- 書名:黑河流域藍綠水資源及其可持續利用(英文版)
- 作者:劉俊國
曾昭 - 出版社:黃河水利出版社
- 出版時間:2017年8月
- 頁數:120 頁
- 定價:30 元
- 開本:16 開
- 裝幀:平裝
- ISBN:9787550918221
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.危和習寒1 Research background and significance
1.2 Research status of blue-green water at home and abroad
1.3 Research status of water resources evaluation in the Heihe River Basin
1.4 Hydrological model simulation of blue-green water research progress
1.5 Evaluation method of water shortage
1.6 Evaluation of water shortage based on water footprint
1.7 Research content and technical route
Chapter 2 Overview of Research Areas and Research Methods
2.1 Overview of the study area
2.2 Research methods
Chapter 3 Study on Spatial and Temporal Dynamic Distribution Pattern of Blue-Green Water in The Heihe River Basin under Natural Conditions
3.1 Research background
3.2 Methodology
3.3 Spatial and temporal distribution of blue-green water under natural conditions
3.4 Summary and conclusion
Chapter 4 The Spatial and Temporal Dynamic Distribution Pattern of Blue-Green Water in The Heihe River Basin under the Influence of Human Activities
4.1 Research background
4.2 Methodology
4.3 The influence of human activities on spatial and temporal distribution of blue-green water
4.4 Discussion and summary
Chapter 5 Study on Spatial and Temporal Differences of Blue-Green Water in The Heihe River Basin in Typical Years
5.1 Determination of typical years
5.2 Data sources
5.3 Spatial and temporal differences of blue-green water in different typical years
5.4 Discussion and summary of this chapter
Chapter 6 Analysis on the Evolution Trend of Blue-Green Water in The Heihe River Basin
6.1 Research background
6.2 Methodology
6.3 Analysis on the historical evolution of blue-green water
6.4 Discussion and summary
Chapter 7 Evaluation and Sustainable Analysis of Water Shortage in The Heihe River Basin
7.1 Research background
7.2 Evaluation of water footprint in the Heihe River Basin
7.3 Evaluation of water shortage in the Heihe River Basin
7.4 Sustainable analysis of water resources in the Heihe River Basin
7.5 Discussion and summary
Chapter 8 Conclusion and Prospect
8.1 Spatial and temporal distribution of blue-green water in the Heihe River Basin under natural conditions
8.2 Spatial and temporal variations of blue-green water in the Heihe River Basin under the influence of human activities
8.3 Analysis on the historical evolution of blue-green water in the Heihe River Basin
8.4 Spatial and temporal differences of blue-green water in typical years in the Heihe River Basin
8.5 Sustainability of blue-green water resources in the Heihe River Basin
8.6 Future prospects of blue-green water research
8.7 Policy recommendations
4.1 Research background
4.2 Methodology
4.3 The influence of human activities on spatial and temporal distribution of blue-green water
4.4 Discussion and summary
Chapter 5 Study on Spatial and Temporal Differences of Blue-Green Water in The Heihe River Basin in Typical Years
5.1 Determination of typical years
5.2 Data sources
5.3 Spatial and temporal differences of blue-green water in different typical years
5.4 Discussion and summary of this chapter
Chapter 6 Analysis on the Evolution Trend of Blue-Green Water in The Heihe River Basin
6.1 Research background
6.2 Methodology
6.3 Analysis on the historical evolution of blue-green water
6.4 Discussion and summary
Chapter 7 Evaluation and Sustainable Analysis of Water Shortage in The Heihe River Basin
7.1 Research background
7.2 Evaluation of water footprint in the Heihe River Basin
7.3 Evaluation of water shortage in the Heihe River Basin
7.4 Sustainable analysis of water resources in the Heihe River Basin
7.5 Discussion and summary
Chapter 8 Conclusion and Prospect
8.1 Spatial and temporal distribution of blue-green water in the Heihe River Basin under natural conditions
8.2 Spatial and temporal variations of blue-green water in the Heihe River Basin under the influence of human activities
8.3 Analysis on the historical evolution of blue-green water in the Heihe River Basin
8.4 Spatial and temporal differences of blue-green water in typical years in the Heihe River Basin
8.5 Sustainability of blue-green water resources in the Heihe River Basin
8.6 Future prospects of blue-green water research
8.7 Policy recommendations