《Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory》是2004年Pharmaceutical Pr出版的圖書,作者是Ginzburg, Victor。
- 書名:Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory
- 作者:Ginzburg, Victor
- 出版社:Springer Verlag
- 出版時間:2006年9月
- 頁數:664 頁
- 定價:258.77 美元
- 裝幀:HRD
- ISBN:9780817644710
《Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory》是2004年Pharmaceutical Pr出版的圖書,作者是Ginzburg, Victor。
related to Ramanujan's mathematics which should stimulate the interest in his work. The volume is a valuable resource for postgraduates and researchers working in number theory, algebraic geometry and discrete mathematics. The International Conference on Number Theory and Discrete Ma...
algebraic equation 代數方程 algebraic structure 代數結構 algebraic geometry [數]代數幾何 algebraic expression 代數表達式 algebraic topology 代數拓撲 algebraic number 代數數 algebraic operation 代數運算 algebraic sum 代數和 雙語例句 This algebraic notation of the image allows the entire image to be recreated...
讓-皮埃爾·塞爾通過努力賦予了拓撲學、代數幾何學和數字學等許多數學領域以“現代的形式”,成為“當代最傑出的數學家之一”(for playing a key role in shaping the modern form of many parts of mathematics, including topology, algebraic geometry and number theory, one of the great mathematicians of ...
He has been deeply influential in many of the important developments in algebra, algebraic geometry, and number theory during this time)。(勒羅伊·P·斯蒂爾終身成就獎評)他(約翰·泰特)對數論產生了巨大而持久的影響(for his vast and lasting impact on the theory of numbers)。(阿貝爾獎評)
皮埃爾·德利涅對數學的幾個重要領域(包括代數幾何、代數和分析數論、群論、拓撲學和格羅滕迪克動機理論)作出了重大貢獻(For major contributions to several important domains of mathematics, including algebraic geometry, algebraic and analytic number theory, group theory, topology, and Grothendieck theory of ...
《變換群與曲線模空間》內容簡介:Transformation groups have played a fundamental role in many areas of mathematics such as differential geometry, geometric topology, algebraic topology, algebraic geometry, number theory. Ore of the basic reasons for their importance is that symmetries are described by ...
彼得·薩納克對數學的貢獻是巨大的,雖然他以數論為中心,但在組合學、代數幾何、微分幾何、數學物理、群論等多個領域都處於核心地位(Sarnak’s contributions to mathematics have been enormous, and while centered on number theory, have been central in such diverse fields as combinatorics, algebraic geometry,...
德國Springer出版社出版、發行.現在每年出版24卷,每10卷和每50卷有累積索引.1981年起另出7種活頁性分輯本.《Number Theory and AlgebraicGeometry》(510E0003一1),《Partial Differential E-quations》(510E0003一2),《Probability andStochastic Processes》(510E0003一3),《 Geometry》(510E0003一4),《...
work in number theory)。(《數學編年史》評)本尼迪克特·格羅斯是一位數學家,他對數論、代數幾何、模形式和群表示做出了決定性的貢獻(Benedict Gross is a mathematician who has contributed decisively to number theory, algebraic geometry, modular forms and group representations)。(麥克阿瑟基金會評)
《橢圓曲線的有理點》是2015年世界圖書出版公司出版的著作,作者是[美] 西爾弗曼(Silverman J.H.)。內容簡介 The theory of elliptic curves involves a blend of algebra,geometry, analysis,and number theory.This book stresses this interplay as it develops the basic theory,providing an opportunity for...
韋伊的許多著作均屬數學經典,其中包括《代數幾何基礎》(Foundations of Algebraic Geometry,1946)、《基礎數論》(Basic Number Theory,1967)、《拓撲群及其套用導論》(Lintegrationdans les Groupes Topologiques et ses Appfications,1940)以及本書等。圖書目錄 《數學翻譯叢書》序 前言 插圖目錄 縮寫、基本參考...
ist – seit seiner Auszeichnung mit der Fields〆daille 1986 – ein weltweit anerkannter Mathematiker)。(德國國家科學院)格爾德·法爾廷斯教授在代數幾何學和數論領域做出了開創性的貢獻(Professor Faltings has made groundbreaking contributions to algebraic geometry and number theory)。(費薩爾國王獎評)
4.4 generalization of shwarz lemma by yau and baily-borel compactification 5 contributions of yau to string theory 5.1 mirror symmetry and syz conjecture 5.2 large radius limit 5.3 string theory and number theory 5.4 rational curves on algebraic k3 surfaces 6 rigidity 6.1 yau's conjecture...
[7] H. Hironaka. On the presentations of resolution data. In Algebraic analysis, geometry, and number theory (Baltimore, MD, 1988), pages 135-151. Johns Hopkins Univ. Press, Baltimore, MD, 1989. Noted and with an appendix by T. T. Moh.[8] T. T. Moh. On the resolution of ...
考切爾·比爾卡爾是《Algebraic Geometry and Physics(代數幾何與物理)》和《Algebraic Geometry(代數幾何)》期刊的編輯,他還是2023年首屆國際基礎科學大會學術組委會委員。個人生活 家世背景 考切爾·比爾卡爾來自農民家庭,家中有六個孩子。成長教育 考切爾·比爾卡爾的哥哥向他介紹了微積分的基本概念。高中時,他獨自...
9.4.3 galileo and kinematics exercises references chapter ten pre. calculus in the seventeenth century 10.1 algebraic symbolism and the theory of equations 10.1.1 william oughtred and thomas harriot 10.1.2 albert girard and the fundamental theorem of algebra 10.2 analytic geometry 10.2.1 ...
[11] Algebraic Geometry, Tsinghua University Press 2006, 263 pages.[12] (與萬大慶合作) Trivial factors for L-functions of symmetric products of Kloosterman sheaves, Finite Fields and Their Applications 14 (2008), 549-570.[13] (與萬大慶合作) The local monodromy of the Kloosterman sheaf at ...
Combinatorial Structures in Geometry and Number Theory 17. Extremal Problems in Combinatorial Geometry 18. Convex Polytopes and Related Complexes 19. Point Lattices 20. Combinatorial Number Theory Author Index Subject Index 編輯手記 Volume II Preface List of Contributors Part II: Aspects 21. Algebraic ...
《Several Complex Variables》是2011年6月出版的圖書,作者是Schneider, Michael、Siu, Yum-Tong。內容簡介 Several Complex Variables is a central area of mathematics with strong interactions with partial differential equations, algebraic geometry, number theory, and differential geometry. The 1995-1996 MSRI ...
material that is now considered foundational to the subject. Topics addressed by these top-notch contributors match the breadth of Grothendieck's own interests, including: functional analysis, algebraic geometry, algebraic topology, number theory, representation theory, K-theory, category theory, and ...
2.Holography and Displaying (全息影像)3.Medical imaging (醫學影像)4.Geometry and algebraic number theory(幾何與數論)5.Differential Equation and Dynamical Systems(微分方程和動力系統)6.3D face database (3D 人臉資料庫)7.Facial modeling and recognition (面部建模與識別)博士生導師和研究方向簡介:博士...
material that is now considered foundational to the subject. Topics addressed by these top-notch contributors match the breadth of Grothendieck's own interests, including: functional analysis, algebraic geometry, algebraic topology, number theory, representation theory, K-theory, category theory, and ...
Part 3 Mathematical Physics, Algebraic Geometry and Other Topics The Coherent-Constructible Correspondence and Homological Mirror Symmetry for Toric Varieties Bohan Fang, Chiu-Chu Melissa Liu, David Treumann and Eric Zaslow.1 Introduction 1.1 Outline 2 Mirror symmetry for toric manifolds 2.1 Hori-...
I.R. Shafarevich,basic Algebraic Geometry,Grundlehren der MatheMatischen Wissenschaften,213,SpringerVerlag,Berlin,1974.D.Mumford,Algebraic Geometry I.Complex Projective varieties,Springer-Verlag,Berlin,1976.R.Hartshorne,Algebraic Geometry, Springer-Verlag,Berlin,1977.S.Iitaka,Algebraic Geometry, Springer-Verlag...
8 Stokes Phenmenon and Differential Galois Groups 9 Stookes Matrices and Meromorphic Classification 10 Universal Picard-Vessiot Rings and Galois Groups 11 Inverse Problems 12 Modeli for Singular Differential Equations 13 Positive Characteristic Appendices A Algebraic Geometry B Tannakian Categories C ...
在20世紀數學史上,代數幾何學(Algebraic Geometry)始終處於一個核心的地位,這從數學界的主要大獎之一,Fields獎(菲爾茲獎)的獲得者情況即可看出,從1936年頒發首屆Fields獎算起,到2002年在中國舉行的國際數學家大會上頒發的第24屆Fields獎為止,總共有45位40歲以下的青年數學家獲獎,其中大約有1/3的人,其獲獎...
3.3 Ring-Theoretic Algebraic Number Theory 3.3.1 Gauss's Lemma on Polynomials 3.3.2 Algebraic Integers 3.3.3 Ring of Integers and Discriminant 3.3.4 Ideals and Units 3.3.5 Decomposition of Primes and Ramification 3.3.6 Galois Properties of Prime Decomposition 3.4 Quadratic Fields 3.4...