《A Sheaf》是一本圖書,作者是Galsworthy, John
- 外文名:A Sheaf
- 作者:Galsworthy, John
- 出版時間:2007年7月
- 頁數:404 頁
- ISBN:9780548169353
- 定價:56.44 美元
《A Sheaf》是一本圖書,作者是Galsworthy, John
sheaf,英語單詞,主要用作名詞、及物動詞,作名詞時譯為“(Sheaf)人名;(英)希夫”,作及物動詞時譯為“捆;束;扎”。單詞用法 柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典 sheaf /ʃiːf/ TEM8 ( sheaves )1.N-COUNT A sheaf of papers is ...
《一梱藍鈴》(A Sheaf of Bluebells,1917年)《百合綻放》(Flower o' the Lily,1918年)《灰男》(The Man in Grey)(1918年)《榮耀軍團》(The Legion of Honour)(1918年)《His Majesty's Well-beloved 》(1919年)...
III.2 Proj of a Graded Ring III.2.1 The Construction of Proj S III.2.2 Closed Subschemes of Proj R III.2.3 Global Proj Proj of a Sheaf of Graded 0x-Algebras The Projectivization P(ε) of a Coherent Sheaf ...
1.3 The Zariski Topology of Spec A 1.4 Irreducibility,Dimension 1.5 Exercises to Section 1 2 Sheaves 2.1 Presheaves 2.2 The Structure Presheaf 2.3 Sheaves 2.4 Stalks of a Sheaf 2.5 Exercises to Section 2 3...
7.3.Cohomology groups with values in a sheaf.7.4.The cohomology groups of a Stein manifold with Coefficients in a coherent analytic sheaf 7.5.The de Rham theorem 7.6.Cohomology with bounds and constant coeflicient ...
Then,how can you be a sheaf on the earth like that?那么你是怎么在地上被綁成那樣的?Oh,Oh,you want to know how can I get stranded on the earth?Oh,I just been stranded like this on the earth,Ok,I will...
這就是希策布魯赫(Hirzebruch, F.E.P.)1956年著作中採用的層(德文Gavbe),原來勒雷意義下的層將其中閉集改為開集後被稱為Gar-bendaten。在1966年的英文版中分別被譯成為sheaf和presheaf。格羅騰迪克(Grothendieck,A.)在1957年又...
層同態(sheaf homomorphism)是兩類之間的映射誘導出的一個群同態。設(F,π,X)與(F′,π′,X)是X上的兩個群層,若連續映射A:F→F′滿足π′A=π,且對所有x∈X,由A在莖上誘導出的映射Aₓ:Fₓ→Fₓ′是群同態...
7 The homology sheaf of a map 8 The basic spectral sequences 9 Poincare duality 10 The cap product 11 Intersection theory 12 Uniqueness theorems 13 Uniqueness theorems for maps and relative homology 14 The Kuinneth ...
流形上微分運算元層(sheaf of differential operators on a manifold)有較好套用價值的特殊運算元層。定義 設X是復解析(或代數)流形.O(X)是X上解析函式(或正則函式)環.由O(X)上的C線性導子與O(X)自身的乘法運算元生成O<X上C線性運算元...
onalgebraic manifolds by these and other methods. Recently many of hisresults have been proved for algebraic varieties defined over a field ofarbitrary characteristic. K. KODAIRA and D. C. SPENCER have alsoapplied sheaf ...