《365天每天讀個英文好故事》內容簡介:在本套書的編寫過程中,我們突出了以後幾個特色:1選材精,篇幅短,內容豐富,啟迪人生。每個故事,都選自國外知名報刊雜誌以及暢銷文學著作,既保證了故事內容與全書主題的高度統一,又確保了英語語言的純正地道,兼顧學習的趣味性,短小精悍,是您學習英語最棒的精選套餐。 2.純英語學習環境。阿棗白兵《365天每天讀個英諒灶肯文好故幾協整事》選取的故事,以純英文+難詞注嚷阿判解的方式呈現,在您翻閱時會有一個天然的英文語境,半強制地聚焦您的學習注意力。《365天每天讀個英文好故事》的內容對辭彙量要求較低,即使是中學生,也能流暢地閱讀。 3.按照時間自然順序安排學習進程。《365天每天讀個英文好故事》按照“四季―12個月-52周”的自然時間順序來安排學習內容,每天一個英文故事,每周的故事屬於同一類型,每月的故事貫穿一個主題,每季的故事突出一種人生的必經歷程。 4生僻辭彙,難解語句,標本兼治,徹底突破。靠內容的簡單堆砌,並不能最快地學好英語,只有充分掌握了英語母語國慨院的文化特徵和表現形式,才能真正讀懂外國人寫的英語。《365天每天讀個英文好故事》將難點生詞、句子單獨列出,並輔以詳細註解,幫您學得快、記得牢、用得上!
第一周 播種希望
1. The Miracle of Mother's Love
2.Mag ge
3.The Seeds of Hope
4.A Bag of Seeds
5.Gradu ally Brighter Heart
第二周 感悟春天
1. Don't Wait Till the Flowers Wilt
2. Spring Is Coming and I Cannot See It
4.Spring Had Come Early
5.Spring Has Come
第三周 感受幸福
1.A Thousand Times
2.Jenny'S Antique
3.Go if Course Romance
4.Rice Pudding
5. What Does Happiness Come From?
第四周 感悟自然朵謎妹汽
1.A Ma Dle
2.When the Moon Follows Me
3. The Revelation of Lilacs
4.A Fine ProSpect
5.The Sound of Waterfalls
第一周 感悟生命
1. Life Is the Cookie
2.Medical Cat
3. The Worth of Life
4. The Flowers on the Ruins
5. The Smile Penetrating the Soul
第二周 學會快樂
1.One Door at A Time
2.1 Choose to Be Cheerful
3. The Postman Who Planted Flowers
4.Push the Son to Set
5. Happiness of Saying Thanks
第三周 平和心態
1.The Fence
2. Feathers in the Wind
3. Please Help Tie It
4. One-dollar Trip
5. Tolerance Is Gold
第四周 改變自我
1. Polish the Stone in Your Heart
2. To Be A Lake
3. The Paper Cup
4.A Hug for Your Thoughts
5. Dating With My Mother
第一周 結交新友
1.Finding Forrester
2.The Right Moves
3. My Favorite Lady
5.The Light in the Window
第二周 感悟母愛
1. Mother Donates Ears for Son
2. Blind Mother's Love
3. There Is No Mountain You Cannot Climb
4. Love Can Also Inspire the Potential
5. Mother's Love Is Free
第三周 正確選擇
1. The Most Successful Lesson
4.Spring Had Come Early
5.Spring Has Come
第三周 感受幸福
1.A Thousand Times
2.Jenny'S Antique
3.Go if Course Romance
4.Rice Pudding
5. What Does Happiness Come From?
第四周 感悟自然
1.A Ma Dle
2.When the Moon Follows Me
3. The Revelation of Lilacs
4.A Fine ProSpect
5.The Sound of Waterfalls
第一周 感悟生命
1. Life Is the Cookie
2.Medical Cat
3. The Worth of Life
4. The Flowers on the Ruins
5. The Smile Penetrating the Soul
第二周 學會快樂
1.One Door at A Time
2.1 Choose to Be Cheerful
3. The Postman Who Planted Flowers
4.Push the Son to Set
5. Happiness of Saying Thanks
第三周 平和心態
1.The Fence
2. Feathers in the Wind
3. Please Help Tie It
4. One-dollar Trip
5. Tolerance Is Gold
第四周 改變自我
1. Polish the Stone in Your Heart
2. To Be A Lake
3. The Paper Cup
4.A Hug for Your Thoughts
5. Dating With My Mother
第一周 結交新友
1.Finding Forrester
2.The Right Moves
3. My Favorite Lady
5.The Light in the Window
第二周 感悟母愛
1. Mother Donates Ears for Son
2. Blind Mother's Love
3. There Is No Mountain You Cannot Climb
4. Love Can Also Inspire the Potential
5. Mother's Love Is Free
第三周 正確選擇
1. The Most Successful Lesson