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  • 外文名:Beacon
  • 詞性:名詞、動詞
  • 英式音標:[ˈbiːkən]
  • 美式音標:[ˈbiːkən]


英 [ˈbiːkən] 美 [ˈbiːkən]
n. 燈塔燈標;(無線電)信標引路人,指路明燈;(舊時的)烽火;<英>適宜點烽火的山
v. 照亮,指引;像燈塔般照耀
[ 複數 beacons 第三人稱單數 beacons 現在分詞 beaconing 過去式 beaconed 過去分詞 beaconed ]


beacon light 立標燈;信標燈,航標燈
radio beacon 無線電信標;無線電指向台
light beacon 燈樁;燈光信標


  • Mike later became the sports editor for The Beacon. 邁克後來成為《烽火》的體育欄目編輯。
  • She is a beacon of hope for women navigating the darkest passage of their lives. 她是個指引女性們穿越她們生活最黑暗時光的希望的燈塔。
  • In our case, we have found the true acoustic echo beacon. 在我們的例子中,我們找到了真正的聲學回聲信標。
  • While each box contains a beacon, the unit only has enough battery power to transmit a signal for 30 days. 雖然每個盒子裡都有一個信標,但這個裝置的電池只能夠傳輸30天信號。
  • Planes must zigzag from one ground beacon to the next, and ascend and descend in steps at each stage obtaining permission from the ground. 飛機從一個地面信標到下一個信標曲折飛行,在每一階段都要經過地面的許可才能上升和下降。
  • He was a beacon of hope for the younger generation. 他是年輕一代的希望之燈。
  • From Faneuil Hall to Beacon Hill to Harvard, Paul Revere's house or the site of the Boston Massacre, visitors can find a huge chunk of the nation's heritage in one afternoon. 從法納爾大廳到比肯山再到哈佛大學,從保羅·里維爾的故居到波士頓大屠殺的發生地,遊客們可以在一個下午的時間裡找到一大塊國家遺產。
  • I am a beacon calling you forth. 我是給你指路的燈塔。
  • Ideal is the beacon. 理想是指路明燈。
  • The ship was assigned to beacon the shoals. 這船被指定用來標誌淺灘。
  • Plane F103 has homed in on the radio beacon. F103號飛機已按照無線電信號飛回基地了。
  • Whether that beacon will shine again is unclear. 這盞明燈是否還會大放光芒還不清楚。
  • "Yeah, like a beacon in a fog-bound channel," I said. 是啊,像在雲遮霧罩的海峽中看見燈塔。
  • Is your relationship a beacon of love and affection? 你的社會關係是愛的象徵嗎?
  • Special thanks to MSG Entertainment and the Beacon Theatre. 特別感謝M SG娛樂公司以及燈塔劇院。
  • The currents round the beacon were more than he could manage. 燈塔周圍的激流他對付不了。
  • The island was intended to be a 'beacon for cultural experience and. 阿布達比的酋長謝赫·哈利法·本·扎耶德·阿勒納哈揚打算將這個島規劃成一個“文化體驗和交流的典範”。
  • Starting near the top of the frame, the brightest beacon is Venus. 從靠近畫面頂部起,最亮的那光點是金星。
  • What starts as an everyday person turns into a beacon of hope for all to see. 一個平平常常的人變成了一個希望的燈塔,照亮每一個人。
  • The pavilion was made by grey bricks and was settled up on the old beacon tower. 亭由灰磚砌成,砌在原先的烽火台上。
  • A FEW years ago, Facebook was forced to retreat from a new service called Beacon. 幾年前,Facebook被迫放棄名為Beacon的新業務。
  • It's a cool night, but Beacon Cottage is warm, welcoming and spotlessly clean. 那個清冷的夜晚,畢肯小屋裡卻是暖意融融,舒適宜人,而且一塵不染。
  • That rankles in a state that likes to think of itself as a beacon to the rest of America. 想到自己在美國燈塔般的作用,加州有點不服氣。
  • More than one told me that they saw her as a beacon of hope for young Pakistani women. 不止一個人對我說過,巴基斯坦的年輕女人們把她當作承載希望的燈塔。
  • Yet this beacon, if found guilty, should play no more cricket for a long time, if ever. 然而這一希望之光若被證明有罪,即使能再參與板球比賽,那也是很久以後的事了。
  • So when it gets dark, I've got plenty of power. And I can light up the Nutmeg like a beacon. 那么當夜幕降臨,我就有足夠的電力照明,點亮照明燈,在黑暗中仿佛燈塔。
  • FOR Western countries in despair about their Banks, Indonesia is an unlikely beacon of hope. 西方國家對他們的銀行都快絕望了,而印度尼西亞似乎也不大可能是希望之光。
  • Unlike the guys in the raft, we had an emergency locator beacon so the Coast Guard could find us. 與待在救生艇上的人不同的是,我們有一個緊急定位信標,所以海岸警衛隊能發現我們。


