2002年9月——2005年9月在美國留學三年獲得大眾傳播學的碩士學位,所學課程主要有公共傳播修辭/批評學理論《Contemporary Rhetoric》、《Rhetorical Criticism》;傳播學方法研究《Quantitative Research Methods》、《Applied Statistics》、《Advanced Methods in Communication Research.》,以及大眾傳播學、流行文化/跨文化/組織傳播學理論《Mass Communication Theory》、《Popular Culture and Mass Media》、《Intercultural Communication》、《Organizational Communication》等等。
所做的研究和撰寫論文有:《Diversity as Ideograph in Different Pentad Ratios: Analysis of the Debate over Affirmative Action in Higher Education》,《Hegemony in Organizational Communication Culture: A case Study of a Chinese Organization》,《Between Humanism and Rhetoric: A Speculation about Rhetoric of Political Discourses in SARS Crisis in China》,《Female Theology and Psychological Self-actualization: A Speculation about Paradoxical Subjective imagination of Madonna’s American Life 》等。畢業論文是《Hierarchy and Human Goodness: A Rhetorical Critique of Confucius’ Ideology of Morality in the Analects》等等。