Business plan

商業計畫書Business plan是一個企業或企業家打算組織一個企業家的努力和開展活動必要和足夠的創業成功總結。


  • 中文名:商業計畫書
  • 外文名:Business plan
  • 性質:創業成功總結
  • 套用領域:商業策劃


A business plan is a summary of how a business or entrepreneur intends to organize an entrepreneurial endeavor and implement activities necessary and sufficient for the venture to succeed. It is a written explanation of the company's business model for the venture in question. Business plans are developed for ventures in both business and government.
Business plans are used internally for management and planning and are also used to convince outsiders such as banks or venture capitalists to invest money into a venture.
Business plans are noted for often quickly becoming out of date. One common belief within business circles is that the actual plan may have little value, but what is more important is the process of planning, through which the manager gains a greater understanding of the business and of the options available.
Business plan is prepared for customers for they need to know whether the product serves the purpose or not and the utility of the product, for government because it is necessary to know for government whether the legal economical and subsidy concerns are met or the like.


商業計畫以通常很快過時而聞名。 商界內的一個共同的信念是,實際計畫可能沒有什麼價值,但更重要的是規划過程中,經營者能通過商業計畫書對業務和選擇有更多的了解。


