The ASU-57 was a small, lightly-constructed Sovietassault gun specifically designed for use by Soviet airborne divisions.
The ASU-57 was designed to be a light-weight assault gunthat could be air-dropped and deployed by rocket-assisted parachute along withthe troops. It was lightly armored and armed with a 57 mm gun Ch-51, adevelopment of the WWII ZIS-2. Later an improved 57mm gunCh-51M was fitted. The gun fired standard caliber 57x480R ammunition of theZIS-2 anti-tank gun. The ASU-57's engine was taken from the Pobeda civiliancar. The ASU-57 was a successful design, and saw service with Soviet airbornedivisions for around 20 years before being replaced by the ASU-85. During itsyears of operation 54 vehicles would have been assigned to each airbornedivision.
One main drawback was the vehicle's welded aluminum hull,which offers little protection for the crew. However for airborne troops suchvehicles are invaluable, giving lightly armed soldiers who are isolated behindenemy lines mobile artillery support on the battlefield.