Challenging new collection ofpaper sculptures designed by renowned origami expert presents 25 intricately detailed paperfolding projects featuring strikingly life-like animals -- angelfish, walrus, eagle, turtle, frog, antelope, lobster, tyrannosaurus, more. Fully illustrated step-by-step instructions and hundreds of diagrams guide origamists. Introduction. Instructions. Over 900 diagrams.
- 書名:Animal Origami for the Enthusiast
- 作者:Montroll, John
- ISBN:9780486247922
- 頁數:128
- 定價:$ 16.89
- 出版社:Dover Pubns
- 出版時間:1985-3
- 裝幀:Pap
Animal Origami for the Enthusiast
Animal Origami for the Enthusiast
作者: Montroll, John
出版社: Dover Pubns
出版年: 1985-3
頁數: 128
定價: $ 16.89
裝幀: Pap
ISBN: 9780486247922
作者: Montroll, John
出版社: Dover Pubns
出版年: 1985-3
頁數: 128
定價: $ 16.89
裝幀: Pap
ISBN: 9780486247922