



  • 中文名:2009國際建模競賽題
  • 時間:2009年2月5日至2月9日
  • 賽事:美國(國際)大學生數學建模競賽
  • 簡稱:MCM/ICM





美國大學生數學建模競賽(MCM/ICM),是一項國際級的競賽項目,更是現今各類數學建模競賽之鼻祖。MCM/ICM 是 Mathematical Contest in Modeling 和 Interdisciplinary Contest in Modeling 的縮寫,即“數學建模競賽”和“交叉學科建模競賽”。  MCM 始於 1985 年,ICM 始於 2000 年,由競賽的主持者是美國數學及其套用聯合會COMAP,並得到美國運籌及工業和套用數學協會、美國工業與套用數學學會、美國數學協會等多個組織的贊助。美國賽著重強調研究問題、解決方案的原創性、團隊合作、交流以及結果的合理性。  美國國際大學生數學建模競賽從1985年開始舉辦,英文全稱“Mathematical Contest in Modeling”,縮寫為“MCM”。MCM的每個參賽隊由3名隊員和1名指導教師組成,比賽為期四天,每次只有兩個考題,每隊只需任選一題。在四天的參賽時間內參賽者可以使用包括計算機、軟體包、教科書、雜誌和手冊等資源。比賽時要求就選定的賽題每個隊在連續四天的時間裡寫出論文,它包括:問題的適當闡述;合理的假設;模型的分析、建立、求解、驗證;結果的分析;模型優缺點討論等。數學建模競賽宗旨是鼓勵大學師生對範圍並不固定的各種實際問題予以闡明、分析並提出解法,通過這樣一種方式鼓勵師生積極參與並強調實現完整的模型構造的過程。以競賽的方式培養學生套用數學進行分析、推理、證明和計算的能力;用數學語言表達實際問題及用普通人能理解的語言表達數學結果的能力;套用計算機及相應數學軟體的能力;獨立查找文獻,自學的能力,組織、協調、管理的能力;創造力、想像力、聯想力和洞察力。他還可以培養學生不怕吃苦、敢於戰勝困難的堅強意志,培養自律、團結的優秀品質,培養正確的數學觀。





PROBLEM A: Designing a Traffic Circle
Many cities and communities have traffic circles-from large ones with many lanes in the circle (such as at the Arc de Triomphe in Paris and the Victory Monument in Bangkok) to small ones with one or two lanes in the circle. Some of these traffic circles position a stop sign or a yield sign on every incoming road that gives priority to traffic already in the circle; some position a yield sign in the circle at each incoming road to give priority to incoming traffic; and some position a traffic light on each incoming road (with no right turn allowed on a red light). Other designs may also be possible.
The goal of this problem is to use a model to determine how best to control traffic flow in, around, and out of a circle. State clearly the objective(s) you use in your model for making the optimal choice as well as the factors that affect this choice. Include a Technical Summary of not more than two double-spaced pages that explains to a Traffic Engineer how to use your model to help choose the appropriate flow-control method for any specific traffic circle. That is, summarize the conditions under which each type of traffic-control method should be used. When traffic lights are recommended, explain a method for determining how many seconds each light should remain green (which may vary according to the time of day and other factors). Illustrate how your model works with specific examples.
PROBLEM B: Energy and the Cell Phone
This question involves the “energy” consequences of the cell phone revolution. Cell phone usage is mushrooming, and many people are using cell phones and giving up their landline telephones. What is the consequence of this in terms of electricity use? Every cell phone comes with a battery and a recharger.
Requirement 1
Consider the current US, a country of about 300 million people. Estimate from available data the number H of households, with m members each, that in the past were serviced by landlines. Now, suppose that all the landlines are replaced by cell phones; that is, each of the m members of the household has a cell phone. Model the consequences of this change for electricity utilization in the current US, both during the transition and during the steady state. The analysis should take into account the need for charging the batteries of the cell phones, as well as the fact that cell phones do not last as long as landline phones (for example, the cell phones get lost and break).
Requirement 2
Consider a second “Pseudo US”-a country of about 300 million people with about the same economic status as the current US. However, this emerging country has neither landlines nor cell phones. What is the optimal way of providing phone service to this country from an energy perspective? Of course, cell phones have many social consequences and uses that landline phones do not allow. A discussion of the broad and hidden consequences of having only landlines, only cell phones, or a mixture of the two is welcomed.
Requirement 3
Cell phones periodically need to be recharged. However, many people always keep their recharger plugged in. Additionally, many people charge their phones every night, whether they need to be recharged or not. Model the energy costs of this wasteful practice for a Pseudo US based upon your answer to Requirement 2. Assume that the Pseudo US supplies electricity from oil. Interpret your results in terms of barrels of oil.
Requirement 4
Estimates vary on the amount of energy that is used by various recharger types (TV, DVR, computer peripherals, and so forth) when left plugged in but not charging the device. Use accurate data to model the energy wasted by the current US in terms of barrels of oil per day.
Requirement 5
Now consider population and economic growth over the next 50 years. How might a typical Pseudo US grow? For each 10 years for the next 50 years, predict the energy needs for providing phone service based upon your analysis in the first three requirements. Again, assume electricity is provided from oil. Interpret your predictions in term of barrels of oil.
PROBLEM A: Designing a Traffic Circle
Many cities and communities have traffic circles—from large ones with many lanes in the circle (such as at the Arc de Triomphe in Paris and the Victory Monument in Bangkok) to small ones with one or two lanes in the circle. Some of these traffic circles position a stop sign or a yield sign on every incoming road that gives priority to traffic already in the circle; some position a yield sign in the circle at each incoming road to give priority to incoming traffic; and some position a traffic light on each incoming road (with no right turn allowed on a red light). Other designs may also be possible.
The goal of this problem is to use a model to determine how best to control traffic flow in, around, and out of a circle. State clearly the objective(s) you use in your model for making the optimal choice as well as the factors that affect this choice. Include a Technical Summary of not more than two double-spaced pages that explains to a Traffic Engineer how to use your model to help choose the appropriate flow-control method for any specific traffic circle. That is, summarize the conditions under which each type of traffic-control method should be used. When traffic lights are recommended, explain a method for determining how many seconds each light should remain green (which may vary according to the time of day and other factors). Illustrate how your model works with specific examples.
PROBLEM B: Energy and the Cell Phone
This question involves the “energy” consequences of the cell phone revolution. Cell phone usage is mushrooming, and many people are using cell phones and giving up their landline telephones. What is the consequence of this in terms of electricity use? Every cell phone comes with a battery and a recharger.
Requirement 1
Consider the current US, a country of about 300 million people. Estimate from available data the number H of households, with m members each, that in the past were serviced by landlines. Now, suppose that all the landlines are replaced by cell phones; that is, each of the m members of the household has a cell phone. Model the consequences of this change for electricity utilization in the current US, both during the transition and during the steady state. The analysis should take into account the need for charging the batteries of the cell phones, as well as the fact that cell phones do not last as long as landline phones (for example, the cell phones get lost and break).
Requirement 2
Consider a second “Pseudo US”—a country of about 300 million people with about the same economic status as the current US. However, this emerging country has neither landlines nor cell phones. What is the optimal way of providing phone service to this country from an energy perspective? Of course, cell phones have many social consequences and
A題 設計一個交通環島
如題~有PROBLEM B: Energy and the Cell Phone
This question involves the “energy” consequences of the cell phone revolution. Cell phone usage is mushrooming, and many people are using cell phones and giving up their landline telephones. What is the consequence of this in terms of electricity use? Every cell phone comes with a battery and a recharger.
Requirement 1
Consider the current US, a country of about 300 million people. Estimate from available data the number H of households, with m members each, that in the past were serviced by landlines. Now, suppose that all the landlines are replaced by cell phones; that is, each of the m members of the household has a cell phone. Model the consequences of this change for electricity utilization in the current US, both during the transition and during the steady state. The analysis should take into account the need for charging the batteries of the cell phones, as well as the fact that cell phones do not last as long as landline phones (for example, the cell phones get lost and break).
Requirement 2
Consider a second “Pseudo US”-a country of about 300 million people with about the same economic status as the current US. However, this emerging country has neither landlines nor cell phones. What is the optimal way of providing phone service to this country from an energy perspective? Of course, cell phones have many social consequences and uses that landline phones do not allow. A discussion of the broad and hidden consequences of having only landlines, only cell phones, or a mixture of the two is welcomed.
Requirement 3
Cell phones periodically need to be recharged. However, many people always keep their recharger plugged in. Additionally, many people charge their phones every night, whether they need to be recharged or not. Model the energy costs of this wasteful practice for a Pseudo US based upon your answer to Requirement 2. Assume that the Pseudo US supplies electricity from oil. Interpret your results in terms of barrels of oil.
Requirement 4
Estimates vary on the amount of energy that is used by various recharger types (TV, DVR, computer peripherals, and so forth) when left plugged in but not charging the device. Use accurate data to model the energy wasted by the current US in terms of barrels of oil per day.
在估計不同電器設備(電視、DVR、電腦外圍設備等)所使用能源數量時,電器特性:沒有充電設備 要求用精確的數據建立模型 模型是關於當前美國每天所浪費的能源 以原油(桶/天)計量
Requirement 5
Now consider population and economic growth over the next 50 years. How might a typical Pseudo US grow? For each 10 years for the next 50 years, predict the energy needs for providing phone service based upon your analysis in the first three requirements. Again, assume electricity is provided from oil. Interpret your predictions in term of barrels of oil.
現在考慮人口及經濟成長在未來的50年內的情況。如何使這個假設中的美國發展壯大。 對於每一個10年的今後50年內進行能源的需求預測,前提是在你前三次的分析基礎上而進行的提供的電話服務。另外還有一個假設是:電力來自石油。解釋你預測到的石油桶數目。


Team #4094
Round and Round We Go
February 9, 2009
The study of traffic flow and control has been a fruitful area of mathematical research
for decades. Here we attempt to analyze and model the traffic flow that occurs in a
traffic circle. We use a powerful macroscopic approach developed by B. Piccoli that
uses network analysis and a wave-front tracking algorithm to produce powerful the-
oretical results with regards to right of way parameters in arbitrarily large networks
of traffic circles. We then follow the classical approach of Lighthill and Whitham
in order to model the effects of our proposed control system on the dynamics of a
traffic circle, employing the Runge-Kutta algorithm to process multiple solutions to
the famous conservation PDE with high-accuracy and speed. We found that prior-
itizing the right of way of the cars inside the circle optimizes the efficiency of the
circle, and developed a control system that responds to incoming traffic density in
real time and keeps the outgoing flux at a maximum regardless of the number of roads
leading to the junction. Next we developed a far more descriptive discrete model,
revising the older, standard car-following model, and reaffirmed our original control.
We conclude with simulations of our models on specific examples, a reflection of our
methods, and a technical description to a Traffic Engineer outlining how and when
to use our methods in traffic control development for traffic circles。
Modeling Roundabout Traffic Flow as a Dynamic Fluid System
With increasing usage of roundabouts as traffic control mechanisms, it is important to
develop a criteria for the design of efficient roundabouts. We designate vehicle throughput
as the primary measure of a roundabouts efficiency and delay experienced by vehicles
as a secondary measure. We then apply a fluid flow analogy to model traffic density
and throughput within an arbitrary roundabout system with any number of incoming
traffic streams. Due to the distinct differences that separate one-lane roundabouts from
two-lane or multi-lane roundabouts, our model considers each lane case separately and
determine which case is optimal for a given flow of traffic. The model describes the
roundabout system as a non-linear first order partial differential equation relating speed,
traffic density, and traffic flow, all of which are subject to physical constraints. The
model is able to evaluate how many lanes are needed, and whether traffic light controls are
necessary for a given roundabout system. As real-world case study, we apply our model to
a roundabout intersection in Alachua Country Florida, and suggest optimal parameters
to maximize traffic flow through the roundabout. Applying our model to a variety of
roundabout scenarios led us to the following conclusions: traffic lights should not be used
at roundabouts; increasing the radius of the roundabout will increase the throughput,
but the effect is only significant at high rates (above 0.25 vehicles per second per entering
road) of traffic; increasing the number of lanes will always increase throughput, but the
benefit only becomes significant when traffic is heavy; increasing radius increases delay for
already in the tra±c circle. In the single lane tra±c circle, we ˉnd that
the minimum average travel time is approximately 11.26 seconds for cars
entering at a rate of 1/3 veh/s into a single lane tra±c circle of 40m radius.
Stephen Demjanenko, Jesse Livezey, Joshua Edgerton
A Straightforward Solution to a Roundabout Problem
The rst generation of trac circles was prone to trac jams and were poorly
optimized. Over time, trac circles became more eective at controlling trac.
Continuing in this tradition of improvement, we analyze what types of trac
control systems are capable of keeping trac moving at its most ecient rate.
Our model is scalable from small roundabouts to large urban trac circles. Since
all trac circles are unique, it is important to have a general and customizable
model so that we can treat each case separately.
Trac circles are conservative; cars are neither created nor destroyed. As
a result, we chose to model the trac circle by solving the trac ow partial
dierential equation using the Lax-Friedrich nite dierence method. This gives
a macroscopic picture of trac ow in and around the circle. We chose to
simulate stop signs, yield signs and several variants of trac lights with which
a trac engineer can control the ow of cars into and around the trac circle.
In order to optimize the trac control system we dene our metric to be
the number of cars that pass through the circle per unit time. We then ran
several basic cases in order to compare the systems of trac control. Using this
information, several methods of trac control were formulated based on com-
bining the best systems of control, as determined from our initial tests. These
methods then ran on several more complex geometries in order to determine
which method was the best for each geometry. Generalizing the results of these
test cases, we formulate basic guidelines which a civil engineer can use to de-
termine an appropriate method of trac control depending on the properties
of the trac circle. We nd that in general, roads which carry a low volume
of cars should yield while those carrying a high volume of cars should be ow
1. Introduction
Trac circles or roundabouts have been in use in Europe and other places around
the world where they often replaced old public squares with the introduction of
the car. Given the irregular nature of some of these old public spaces and and the
streets that entered them, allowing motorist in the circle to proceed unimpeded
while requiring motorist entering the circle to yield may have seemed like the
only way to deal with the situation. Over time, roundabouts have been built as
exible, ecient intersections, often where the incoming road approach irregularly,
or where their trac volume are asymmetrical [6]. More recently, in the United
States. trac circles have been more commonly utilized as ecient replacement
for controlled intersections, indeed their use has been growing exponentially there


