現得好像我不愛你一樣
Don't go thinkin' that I didn't hurt too
別以為 我心裡沒有傷痕一樣
Don't you ever wonder if I'm okay after all you put me through?
你讓我經歷了那么多事 就從未想過我的感受嗎?
Half the shit you're sayin' is only half true
你所說的話語 並不能全信
Messin' with my life as a career move
你已把我的職業生涯 搞得天翻地覆
I can't help but wonder, why you won't make it end?
我不禁猜想 你為什麼不結束這一切?
But you would never dare, you would never dare
To waste a crisis
如果那樣 便會陷入危機


