《Collected Papers, Volume 1...》是一本圖書,作者是Koch, Albert C.。
- 外文名:Collected Papers, Volume 1...
- 作者:Koch, Albert C.
- 頁數:72 頁
- ISBN:9781274196477
《Collected Papers, Volume 1...》是一本圖書,作者是Koch, Albert C.。
《Collected Papers Vol.1 : Quantum Field Theory and Statistical Mechanics: Expositions》是一本圖書。內容簡介 Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...
《Collected Papers in Theoretical Economics》是OxfordUniversityPress出版的圖書,作者是Basu,Kaushik。The fourth and the final of Basu's collected essays corpus, this volume is a collection of his inter-discliplinary essays straddling several of the social sciences and also the philosophical foundation ...
The Collected Papers of Albert Einstein 《The Collected Papers of Albert Einstein》是一本圖書,作者是Einstein, Albert, Kox, A. J. (COM), Sauer, Tilman (COM), Buchwald, Diana Kormos (COM), Hirschmann, Rudy (COM)
The Collected Papers of Albert Einstein 《The Collected Papers of Albert Einstein》是一本圖書,作者是Einstein, Albert, Buchwald, Diana Kormos (EDT), Rosenkranz, Ze'Ev (EDT), Sauer, Tilman (EDT), Illy, Jozsef (EDT), Holmes, Virginia Iris (EDT)
[④] John Rawls, “The Domain of the Political and Overlapping Consensus”, in John Rawls, Collected Papers, edited by Samuel Freeman, Cambridge, Mass., London, England: Harvard University Press, 1999, p. 473.[⑤] John Rawls, Political Liberalism, New York: Columbia University Press, 1996,...
包括愛因斯坦從蘇黎世聯邦理工學院畢業後出版的首篇論文、愛因斯坦奇蹟年(Annus Mirabilis Papers)、首次任職於蘇黎世大學的講座等,The Collected Papers of Albert Einstein, Volume 2, The Swiss Years: Writings, 1900-1909.[2]Editors: John Stachel et al. ISBN 0-691-08526-9, 1989.中文版:范貸年主譯,...
Economics, Westview Press, Boulder, 1989.Handbook of Game Theory with economic applications, Vol 1-3, Elsevier, Amsterdam (coedited with S. Hart).Repeated Games with Incomplete Information, MIT Press, Cambridge, 1995 (with M. Maschler).Collected Papers, Vol 1-2, MIT Press, Cambridge, 2000.
(3)論文集[C](collected papers)(4)學位論文[D](dissertation)(5)專利[P](patent)(6)技術標準[S](standardization)(7)報紙[N](newspaper article)(8)科技報告[R](report)(9)會議文獻[C] (conference)2.電子文獻載體類型用雙字母標識,具體如下:(1)磁帶[MT](magnetic tape)(...
在他去世的前一天,他自己已經心中有數,但還調侃地說:“想幹的事還多得很,不想死。不過,肯定不行了。早晨就沒命嘍。這回可是運算錯誤。”著作 KIYOSHI OKA COLLECTED PAPERS 1984年. 《Springer-Verlag》, ISBN 0387132406 1998年. Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. K, ISBN 3540132406 ...
編者按:本文原是Alfred Schütz應梅洛—龐蒂之邀,為其主編的《著名的哲學家》(Paris:Lucien Mazenod,1956)一書而作的Max Scheler:1874-1928一文,後收入Alfred Schütz,Collected Papers Ⅲ(The Hague:Martinus Nijhoff,1966)。中文載於A.Schtüz:《馬克斯·舍勒三論》,江日新譯,台北:東大圖書公司,1990...
papers).[4] Collected Research Papers (volume 2): Surface Modification of gamma-TiAl Intermetallics for Oxidation Resistance (2000-2002)(15 papers).[5] Collected Research Papers (volume 1): Plasma-Based Low-Energy Ion Implantation for Low-Temperature Surface Engineering (1995-2000)(16 papers).
81.Kai Chen, Hong Liang Shi. Change in Energy Consumption Intensity and the Main Factors during the Process of China’s Industrialization, Collected Papers of Forum on the Second China Energy Scientist Volume 1 P432-437,Scientific Research Publishing, USA 2010 82.史紅亮,陳凱,閆波.中國鋼鐵行業...
The Introduction of Western Mathematics in Modern Japan: Collected Papers ,Tokyo: The Department of History and Philosophy of Science, The University of Tokyo, 1999. Descartes’s Mathematical Thought ,Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003 葡文 Introdução à Teoria da Ciência ,Editora da U...
她擔任普林斯頓大學出版社《愛因斯坦全集》(The Collected Papers of AlbertEinstein)的高級編輯和“愛因斯坦文稿計畫”的管理人員20多年。曾榮獲Literary Market Place授予的學術出版物個人編輯成就獎。弗里曼·戴森(Freeman Dyson),著名理論物理學家和數學家,普林斯頓高等研究院物理學名譽教授,著作有《擾動宇宙》(...
of the French Novel)(兩卷,1917-1919年)。他還分別為約翰·徳來登、沃特·司各特博士和馬修·阿諾德寫了傳記。作品《散文論文集》(Collected Essays and Papers)(1924年)出版了四卷。從牛津大學畢業後,森茨伯里留校任教,後來又成為一名記者。1895年到1915年,他擔任愛丁堡大學修辭學以及英語文學教授。
Collected Papers of R.A. Fisher (1971–1974). Five Volumes. University of Adelaide.論文 "Frequency distribution of the values of the correlation coefficient in samples from an indefinitely large population." Biometrika, 10: 507–521. (1915) doi:10.1093/biomet/10.4.507 "The correlation ...
高木貞治的26篇西文論文收集在《高木貞治文集》(The Collected Papers of TEIJI TAKAGI,岩波書店,1973)中,他還寫了許多大學教材、專著、中國小教科書及各種普及讀物。通過他的直接教學活動,培養了一代具有國際聲譽的日本數學家,大大推動了日本數學的發展。高木貞治主要著作有《解析概論》《初等整數論講義》《...
Yang, S., and X. Jiang, 2014: Subseasonal-to-seasonal prediction of the East-Southeast Asian monsoon climate in the US NCEP Climate Forecast System Version 2: A review. Collected Papers for 100th Anniversary of Shixun Chen, 302-321.Yuan, Y., C. Lin, and S. Yang, 2014: Decadal ...
螺蠅獅 螺蠅獅是於1895年發現,主要產於我國黑龍江,吉林的一種蛛形結構的節肢動物。原始文獻:Kulczynski,1895,Collected papers on spiders of W.Kulczynski,1(6):63-67 模式產地:?國內分布:黑龍江,吉林 國外分布:蘇聯,朝鮮,日本 資料來源:彭賢錦 等,1993 P.111 ...