










1.2023年1月-2024年12月,中央高校基本科研業務費專項資金, 300102383101,基於脈衝電流的鋰離子電池低溫環境快速充電技術研究.
2.2023年1月-2024年12月,中央高校基本科研業務費專項資金, 300102383203,面向高速公路域新能源微網的動態無線充電系統關鍵問題研究.
3.2023年1月-2024年12月,中央高校基本科研業務費專項資金, 300102383102,羧酸類燃料在氣相和超臨界水環境中熱解動力學的對比研究.


博士期間關於脈衝電流對鋰離子電池充電特性及壽命影響的研究成果,收錄于丹麥奧爾堡大學博士研究生課程“Storage Systems based on Li-ion Batteries for Grid Support and Automotive Applications”。在國內外核心刊物及領域內重要會議上發表科研論文20餘篇,其中以第一作者身份發表SCI收錄4篇,中科院TOP一區論文3篇,EI收錄6篇。
  • 期刊論文:
[1] X. Huang, J. Meng, W. Liu, F. Ru, C. Duan, X. Xu, D.I. Stroe, and R. Teodorescu, “Lithium-Ion Battery Lifetime Extension With Positive Pulsed Current Charging,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2023.(中科院一區,TOP,影響因子=9.59)
[2] X. Huang, W. Liu, A.B. Acharya, J. Meng, R. Teodorescu, and D.I. Stroe, “Effect of Pulsed Current on Charging Performance of Lithium-ion Batteries,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2021.(中科院一區,TOP,影響因子=9.59)
[3] X. Huang, W. Liu, J. Meng, Y. Li, S. Jin, R. Teodorescu, and D.I. Stroe, “Lifetime Extension of Lithium-ion Batteries with Low-Frequency Pulsed Current Charging,” IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, 2021.(中科院一區,TOP,影響因子=5.84)
[4] X. Huang, Y. Li, A.B. Acharya, X. Sui, J. Meng, R. Teodorescu, and D.I. Stroe, “A Review of Pulsed Current Technique for Lithium-ion Batteries,” Energies, 2020.(中科院三區,影響因子=3.25)
[5] J. Guo, S. Jin, X. Sui, X. Huang, Y. Xu, P. K. Kristensen, D. Wang, K. Pedersen, L. Gurevich, D.I. Stroe, “Unravelling and quantifying the aging processes of commercial Li (Ni 0.5 Co 0.2 Mn 0.3) O 2/graphite lithium-ion batteries under constant current cycling,” Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2023.(中科院一區,TOP,影響因子=12.73)
[6] J. Meng, L. Cai, D.I. Stroe, X. Huang, J. Peng, T. Liu, and R. Teodorescu, “An Automatic Weak Learner Formulation for Lithium-ion Battery State of Health Estimation,“ IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2021.中科院一區,TOP,影響因子=9.59
[7] X. Du, J. Meng, Y. Zhang, X. Huang, S. Wang, P. Liu, and T. Liu, An Information Appraisal Procedure Endows Reliable Online Parameter Identification to Lithium-ion Battery Model, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2021.中科院一區,TOP,影響因子=9.59
[8] C. Wu, W. Hu, J. Meng, X. Xu, X. Huang, and L. Cai, “State-of-charge estimation of lithium-ion batteries based on MCC-AEKF in non-Gaussian noise environment,” Energy, 2023.(中科院一區,TOP,影響因子=8.86)
[9] C Wu, J Fu, X Huang, X Xu, J Meng, “Lithium-Ion Battery Health State Prediction Based on VMD and DBO-SVR,” Energies, 2023.(中科院三區,影響因子=3.25)
[10] X Xu, W Zhao, Y Lu, X Huang, and Z Liu, “Capacity Expansion Optimization of Determined Charging Stations Based on Accessibility Analysis and Improved Discrete Choice Model,” Electric Power Components and Systems, 2023.中科院四區,影響因子=1.28
[11] S. Jin, X. Sui, X. Huang, R. Teodorescu, D.I. Stroe, “Overview of Machine Learning Methods for Lithium-Ion Battery Remaining Useful Lifetime Prediction,” Electronics, 2021. 中科院三區,影響因子=2.40
[12] X. Sui, D.I. Stroe, S. He, X. Huang, J. Meng, and R. Teodorescu, “The Effect of Voltage Dataset Selection on the Accuracy of Entropy-Based Capacity Estimation Methods for Lithium-Ion Batteries,” Applied Sciences, 2019.中科院三區,影響因子=2.83
  • 會議論文:
[1] X. Huang, S. Jin, J. Meng, R. Teodorescu, and D.I. Stroe, The Effect of Pulsed Current on the Lifetime of Lithium-ion Batteries, in Proc. IEEE ECCE, 2021.
[2] X. Huang, Y. Li, J. Meng, X. Sui, R. Teodorescu, and D.I. Stroe, The Effect of Pulsed Current on the Performance of Lithium-ion Batteries, in Proc. IEEE ECCE, 2020.
[3] X. Huang, A.B. Acharya, J. Meng, X. Sui, D.I. Stroe, and R. Teodorescu, Wireless Smart Battery Management System for Electric Vehicles, in Proc. IEEE ECCE, 2020.
[4] X. Huang, A.B. Acharya, D.I. Stroe, and R. Teodorescu, A Pulse-Current Implementation Using Phase-Shift Modulation in Smart Battery, in Proc. PCIM Europe, 2020.
[5] X. Huang, A.B. Acharya, D.I. Stroe, and R. Teodorescu, A Review of Management Architectures and Balancing Strategies in Smart Batteries, in Proc. IEEE IECON, 2019.
[6] R. Teodorescu, X. Sui, A.B. Acharya, D.I. Stroe, and X. Huang, Smart Battery Concept: A Battery that Can Breathe, in Proc. EMOB, 2021.
[7] S. Jin, X. Sui, X. Huang, S-L. Wang, R. Teodorescu, and D.I. Stroe, Lifetime evaluation of lithium-ion batteries under pulsed charging currents, in Proc. IEEE ECCE, 2022.
[8] S. Jin, X. Huang, X. Sui, S-L. Wang, R. Teodorescu, and D.I. Stroe, Overview of Methods for Battery Lifetime Extension, in Proc. IEEE EPE, 2021.
[9] X. Huang, X. Zhang, A novel three-phase single-stage PFC converter with limited double-polarity control, in Proc. IEEE IECON, 2017.


