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  • 外文名:conductor
  • 詞性:名詞




conductor side[電]導線面
conductor spacing導線距離 ; 導體間距 ; 導線間距離 ; 導體間隔
neutral conductor[電]中性線 ; 中性導體 ; 中線 ; 中性導線


  • 1The conductor beat time with a baton.指揮用指揮棒打拍子。《牛津詞典》
  • 2Graphite is a highly efficient conductor of electricity.石墨是一種高效的電導體。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 3Under its new conductor, the orchestra has established an international reputation.在新指揮的領導下,這個樂團建立了國際聲譽。《牛津詞典》
  • 4Wood is a poor conductor.木頭是不良導體。
  • 5I'm going to have you be a conductor.我將讓你成為指揮。
  • 6Wood is a poor conductor of heat and electricity.木頭是熱和電的不良導體。
  • 7The conductor made it clear that no buses will be running.售票員說得很清楚,沒有公車運行了。
  • 8I always dreamed of becoming the conductor of an orchestra.我一直夢想成為管弦樂隊的指揮。
  • 9For my part, I have no idea whether Gilbert is a great conductor or even a good one.就我而言,我不知道吉爾伯特是否一位偉大的指揮家,甚至是否一位優秀的指揮家。
  • 10If you want to attend the concert conducted by the famous conductor, you should book a ticket in advance.如果你想參加那位著名指揮家指揮的音樂會,你應該提前訂票。
  • 11From then on, he was recognized as an artist of preternatural abilities, not only as a composer but also as a pianist and conductor.從此以後,他被視為一位有著超常能力的藝術家,不僅僅是位作曲家,而且還是鋼琴家和指揮家。
  • 12Even Tommasini, who had advocated Gilbert's appointment in the Times, calls him "an unpretentious musician with no air of the formidable conductor about him".即便是在《泰晤士報》上支持任命吉爾伯特的托馬西尼,也稱他為“一位樸實無華的音樂家,沒有那種令人敬畏的指揮家的氣質”。
  • 13He showed his ticket to the conductor and got on.他向乘務員出示了車票,就上了車。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 14Passengers keep in touch with the conductor through the machine and buy tickets according to video instructions.乘客通過售票機與售票員保持聯繫,並根據視頻提示購票。
  • 15Like a spark between a cloud and a lightning conductor, the liquid stretches out to the collector.就像雲塊與避雷針之間的一個火花,液體向收集器擴展。
  • 16Kurt Sanderling is known as "the world's greatest conductor".庫爾特·桑德林被譽為“世界上最偉大的指揮家”。
  • 17Eduardo Marturet is a Venezuelan conductor and composer represented by Tempo Primo.愛德華多·馬圖爾特 是一位委內瑞拉指揮家和作曲家,代表作為《初速度》。
  • 18The train conductor punched our tickets.(列車)乘務員用剪票夾在我們的車票上打孔(驗票)。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 19Or a conductor on a diesel train?一名柴油列車列車長又該如何是好?
  • 20Copper is a good conductor of electricity.銅是電的良導體。
  • 21Wasn't the conductor wearing a new coat, too?指揮不也穿了一件新上衣嗎?
  • 22There is no formal apology from the conductor.沒有列車長的鄭重道歉。
  • 23But not every good musician makes a good conductor.但並非每個音樂演奏家都能成為優秀的指揮。
  • 24Most orchestras have a single leader, the conductor.許多樂隊都擁有唯一的領導——指揮。
  • 25Nearly every conductor faced similar risks -- or worse.幾乎每一個乘務員都面臨類似的危險――或者更為嚴重。
  • 26The conductor ended the symphony with a great flourish of his baton.指揮用指揮棒作了一個誇張的動作,結束了這支交響曲。
  • 27"Barty was a wonderful, affable teacher and conductor," says Phelps.費爾普斯說:“巴迪是一個非常棒、非常和藹可親的老師和指揮。”
  • 28It is because a conductor carrying is surrounded by a magnetic field.這就是因為載流導體周圍有一磁場。
  • 29He was also an associate guest conductor of the London Symphony Orchestra.同時,他還是倫敦交響樂團的客座指揮。


