Algorithms for VLSI Physical Design Automation, Third Edition

Algorithms for VLSI Physical Design Automation, Third Edition

《Algorithms for VLSI Physical Design Automation, Third Edition》是Springer出版的圖書,作者是Naveed A. Sherwani


  • ISBN:9780792383932
  • 作者:Naveed A. Sherwani
  • 出版社:Springer
  • 出版時間:1998年11月30日
  • 頁數:602
  • 定價:USD 105.00
  • 裝幀:Hardcover
Algorithms for VLSI Physical Design Automation, Third Edition covers all aspects of physical design. The book is a core reference for graduate students and CAD professionals. For students, concepts and algorithms are presented in an intuitive manner. For CAD professionals, the material presents a balance of theory and practice. An extensive bibliography is provided which i...(展開全部) Algorithms for VLSI Physical Design Automation, Third Edition covers all aspects of physical design. The book is a core reference for graduate students and CAD professionals. For students, concepts and algorithms are presented in an intuitive manner. For CAD professionals, the material presents a balance of theory and practice. An extensive bibliography is provided which is useful for finding advanced material on a topic. At the end of each chapter, exercises are provided, which range in complexity from simple to research level. Algorithms for VLSI Physical Design Automation, Third Edition provides a comprehensive background in the principles and algorithms of VLSI physical design. The goal of this book is to serve as a basis for the development of introductory-level graduate courses in VLSI physical design automation. It provides self-contained material for teaching and learning algorithms of physical design. All algorithms which are considered basic have been included, and are presented in an intuitive manner. Yet, at the same time, enough detail is provided so that readers can actually implement the algorithms given in the text and use them. The first three chapters provide the background material, while the focus of each chapter of the rest of the book is on each phase of the physical design cycle. In addition, newer topics such as physical design automation of FPGAs and MCMs have been included. The basic purpose of the third edition is to investigate the new challenges presented by interconnect and process innovations. In 1995 when the seco


