A Global Lesson

A Global Lesson

《A Global Lesson》是2009年Random House US出版的圖書,作者是Reinhard Mohn。


  • 中文名:A Global Lesson
  • 作者:Reinhard Mohn
  • 出版社:Random House US
  • ISBN:9780307587688 
Reinhard Mohn, legendary entrepreneur and father of the globalmedia giant Bertelsmann, offers penetrating insights into hismotives, beliefs, and hopes as one of the world’s foremostbusinesspeople.Reinhard Mohn has grappled with the political and culturalchanges of recent decades like few other entrepreneurs of his time.In this deeply personal book, Mohn, for the first time, describeshis entrepreneurial development in the context of his ownfascinating personal experiences.A Global Lesson plumbs the extraordinary depth of Mohn’s life,from his Protestant upbringing and his time as a German soldier inan American POW camp during World War II to his socially consciouschoices as a young businessman.The hopes and challenges of booming 1950s Germany influencedMohn’s early years as an entrepreneur in many ways. He quicklyunderstood that to be successful he had to combine economicthinking with social responsibility. Furthermore, as he guidedBertelsmann’s evolution from a medium-sized company to a globalmedia corporation, he realized how important it was to seekdialogue with other cultures. Through it all–from the period ofGerman rebuilding after the war through the age ofglobalization–Mohn fostered a successful corporate culture thatserved as a model for business leaders across the globe.A Global Lesson reveals the motives that guided Mohn’sdevelopment, and shares how his family origins and personalexperiences shaped his life’s work. His story is also a testamentto his leadership. Throughout his life and career, Mohn haspromoted a unique and important philosophy: economic thinking anddemocratic culture cannot be in opposition–and only by standing upfor humanity can we master the challenges of globalcooperation.


