

龍瀛,清華大學建築學院特別研究員,博士生導師。他是北京城市實驗室(Beijing City Lab)創建人、中國城市科學研究會城市大數據專業委員會副主任委員兼秘書長、SCOPUS收錄國際期刊IRSPSD執行主編、SSCI期刊Environment and Planning B編委及《國際城市規劃》編委,劍橋大學國家公派訪問學者,多個大學和科研機構的客座教授/研究員。出版Springer英文專著《Geospatial Analysis to Support Urban Planning in Beijing》,累計發表一百餘篇學術論文,30多篇學術論文被SCI/SSCI收錄,受邀在多個國際國內刊物上作為客座主編組織專刊(如Landscape and Urban Planning和Journal of Urban Management)。


  • 中文名:龍瀛
  • 職業:教師 
  • 畢業院校:清華大學
  • 職稱:研究員
  • 學位:博士
  • 研究方向:區域與城市規劃




清華大學城市規劃系 博 士,2011年


2017. 01-至今, 清華大學建築學院特別研究員、博士生導師
2016. 01-2016. 12年,清華大學建築學院副研究員
2009. 08-2015. 12年,北京城市規劃設計研究院高級工程師
2004. 08-2009. 07年,北京城市規劃設計研究院工程師
2013. 05-2014. 05年,英國劍橋大學建築系訪問學者(國家留學基金委員會資助)


1. 阿里巴巴公益基金會項目“北京城市實驗室(BCL)平台建設”(2016-2017)
2. 國家發展和改革委員會項目“新數據支撐下的城鎮化發展質量評測及可視化研究”(2016-2017)
3. 國家自然科學基金項目“基於SCD大數據的公交通勤時空特徵及城市規劃回響”(2015-2017)
4. 住房和城鄉建設部計畫財務與外事司項目“基於大數據的城市建設重要指標統計研究”(2015-2016)
5. 西安市城市規劃信息中心資助項目“西安市居住項目城市活力及庫存研究”(2016)
6. 中國城市規劃設計研究院西部分院資助項目“成都城市空間開發和街道城市活力定量研究”(2015-2016)
7. 能源與環境策略公司項目“The Impact of Urban Form and Transportation on Economic Vitality: Evidence from Chinese Cities”(2015-2016)
8. 世界資源研究所項目“Research Service for Aqueduct China”(2015)
9. 世界資源研究所項目“Aqueduct-China and China’s Water-Energy Nexus Projects”(2015)
10. 北京市社會科學基金暨北京市教委社科計畫重點項目“京津冀多中心城市網路的發育與功能最佳化研究”(2015-2017)
11. 北大-林肯中心研究基金項目“軌道交通發展對城市商業中心的重塑”(2014-2015)
12. 北京市城市規劃設計研究院資助項目“基於大數據的城市規劃研究”(2014-2015)
13. 國家自然科學基金國際交流基金項目“中俄城市空間發展模型學術交流項目”(2013-2014)
14. 國家重點基礎研究發展計畫973項目“近三百年來中國土地利用變化的時空演變特徵”(2011-2014)
15. 低碳能源大學聯盟項目“Low Carbon Urban Design: From Options Assessment to Policy Implementation”(2012-2014)
16. 北大-林肯中心研究基金項目“利用公交刷卡數據分析北京職住關係和通勤出行”(2012-2013)
17. 北京市規劃委員會重點資助項目“北京城鄉空間發展模型(微觀尺度)”(2012-2014)
18. 北京市規劃委員會資助項目“京津冀空間發展模型”(2011-2012)
19. 中國科學院區域可持續發展分析與模擬重點實驗室開放基金項目“區域可持續發展的評價、預測和實現途徑:來自城市擴展的視角”(2012-2013)
20. 國家自然科學基金項目“面向空間規劃的微觀模擬研究”(2011-2013)
21. 北京市規劃委員會資助項目“規劃支持系統框架體系及典型套用研究”(2011-2012)
22. 北京市規劃委員會資助項目“北京市規劃審批數據統計分析研究”(2011-2015)
23. 北京市規劃委員會資助項目“基於公交IC卡數據的規劃支持模型研究(2010-2011)
24. 清華大學博士生科研創新基金資助項目“面向空間規劃的微觀模擬關鍵技術研究”(2011)
25. 北京市規劃委員會資助項目“北京低碳城市發展綱要”(2009-2011)
26. 國家自然科學基金項目“我國大城市地區基於空間績效視角的可持續形態研究”(2009-2011)
27. 北京市規劃委員會資助項目“北京城市總體規劃實施評估”(2009-2010)
28. 國家“十一五”科技支撐計畫項目“基於3S和4D的城市規劃設計集成技術研究”(2006-2010)
29. 國家自然科學基金項目“面向數字城市規劃的空間信息技術集成套用模式研究”(2007-2009)
30. 北京市規劃委員會資助項目“北京城市發展模型研究”(2007-2008)
31. 北京市規劃委員會資助項目“規劃支持系統框架體系研究”(2007-2008)
32. 北京市規劃委員會資助項目“北京市山區協調發展總體規劃”(2006-2007)
33. 北京市規劃委員會資助項目“北京市限建區規劃”(2006-2008)
34. 北京市規劃委員會資助項目“亦莊新城空間理性增長研究”(2005)
35. 北京市規劃委員會資助項目“北京城市總體規劃(2004-2020年)”(2004-2005)




1. 上海城市設計挑戰賽衡復風貌區項目專業組第二名(二等、第一指導老師),2016
2. 金經昌中國城市規劃優秀論文獎(佳作、排名第一),2016
3. 首屆最具影響力中國地理期刊優秀論文13/30(排名第一),2016
4. 領跑者5000——中國精品科技期刊頂尖學術論文(排名第一),2016
5. 全國優秀城鄉規劃設計獎(二等,排名第四),2016
6. 地理信息科技進步獎(一等,排名第八),2016
7. 建設部華夏建設科學技術獎(三等,排名第五),2016
8. 北京市優秀城鄉規劃設計獎(二等,排名第四),2015
9. 金經昌中國城市規劃優秀論文獎(三等、排名第一),2015
10. 地理信息科技進步獎(三等、排名第四),2015
11. 北京市科學技術獎(三等、排名第二),2014
12. 全國優秀城鄉規劃設計獎(三等、排名第二),2014
13. 北京市優秀城鄉規劃設計獎(一等、排名第二),2013
14. 北京市規劃委系統優秀調研成果(二等),2013
15. 廣東省環境保護科學技術獎(一等、排名第二),2012
16. 全國優秀城鄉規劃設計獎(二等、排名第十),2012
17. 北京市優秀城鄉規劃設計獎(一等、排名第四),2011
18. 全國高校GIS論壇“高校GIS新秀”獎,2010
19. 建設部華夏建設科學技術獎(三等、排名第一),2010
20. 海峽兩岸城市地理信息系統論壇年會優秀論文獎(一等、排名第一),2010
21. 清華大學低碳經濟專題博士生論壇優秀論文獎(一等、排名第一),2010
22. 北京市城市規劃設計研究院優秀規劃研究獎(二等、排名第一),2010
23. 全國優秀工程勘察設計獎(金獎、排名第五),2009
24. 全國優秀城鄉規劃設計獎(一等,排名第五),2009
25. 金經昌中國城市規劃優秀論文獎(三等,排名第一),2009
26. 全國優秀城鄉規劃設計獎(二等,排名第七),2009
27. 全國博士生論壇(建築學)優秀論文獎(排名第一),2009
28. 北京市科學技術獎(三等,排名第四),2008
29. 北京市第十三屆優秀工程設計(一等,排名第四),2007
30. 北京市城市規劃設計研究院先進職工,2006
31. 北京市城市規劃設計研究院優秀新進大學生,2005
32. 清華大學優秀碩士畢業生,2004


1. Environment and Planning B, Editorial Board, 2017
2. 中國城市科學研究會城市大數據專業委員會,副主任委員兼秘書長,2016
3. 國家自然科學基金評議人,2016
4. 信息技術在遺產套用國家文物局重點實驗室副主任,2016
5. 清華大學恒隆房地產研究中心數據增強設計研究室主任,2016
6. 中國城市科學研究會數字城市工程研究中心,首席科學家,2015
7. 國際城市規劃,編委,2014
8. 科技部,城鎮化與城市發展領域技術預測專家,2014
9. Managing Editor, International Review for Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development (IRSPSD), 2013-present
10. 中國規劃學會和中國地理學會,會員,2010


1. Member of Scientific Committee of Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development (SPSD), 2013-present.
2. Member of Scientific Committee of the International Conference in Urban Planning and Urban Management (CUPUM), 2011.
3. Member of Scientific Committee of the international conference Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development (SPSD), 2011.



1. 城市大數據理論與方法. 龍瀛, 毛其智. 中國建築工業出版社, 2018.
2. Geospatial Analysis to Support Urban Planning in Beijing. Long Y, Shen, Z. Berlin: Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2015.
3. 城市規劃原理. 龍瀛, 張冰. 化學工業出版社, 2008.
4. 規劃支持系統原理與套用. 龍瀛. 化學工業出版社, 2007.


1. Gu Y, Deakin E, Long Y, "The effects of driving restrictions on travel demand: Evidence from Beijing", Journal of Urban Economics. Accepted.
2. Long Y, Zhai W, Shen Y, “Uneven urban expansion in China: An alternative perspective with big and open data”, Environment and Planning B. Accepted.
3. Long Y, Liu L, 2017, “How green are the streets? An analysis for central areas of Chinese cities using Tencent Street View”, PLoS ONE 12(2) e0171110.
4. Jin Y, Denman S, Deng B, Rong X, Ma M, Wan L, MAO Q, Zhao L, Long Y, 2017, “Environmental impacts of transformative land use and transport developments in the greater Beijing region: Insights from a new dynamic spatial equilibrium model”, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment. Accepted.
5. Jin X, Long Y, Sun W, Lu Y, Yang X, Tang J, 2017, “Evaluating cities' vitality and identifying ghost cities in China with emerging geographical data”, Cities63 98–109
6. Long Y, 2016, “Redefining Chinese city system with emerging new data”, Applied Geography75 36-48
7. Long Y, Liu X, Zhou J, Chai Y, 2016, "Early birds, night owls, and tireless/recurring itinerants: An exploratory analysis of extreme transit behaviors in Beijing, China", Habitat International 57 223-232
8. Long Y, Wu K, 2016, “Shrinking cities in a rapidly urbanizing China”, Environment and Planning A 48 220-222
9. Zhou Y, Long Y, 2016, “SinoGrids: a practice for open urban data in China”, Cartography and Geographic Information Science 43 379-392
10. Long Y, Shen Y, Jin X, 2016, “Mapping block-level urban areas for all Chinese cities”, Annals of the American Association of Geographers 106 96-113
11. Liu X, Long Y, 2016, “Automated identification and characterization of parcels with OpenStreetMap and points of interest”, Environment and Planning B 43 341-360
12. Wu K, Long Y, Mao Q, Liu X, 2015, “Mushrooming Jiedaos, growing cities: an alternative perspective on urbanizing China”, Environment and Planning A 47 1-2
13. Long Y, Han H, Tu Y, Shu X, 2015, “Evaluating the effectiveness of urban growth boundaries using human mobility and activity records”, Cities 46 76-84
14. Liu X, Song Y, Wu K., Wang J, Li D, Long Y, 2015, “Understanding urban China with open data”, Cities 47 53-61
15. Long Y, Zhang Y, 2015, “Land-use pattern scenario analysis using planner agents”, Environment and Planning B 42 615-637
16. Long Y, Thill J C, 2015, “Combining smart card data and household travel survey to analyze jobs-housing relationships in Beijing”, Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 53 19-35
17. Cai B, Wang J, Long Y, et al, 2015, “Evaluating the impact of odors from the 1955 landfills in China using a bottom-up approach”, Journal of Environmental Management164 206-214
18. Yang X, Guo B, Jin X, Long Y, Zhou Y, 2015, “Reconstructing spatial distribution of historical cropland in China’s traditional cultivated region: methods and case study”, Chinese Geographical Science 25 629-643
19. Zhou J, Long Y, 2015, “Losers and Pareto optimality in optimizing commuting patterns”, Urban Studies 53 2511-2529
20. Yang X, Jin X, Guo B, Long Y, Zhou Y, 2015, “Research on reconstructing spatial distribution of historical cropland over 300 years in traditional cultivated regions of China”, Global and Planetary Change 128 90–102
21. Long Y, Jin X, Yang X, Zhou Y, 2014, “Reconstruction of historical arable land use patterns using constrained cellular automata: a case study of Jiangsu, China”, Applied Geography 52 67-77
22. Zhou J, Long Y, 2014, “Jobs-housing balance of bus commuters in Beijing: exploration with large-scale synthesized smart card data”, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board 2418 1-10
23. Zhou J, Murphy E, Long Y, 2014, “Commuting efficiency in the Beijing metropolitan area: an exploration combining smartcard and travel survey data”, Journal of Transport Geography 41 175-183
24. Zhou J, Murphy E, Long Y, 2014, “Visualizing the minimum and maximum solutions of the transportation problem of linear programming (TPLP) for Beijing's bus commuters”, Environment and Planning A46 2051-2054
25. Yang D, Yin C, Long Y, 2013, “Urbanization and sustainability in China: an analysis based on the urbanization Kuznets-Curve”,Planning Theory 12 391-405
26. Long Y, Han H, Lai S K, Mao Q, 2013, “Urban growth boundaries of the Beijing metropolitan area: comparison of simulation and artwork”,Cities31 337-348
27. Long Y, Liu X, 2013, “How mixed is Beijing, China? A visual exploration of mixed land use”, Environment and Planning A 45 2797-2798
28. Long Y, Shen Z, 2013, “Disaggregating heterogeneous agent attributes and location”. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 42 14-25
29. Long Y, Gu Y, Han H, 2012, “Spatiotemporal heterogeneity of urban planning implementation effectiveness: evidence from five urban master plans of Beijing”, Landscape and Urban Planning108 103-111
30. Long Y, Shen Z, Mao Q, 2012, “Retrieving spatial policy parameters from alternative plans using constrained cellular automata and regionalized sensitivity analysis”, Environment and Planning B39 586-605
31. Long Y, Shen Z, Mao Q, 2011, “An urban containment planning support system for Beijing”, Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 35 297-307


1. Mao Q, Long Y, Wu K, 2016, “Spatio-temporal changes of population density and urbanization pattern in China (2000 – 2010)”,China City Planning Review 25(4)8-14.
2. Long Y, Liu L, 2016, “Transformations of urban studies and planning in the big/open data era: a review”, International journal of Image and Data Fusion 7 295-308
3. Wang M, Zhou J, Long Y, Chen F, 2016, “Outside the ivory tower: visualizing university students' top transit-trip destinations and popular corridors”, Regional Studies, Regional Science 3 202-206
4. Li D, Long Y, 2015, “A crowd-sourced data based analytical framework for urban planning”, China City Planning Review 24(1) 49-57
5. Liu L, Long Y, Michael B, 2015, “A retrospect and prospect of urban models: reflections after interviewing Michael Batty”,China City Planning Review 24(4) 8-14
6. Li M, Deng J, Liu L, Long Y, Shen Z, 2015, “Evacuation simulation and evaluation of different scenarios based on traffic grid model and high performance computing”, International Review for Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development 3 4-15
7. Long Y, Liu L, 2015, “Big/Open Data in Chinese Urban Studies and Planning: A Review. International Society of City and Regional Planners”, ISOCARP Review 11: Reinventing Planning: Examples from the Profession, 78-91. New York: Routledge.
8. Rong X, Jin Y, Long Y, 2015, “Understanding Beijing's Urban Land Use Development 2004-2013 through Online Administrative Data Sources”, In Q. Pan, J. Cao, Recent Developments in Chinese Urban Planning, 183-217. Switzerland: Springer International Publishing Switzerland.
9. Long Y, Mao Q, Shen Z, 2013, “Urban Form, Transportation Energy Consumption, and Environmental Impact Integrated Simulation: A Multi-Agent Model”, In M. Kawakami et al., Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development, 227-247. Dordrecht: Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht.
10. Shen Z., Kawakami M, Lu F, Bian L, Long Y, Gao L, Zhou D, 2012, “A Planning Support System for Retrieving Planning Alternatives of Historical Conservation Areas from Spatial Data Using GIS”, In Z. Shen, Geospatial Techniques in Urban Planning, 307-321. Berlin: Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
11. Long Y, Shen Z, Mao Q, Du L, 2012, “A Challenge to Configure Form Scenarios for Urban Growth Simulations Reflecting the Institutional Implications of Land-Use Policy”, In Z. Shen, Geospatial Techniques in Urban Planning, 3-26. Berlin: Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
12. Long Y, Shen Z, 2012, “Reaching Consensus among Stakeholders on Planned Urban Form Using Constrained CA”, In Z. Shen, Geospatial Techniques in Urban Planning, 91-106. Berlin: Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
13. Ma Y, Shen Z, Kawakami M, Suzuki K, Long Y, 2012, “An Agent-Based Approach to Support Decision-Making of Total Amount Control for Household Water Consumption”, In Z. Shen, Geospatial Techniques in Urban Planning, 107-130. Berlin: Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
14. Long Y, Shen Z, Mao Q, 2012, “An Urban Growth Control Planning Support System for the Beijing Metropolis Area”, In Z. Shen, Geospatial Techniques in Urban Planning, 285-306. Berlin: Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
15. Long Y, Shen Z, 2011, “An urban model using complex constrained cellular automata: long-term urban form prediction for Beijing”, International Journal of Society Systems Science 3 159-173
16. Long Y, Mao Q, 2010, “A constrained CA model for planning simulation incorporating institutional constraints”, China City Planning Review 19 17-25
17. Long Y, Mao Q, Dang A, 2009, “Beijing urban development model: urban growth analysis and simulation”, Tsinghua Science and Technology 14 782-794


