



  • 書名:21世紀大學英語學習輔導
  • 作者:程振遠
  • ISBN:9787309026368
  • 頁數:260
  • 定價:19.50元
  • 出版社復旦大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2000-8


《21世紀大學英語》是一套實施教育部頒發的最新《大學英語教學大綱》的新教材。我們在使用和研究該教材的基礎上,對主幹課本《讀寫教程》和《練習冊》中的Fast Reading部分進行了注釋,編成這套學習輔導資料。
每單元的注釋項目有:Background Knowledge(背景知識)、Notes to the Texts(課文注釋)、Useful Words and Expressions(重點單詞和詞組)、Notes to Fast Reading(快速閱讀注釋)和Supplementary Exercises(補充練習)。
對《練習冊》中Fast Reading短文里的疑難句子或短語,只提供了譯文或簡短注釋,以幫助學生理解原文。


Unit One
Background Knowledge
Text A Secrets of A Students
Text B Bittersweet Memories
Text C Leaving
Notes to Fast Reading
Supplementary Exercises
Unit Two
Background Knowledge
Text A Conversational Ballgames
Text B English as a UniVersal Language
Text C How tO Improve Your VOcabulary
NOtes to Fast Reading
Supplementary Exercises
Unit Three
Background Knowledge
Text A Stevie Wonder:Sunshine in the Shadow 
Text B We Are What We Think We Are
Text C Her Newlv—Discovered Self
Notes to Fast Reading
Supplementary Exercises
Unit Four
Background Knowledge
Text A The Washwoman
Text B A Good Name
Text C This Is Why Jordan Is Jordan
NOtes to Fast Reading
Unit Five
Background Knowledge
Text A The Language of Compromise
Text B Easy Ways to Avoid an Argument
Text C “Good Morning,Neighbor!”
Notes to Fast Reading
Supplementary Exercises
Unit Six
Background Knowledge
Text A Nerds and Geeks
Text B Our Changing Lifestyle:Trends and Fads
Text C Popularity that Counts
Notes to Fast Reading
Supplementary Exercises
Unit Seven
Background Knowledge
Text A I Became Her Target
Text B Firm,Fair,and Friendlv
Text C The Magic Pebbles
Notes to Fast Reading
Supplementary Exercises
Unit Eight
Background Knowledge
Text A Foreword
Text B Smart Machines:Our Tireless HelDers
Text C The Internet
Notes to Fast Reading
Supplementary Exercises
Unit Nine
Background Knowledge
Text A Hothouse Earth
Text B The Population Problem:Everybody’s Baby
Unit Ten
Key to Supplementary Exercises


