2019.06- 至今 成都理工大學 研究員
2018.05-2019.06 成都理工大學環境學院教師
2014.01-2017.07 美國德州農工大學博士後
2013.08-2013.12 韓國慶尚國立大學研究員
2005.09-2013.08 韓國慶尚國立大學博士研究生
2002.09-2005.06 瀋陽農業大學農藥系碩士研究生
1998.09-2002.06 瀋陽農業大學植物保護系本科
[1]J. Huang, C. J. Mousley, L. Dacquay, N. Maitra, G. Drin, C. He, N. D. Ridgway, A. Tripathi, M. Kennedy, B. K. Kennedy, W. Liu, K. Baetz, M. Polymenis, V. A. Bankaitis. A Lipid Transfer Protein Signaling Axis Exerts Dual Control of Cell-Cycle and Membrane Trafficking Systems, Dev Cell, 2018, 44(3): 378-391.IF=9.2
[2] J. M. Liu, S. J. Park,J. Huang, E. J. Lee, Y. H. Xuan, B. I. Je, V. Kumar, R. A. Priatama, K. V. Raj, S. H. Kim, M. K. Min, J. H. Cho, T. H. Kim, A. K. Chandran, K. H. Jung, S. Takatsuto, S. Fujioka, C. D. Han. Loose Plant Architecture1 (LPA1) determines lamina joint bending by suppressing auxinsignalling that interacts with C-22-hydroxylated and 6-deoxo brassinosteroids in rice, J Exp Bot, 2016, 67(6): 1883-95.IF=5.8
[3]J. Huang, R. Ghosh, A. Tripathi, M. Lonnfors, P. Somerharju, V. A. Bankaitis. Two-ligand priming mechanism for potentiated phosphoinositide synthesis is an evolutionarily conserved feature of Sec14-like phosphatidylinositol and phosphatidylcholine exchange proteins, MolBiol Cell, 2016, 27(14): 2317-30.IF=3.7
[4]J. Huang, R. Ghosh, V. A. Bankaitis. Sec14-like phosphatidylinositol transfer proteins and the biological landscape of phosphoinositide signaling in plants, BiochimBiophysActa, 2016, 1861(9 Pt B): 1352-1364.IF=5.5
[5] R. Ghosh, M. K. De Campos,J. Huang, S. K. Huh, A. Orlowski, Y. Yang, A. Tripathi, A. Nile, H. C. Lee, M. Dynowski, H. Schafer, T. Rog, M. G. Lete, H. Ahyayauch, A. Alonso, I. Vattulainen, T. I. Igumenova, G. Schaaf, V. A. Bankaitis. Sec14-nodulin proteins and the patterning of phosphoinositide landmarks for developmental control of membrane morphogenesis, MolBiol Cell, 2015, 26(9): 1764-81.IF=4.0
[6] Y. H. Xuan, R. A. Priatama,J. Huang, B. I. Je, J. M. Liu, S. J. Park, H. L. Piao, D. Y. Son, J. J. Lee, S. H. Park, K. H. Jung, T. H. Kim, C. D. Han*. Indeterminate domain 10 regulates ammonium-mediated gene expression in rice roots, New Phytol, 2013, 197(3): 791-804.IF=6.4
[7] Y. H. Xuan,J. Huang, G. Yi, D. S. Park, S. K. Park, M. Y. Eun, D. W. Yun, G. S. Lee, T. H. Kim, C. D. Han. Plant regeneration methods for rapid generation of a large scale Ds transposant population in rice, Methods MolBiol, 2013, 1057: 101-16.
[8]J. Huang, J. Liu, C. D. Han*. Formin homology 1 (OsFH1) regulates submergence-dependent root hair development in rice plants, Plant Signal Behav, 2013, 8(8).
[9]J. Huang, C. M. Kim, Y. H. Xuan, S. J. Park, H. L. Piao, B. I. Je, J. Liu, T. H. Kim, B. K. Kim, C. D. Han. OsSNDP1, a Sec14-nodulin domain-containing protein, plays a critical role in root hair elongation in rice, Plant MolBiol, 2013, 82(1-2): 39-50.IF=4.1
[10]J. Huang, C. M. Kim, Y. H. Xuan, J. Liu, T. H. Kim, B. K. Kim, C. D. Han. Formin homology 1 (OsFH1) regulates root-hair elongation in rice (Oryza sativa), Planta, 2013, 237(5): 1227-39.IF=3.4