

韓昊英,男,浙江大學建築工程學院區域與城市規劃系教授,博士生導師,浙江大學城鄉規劃理論與技術研究所所長,Elsevier國際期刊Journal of Urban Management副主編。曾獲清華大學建築學院建築學專業學士學位、城市規劃與設計專業碩士學位和日本東京大學都市計畫專業博士學位。主要研究領域為城市規劃決策和複雜理論,以及與城市增長邊界的劃定、調整、評價和管理相關的理論與實務。


  • 中文名:韓昊英
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢
  • 出生地:中國
  • 出生日期:1978年
  • 職業:大學教師
  • 畢業院校:清華大學,東京大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士研究生
  • 專業方向:城鄉規劃學,城市管理學
  • 職務:浙江大學建築工程學院教授,城鄉規劃理論與技術研究所所長
  • 主要成就:一貫性城市規劃理論的構建,城市發展容控政策的理論總結和實踐套用
  • 學術代表作:英文專著Urban Complexity and Planning,中文專著《城市增長邊界的理論與套用》







[1]. 浙江省151人才工程第三層次培養人員,2013年
[2]. 浙江省首屆五星級青年教師,2012年
[3]. 浙江大學第六屆教書育人先進個人,2012年
[4]. 華夏建設科學技術獎一等獎(排名第五),2012年
[5]. 第一屆中國風景園林學會優秀風景園林規劃設計獎一等獎(排名第五),2011年
[6]. 浙江省之江青年社科學者,2011年
[7]. 浙江大學求是青年學者,2011年
[8]. 浙江大學優秀德育導師,2009-2010年,2010-2011年,2011-2012年
[9]. 金經昌中國城市規劃優秀論文獎(佳作獎),中國城市規劃學會和金經昌城市規劃教育基金會聯合頒發,2009年



[1]. 韓昊英. 城市增長邊界的理論與套用. 北京: 中國建築工業出版社, 2014.
[2]. 賴世剛, 韓昊英. 行為規劃理論:城市規劃的新邏輯. 北京: 中國建築工業出版社, 2014.
[3]. Lai, Shih-Kung and Haoying Han. Urban Complexity and Planning: Theories and Computer Simulations. London: Ashgate, 2014.
[4]. (美)路易斯·霍普金斯、馬瑞薩·薩帕塔編著,韓昊英、賴世剛譯. 融入未來:預測、情境、規劃和個案. 北京:科學出版社,2013.
[5]. 賴世剛, 韓昊英. 複雜:城市規劃的新觀點. 北京: 中國建築工業出版社, 2009.


[1]. Han, Haoying, Ying Long and Xiang Yu. “Discovering Functional Zones Using Bus Smart Card Data and Points of Interest in Beijing”. in “Geospatial Analysis to Support Urban Planning in Beijing”, Ying Long and Zhenjiang Shen eds. Springer, 2015.
[2]. Lai, Shih-Kung and Haoying Han*. Planning in Complex Spatial and Temporal Systems: A Simulation Framework”. in “Geospatial Techniques in Urban Planning”, Zhenjiang Shen eds. Springer, 2012.


[1]. Long, Ying, Haoying Han*, Yichun Tu, and Xianfan Shu. Evaluating the Effectiveness of Urban Growth Boundaries Using Human Mobility and Activity Records. Cities, 2015, 46: 76-84.SSCI
[2]. 龍瀛, 韓昊英*, 賴世剛. 城市增長邊界實施評估:分析框架及其在北京的套用. 城市規劃學刊,2015 (1): 115-122.
[3]. 韓昊英, 費雲, 賴世剛. 城市住宅用地開發中開發商的區位選擇偏好研究. 城市規劃(錄用待發)
[4]. 韓昊英, 於翔, 龍瀛. 基於北京公交刷卡數據和興趣點的城市功能區識別. 城市規劃(錄用待發)
[5]. 賴世剛, 韓昊英, 方明. 中國城市人口分布的冪次現象. 城鎮化與集約用地. 2014, 2(10): 1-7.
[6]. 賴世剛, 韓昊英, 周銘宏. 中國土地一級市場中農地非農化制度之初探:財產權觀點. 城鎮化與集約用地. 2014, 2(10): 8-22..
[7]. Lai, Shih-Kung, and Haoying Han, Origins of institutions in cities: A modeling framework, International Journal of Data Science, 2014 (forthcoming).
[8]. Wang, Li-Guo, Haoying Han*, and Shih-Kung Lai. Do Plans Contain Urban Sprawl? A Comparison of Beijing and Taipei. Habitat International, 2014, 42: 121–130. SSCI
[9]. Lai, Shih-Kung, Haoying Han, and Bo-Chien Ko, Are Cities Dissipative Structures?, International Journal of Urban Sciences, 2013, 17(1): 1-10.
[10].Long, Ying, Haoying Han*, Shih-Kung Lai, and Qizhi Mao. Urban Growth Boundaries of the Beijing Metropolitan Area: Comparison of Simulation and Artwork, Cities, 2013, 31, 337-348. SSCI
[11].賴世剛, 王昱智, 韓昊英. 都市自我組織:制度與空間演變的模擬比較. 地理學報(台灣), 2012 (67): 49-71.
[12].Lai, Shih-Kung, and Haoying Han*. On Failure of Zoning. International Journal of Society Systems Science, 2012, 4(4): 369-380.
[13].Long, Ying, Yizhen Gu, and Haoying Han*. Spatiotemporal Heterogeneity of Urban Planning Implementation Effectiveness: Evidence from Five Urban Master Plans of Beijing, Landscape and Urban Planning, 2012, 108(2-4): 103-111. SSCI/SCI/EI
[14].韓昊英, 吳次芳, 賴世剛. 城市增長邊界控制模式研究——一個基於土地存量控制的分析框架. 規劃師, 2012, 28(3): 16-20.
[15].Han, Haoying, and Shih-Kung Lai*, National Land Use Management in China: An Analytical Framework. Journal of Urban Management, 2012, 1(1): 3-38.
[16].Han, Haoying, and Shih-Kung Lai. Reformulation and Assessment of the Inventory Approach to Urban Growth Boundaries. Land Use Policy. 2012, 29(2):351-356. SSCI
[17].龍瀛, 韓昊英*, 谷一楨, 沈振江, 毛其智. 城市規劃實施的時空動態評價. 地理科學進展, 2011, 30(8): 967-977.
[18].Han, Haoying, and Shih-Kung Lai. Decision Network: A Planning Tool for Making Multiple, Linked Decisions. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design. 2011, 38(1): 115-128. SSCI
[19].賴世剛, 韓昊英*, 於如陵, 柯博晟. 都市聚落系統的形成規律——遞增報酬與冪次法則的計算機與數理仿真. 地理學報, 2010, 65(8): 961-972.
[20].韓昊英, 龍瀛. 綠色還是綠地——北京市第一道綠化隔離帶實施成效研究. 北京規劃建設, 2010(3): 59-63.
[21].賴世剛, 韓昊英, 吳次芳. 行為規劃理論芻議. 浙江大學學報(人文社會科學版), 2010, 40(2): 89-97.
[22].馮科, 吳次芳, 韓昊英, 吳宇哲. 杭州市土地利用總體規劃的建設用地控制成效研究——界線評價法的引進與實踐. 自然資源學報, 2010, 25(3): 376-385.
[23].黃輝玲, 韓昊英, 吳次芳, 徐金哲. 哈爾濱市經濟適用住房現狀調查與分析. 現代城市研究, 2009, 24(12): 21-27.
[24].賴世剛, 韓昊英*, 吳次芳. 城市管理的學科設計——架構與內涵. 公共事務評論(台灣), 2009, 10(2): 35-72.
[25].韓昊英, 賴世剛, 吳次芳. 中國當代城市規劃的戰略觀——複雜城市系統中設計與戰略型規劃的解析. 浙江大學學報(人文社會科學版), 2009, 39(6): 187-194.
[26].Han, Haoying, Shih-Kung Lai, Anrong Dang, Zongbo Tan, and Cifang Wu. Effectiveness of Urban Construction Boundaries in Beijing: An Assessment. Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A. 2009, 10(9): 1285-1295. SSCI/SCI/EI
[27].吳次芳, 韓昊英, 賴世剛. 城市空間增長管理:工具與策略. 規劃師, 2009, 25(8):15-19.
[28].龍瀛, 韓昊英*, 毛其智. 利用約束性CA制定城市增長邊界. 地理學報, 2009, 64(8): 999-1008.
[29].韓昊英, 黨安榮, 吳次芳, 馮科. 基於遙感影像的北京市城市規劃區內農用地控制成效分析. 中國土地科學, 2009, 23(5): 59-64.
[30].韓昊英, 馮科, 吳次芳. 容納式城市發展政策:國際視野和經驗. 浙江大學學報(人文社會科學版), 2009, 39(2): 162-171.
[31].Lai, Shih-Kung, and Haoying Han*. Compensation Policies for Agricultural Land Requisition in China: A Review. Review of Real Estate and Urban Studies. 2009, 1(2): 123-134.
[32].馮科, 吳次芳, 韓昊英. 國內外城市蔓延的研究進展及思考——定量測量、內在機理及其調控策略. 城市規劃學刊, 2009(2): 38-43.
[33].吳一洲, 陳前虎, 韓昊英, 羅文斌. 都市成長區城鎮空間多元組織模式研究. 地理科學進展. 2009, 28(1): 103-110.
[34].韓昊英. 日本1968年《城市規劃法》劃線制度的實施成效及政策啟示. 北京規劃建設, 2008(2): 81-85.
[35].黑瀨武史, 韓昊英. 後工業化國家傳統工業區改造中的環境治理——對於日本、美國和歐洲經驗的綜合回顧. 北京規劃建設, 2007 (2): 80-83.
[36].韓昊英, 李蕊芳, 希巴·鮑·阿卡爾 等. 城市校園. 世界建築. 2005(3): 30-32.
[37].韓昊英. 基於RS和GIS技術的北京舊城傳統街區的數量分析. 北京規劃建設, 2005 (4): 25-28.
* 表示通訊作者


[1]. 韓昊英, 於翔, 龍瀛. 基於北京公交刷卡數據和興趣點的城市功能區識別. 大數據與時空行為規劃研討會暨第十次空間行為與規劃研討會, 上海, 同濟大學, 2015.
[2]. 龍瀛, 韓昊英, 賴世剛. 城市規劃實施評價:針對中國城市的分析框架. 第二屆中國城鄉規劃實施學術研討會, 廣州, 2014.
[3]. Han, Haoying. Inventory Control of Urban Growth Boundaries: Comparison of Time- and Event-driven Approaches. The 8th International Association for China Planning (IACP) Conference, Guangzhou, 2014.
[4]. Han, Haoying.National Land Use Policies in China: Strategies and Implementations. East Asia Korean-Chinese Association of Social Science Studies, Seoul, 2014.
[5]. Han, Haoying, Xianfan Shu and Shih-Kung Lai. Simulating the Formation of Urban Systems with the Consideration of Risk Attitude. The 18 Inter-University Seminar on Asian Megacities, Hong Kong, 2013.
[6]. 費雲, 韓昊英, 賴世剛. 武漢市經濟適用房居住環境評價初探. 2012中國城市規劃年會論文集, 昆明, 2012.
[7]. 王一丹, 韓昊英. 杭州市青年人住房問題研究. 2012中國城市規劃年會論文集, 昆明, 2012.
[8]. Kong, Hongmei and Haoying Han. The Evaluation and Selection of Small and Medium-size Commodity Housing Units – Take 90㎡ Commodity Housing Units in Wuhan City as An Example. The 16 Inter-University Seminar on Asian Megacities, Beijing, 2011.
[9]. Wei, Kun and Haoying Han. Preliminary Study on the State Land Supervision System for Economical and Intensive Land Use in China. The 16 Inter-University Seminar on Asian Megacities, Beijing, 2011.
[10].Li, Xueying and Haoying Han. Driving Forces of Cultivated Land Change in Wuhan City. The 16 Inter-University Seminar on Asian Megacities, Beijing, 2011.
[11].Sun, Shuai and Haoying Han. Spatial Differentiation in Land Compensation: Evidence from Heilongjiang Province. The 16 Inter-University Seminar on Asian Megacities, Beijing, 2011.
[12].Han, Haoying, and Shih-Kung Lai. A Simulation Comparison between Urban Institutional and Spatial Changes. paper presented at the Third World Planning Schools Congress, Perth, Australia, 2011.
[13].Lai, Shih-Kung and Haoying Han. In Search of Principles of Organization in Cities. paper presented at the Third World Planning Schools Congress, Perth, Australia, 2011.
[14].Han, Haoying, and Shih-Kung Lai. Formation of National Land Policies in China: Processes and Effectiveness. Symposium of Comparing Urban and Environmental Issues in China and the U. S., East Lancing, USA, 2011.
[15].賴世剛, 韓昊英, 林明生. 冪次定律與微觀動態:台北捷運系統為例. 世界華人不動產學會2011年會. 杭州, 2011.
[16].韓昊英, 賴世剛. 城市增長邊界擴展機制研究——土地存量模型的套用. 轉型與重構——2011中國城市規劃年會, 南京, 2011(9月20-22日).
[17].鄧麗君, 韓昊英, 吳宇哲. 城市聚落規模的分布特徵探討——以浙江省為例. 經濟發展方式轉變與自主創新——第十二屆中國科學技術協會年會, 福州, 2010(11月1-3日), 第三卷.
[18].Lai, Shih-Kung, Haoying Han. Planning as Intelligence. 2010 International Symposium on Urban Planning. Nara, Japan, 2010.
[19].Han, Haoying, The Paradise in China: Modern Development and Heritage Conservation of Hangzhou. The International Policy Forum on Urban Growth and Conservation in Euro-Asian Corridor. Istanbul, Turkey, 2010.
[20].Han, Haoying, and Shih-Kung Lai. Urban Land Inventory Management: Exploration of the Costs. The 15th Inter-University Seminar on Asian Megacities. Tokyo, Japan, 2010.
[21].韓昊英, 賴世剛. 以財產權觀點探討中國土地一級市場制度. 第二屆東亞房地產研討會. 日本大學, 東京, 2009.
[22].Han, Haoying, and Shih-Kung Lai. Urban Land Inventory Management: a Comparison between Time-driven and Even-driven Methods. International Forum on Sustainable Urbanization. Calumet, USA, 2009.
[23].Ye, Yanmei, Xiaomin Ye, and Haoying Han. Concept Clarification and Classification for Idle Land. The CRIOCM 2009 International Symposium on Advancement of Construction Management and Real Estate. Nanjing, 2009.
[24].Huang, Huiling, Haoying Han, Cifang Wu, and Jinzhe Xu. Survey and Analysis of the Affordable Housing in Harbin City. The CRIOCM 2009 International Symposium on Advancement of Construction Management and Real Estate. Nanjing, 2009.
[25].Han, Haoying, and Shih-Kung Lai. The Power Law of Urban Settlements: An Empirical Study of China. The 2009International Workshop of Urban Geography, Beijing, 2009.
[26].Lai, Shih-Kung, and Haoying Han. Decision Network: Toward A Planning Support System. in the Proceedings of the 11 International Conference on Computers in Urban Planning and Urban Management. Hong Kong, 2009.
[27].Han, Haoying. Sustainable Development in Hangzhou: Its Gain and Loss toward a “Mordernized” City. Lecture at the International Workshop on Sustainability. Tokyo, 2009.
[28].韓昊英. 中國經濟適用房政策的發展沿革. 第一屆東亞房地產研討會. 建國大學, 首爾, 2008.
[29].黃輝玲, 韓昊英. 哈爾濱市經濟適用住房現狀調查與分析. 第八屆中韓土地政策研討會. 韓國國土研究院, 首爾, 2008.
[30].Han, Haoying, and Anrong Dang. Assessment of the Implementation of Urban Construction Boundaries in Beijing City by Using Remote Sensing Data. in the 16th International Conference on Geoinformatics & Joint Conference on GIS and Built Environment. Guangzhou, 2008.
[31].Han, Haoying, and Yukio Nishimura. Urban Land Growth and Its Management in China—The Contemporary Approaches. in the Proceedings of the 12 International Planning History Society. New Delhi, India, 2006.
[32].Han, Haoying, and Yukio Nishimura. Central Government’s Role in Urban Land Growth Management—The Perspective in China. in the Proceedings of the 2 World Planning Schools Congress. Mexico City, Mexico, 2006.
[33].Dang, Anrong, Huizhen Shi, Haoying Han et al. Study on the System of Technical Methods for Digital Urban Planning. in the Proceedings of the International Society for Photogrammertry and Remote Sensing. Hangzhou, 2005.
[34].Han, Haoying. Incompatible or Reciprocal? The Policies of Urbanization and Cultivated Land Protection of China. in the Proceedings of the 8 International Asian Planning Schools Association Congress. Penang, Malaysia, 2005.
[35].Han, Haoying. The Operation of Control in the Cultivated Land Protection System of China. in the Proceedings of the 10 Inter-University Seminar on Asian Megacities. Khabarovsk, Russia, 2005.
[36].韓昊英, 鄧奕, 史慧珍. 歷史文化保護區確立初期北京舊城形態特徵及變遷初探. 中國建築學會50周年年會. 北京, 2003.
[37].Han, Haoying, and Zongbo Tan. Case Study: A Survey on Residential Land Use Condition and Its Planning in Xian-Ju City, Zhejiang Province, P. R. China. in the Proceedings of the 8 Inter-University Seminar on Asian Megacities. Beijing, 2003.
[38].Han, Haoying, and Zongbo Tan. Urban Land Use Planning and Management of Small Cities in China. in the Proceedings of the 7th Inter-University Seminar on Asian Megacities. Manila, Philippines, 2002.


[1]. 賴世剛, 韓昊英. 城市規劃不能只仰仗西方經驗. 中國青年報, 2014年1月28日02版.
[2]. 韓昊英. 規劃能承受城市化之重任嗎. 中國青年報, 2013年8月13日02版.
[3]. 韓昊英. 東京城市規劃的教訓值得北京借鑑. 紐約時報中文網, 2013年7月15日.


[1] 總體規劃(本科生課程)
[2] 區域與城市規劃(本科生課程)
[3] 城市管理學(本科生雙語課程)
[4] 區域發展與空間規劃(研究生課程)


