- 本名:比爾·沃特森
- 外文名:Bill Watterson
- 出生日期:1973年8月20日
- 星座:獅子座
- 身高:188 cm
- 職業:演員
Bill Watterson一般指本詞條
Weirdos from Another Planet 《Weirdos from Another Planet》是一本圖書,作者是Watterson, Bill
漫畫自1985年開始在報紙連載,風靡無數大小朋友,書中主角6歲卡爾文將自己心愛玩偶霍布斯幻想成一隻富有生命、博學多聞的老虎,作者比爾·沃特森(Bill Watterson )透過兩人的互動來呈現小孩的異想世界,主角之間天真、逗趣的對白,時有發人深省之語。作者說,他透過卡爾文來宣洩他的不成熟,並經他來維持自己對大自然、...
《The Essential Calvin and Hobbes》是1988年Andrews McMeel Publishing出版的圖書,作者是Bill Watterson。內容簡介 Calvin and Hobbes books have taken the country by storm and here's the biggest, brightest one yet! Calvin and Hobbest soared to the top of the bestseller lists in its first month of...
《戴夫造了個迷宮》是Bill Watterson執導的冒險喜劇片,Meera Rohit Kumbhani和Nick Thune出演。該片講述了藝術家戴夫造了一個有生命的迷宮的故事。劇情簡介 藝術家戴夫,他的職業生涯,從來沒有完成任何重要的作品。這次他造了一個迷宮,包含了幻想陷阱、誘殺裝置,但不知何時,迷宮有了自己的生命,自行創造出多種...
《Weirdos from Another Planet》是little brown出版的圖書,作者是Watterson, Bill 內容簡介 A collection of Calvin and Hobbes cartoons. The author won the 1986 Reuben Award as Outstanding Cartoonist of the Year and has also illustrated Something Under the Bed is Drooling , Calvin and Hobbes' Yukon ...
this book. Other books featuring these characters include Something Under the Bed is Drooling , Weirdos from Another Planet and Scientific Progress Goes Boink .作者簡介 Bill Watterson won the 1986 Reuben Award as Outstanding Cartoonist of the Year, nominated by the National Cartoonist's Society.
《Exploring Calvin and Hobbes: An Exhibition Catalogue》是一本圖書。內容簡介 Exploring Calvin and Hobbes is the catalog for an exhibition by the same name at the Billy Ireland Cartoon Library & Museum at Ohio State University that ran in 2014. The exhibit is Bill Watterson's personal exploration...