《Contemporary China's politics》是2020年五洲傳播出版社出版的圖書。
- 中文名:Contemporary China's politics
- 作者:陳堅
- 出版社:五洲傳播出版社
- 出版時間:2020年
- 開本:16 開
- 裝幀:平裝
- ISBN:9787508542478
《Contemporary China's politics》是2020年五洲傳播出版社出版的圖書。
陳堅,法學博士,主要研究方向為中國政黨與政治。著有《民主政治發展與進步》、《中國共產黨建設90年》(合著)等。Wen Lequn, LLD, has been engaged in studying the history of the Communist Party of China, Chinese Politics and International Politics. His works include Deng Xiaoping and Contemporary China...
《當代中國政治》是2020年中國人民大學出版社出版的圖書。內容簡介 Based on China’s national conditions, this book introduced China’s contemporary political ideology, political system reform, basic political system, political leadership and direction and goal of political development orientated by essential ...
of contemporary China as well as those interested in the dynamics of political and social change. Peter Hays Gries is the Harold J. & Ruth Newman Chair and Director of the Institute for U.S.-China Issues at the University of Oklahoma, USA. His many publications include China’s New Nat...
主要學術研究領域為國際政治經濟學、歐洲政治與外交。出版《國際政治經濟與中國對外關係》、《後危機時代的中國與歐洲》、China and the European Union: Future Directions等多部著作;已在Review of International Studies,Journal of Contemporary China,International Politics等國內外專業期刊發表論文百餘篇。田野,中國...
《Contemporary chinese society:basic systems and daily life》是2020年中國人民大學出版社出版的圖書。內容簡介 本書是一部介紹、闡釋當代中國社會輪廓和基本特徵的通俗理論讀物。全書從中國的基本政治制度、中國社會的人口、中國社會的婚姻與家庭、中國社會的教育、中國的社會結構、中國的社會保障體系、中國社會...
《Why Fiction Matters in Contemporary China》是University of Chicago Press出版的圖書,作者是DER-WEI WANG(王德威)內容簡介 Contemporary discussions of China tend to focus on politics and economics, giving Chinese culture little if any attention. Why Fiction Matters in Contemporary China offers a ...
《Social development of contemporary China》是2021年中國人民大學出版社出版的圖書。內容簡介 新時代的社會建設,以民生建設和社會治理為主要內容,旨在通過健全基本公共服務體系,完善共建共治共享的社會治理制度,不斷增強人民民眾獲得感、幸福感、安全感。本書以*新時代中國特色社會主義思想為指導,圍繞十九大以來中國...
Building Social Welfare in China: Providing Retirement Incomes in a Transforming Economy / Andrew Watson State Capacity and Social Stability in Contemporary China: Rethinking the movement of “Social Management Innovation” / Wang Xinxian China’s Social Management System in the Past Thirty Years / Ma...
- Hu Jintao’s Power Consolidation: Institutions and Power Balance in China’s Elite Politics, Issues and Studies, 42(4): 97–136, 2006 - Public Support for Democracy in China, Journal of Contemporary China, 16 (53), 561-579, 2007 - Postmodern Values in Seven Confucian Societies: Political...
Han S*. 'Policy experimentation and higher education reforms in Contemporary China.' Annual poster conference, Department of Education, University of Oxford, 10/10/2016.Han S* & Ye F. 'Policy communities and issue networks: Understanding China’s education policymaking from a policy network ...