Xun Huangand Xin Zhang, Plasma Actuators for Noise Control,International Journal of Aeroacoustics, to be published at Issue 1, 2010.
Ed Peers,Xun Huang, and Xinfu Luo, A Numerical Model of Plasma Actuators Effects in Flow-Induced Noise Control,IEEE Transaction of Plasma Science, to be published at Issue 11, 2009.
Xun Huang,Real-Time Algorithm for Acoustic Imaging with a Microphone Array,Journal of Acoustical Society of America Express Letters, Vol 125, No 5, 2009.
Xiaoxian Chen,Xun Huang, and Xin Zhang,Sound Radiation from a Bypass Duct with Bifurcations,AIAA Journal, Vol 47, No 2, 2009.
Xun Huang, Xiaoxian Chen, Zhaokai Ma and Xin Zhang,Efficient Computation of Spinning Modal Radiation Through an Engine Bypass Duct,AIAA Journal, Vol 46, No 6, 2008.
Xun Huangand Xin Zhang,Streamwise and Spanwise Plasma Actuators for Flow-Induced Cavity Noise Control,Physics of Fluids, Vol 20, No 3, 2008.
Xun Huang, Sammie Chan, Xin Zhang and Steve Gabriel,Variable structure model for flow-induced tonal noise control with plasma actuators,AIAA Journal, Vol 46, No 1, 2008.
Xun Huang, Xin Zhang and Simon Keith Richards,Adaptive Mesh Refinement Computation of Acoustic Radiation from an Engine Intake,Aerospace Science and Technology, Vol 12, No 5, 2008.
Simon Keith Richards, Xiaoxian Chen,Xun Huangand Xin Zhang,Computation of Fan Noise Radiation through an Engine Exhaust Geometry with Flow,International Journal of Aeroacoustics, Vol 6, No 3, 2007.
Xun Huang, Sammie Chan and Xin Zhang,Atmospheric Plasma Actuators for Aeroacoustic Applications,IEEE Transaction of Plasma Science, Vol 35, Issue 3, 2007.
Xun Huangand Xin Zhang,A Fourier Pseudospectral Method for Some Computational Aeroacoustics Problems,International Journal of Aeroacoustics, Vol 5, No 3, 2006.
黃迅博士曾是歐盟科研項目安靜飛機設計(TIMPAN: Technology to IMProveme Airframe Noise)和電漿在空氣動力學套用(PlasmAero: Plasma for Aerodynamics)兩個項目的子課題負責人,對嵌入式系統設計,航空噪聲並行計算建模及其流體和聲學試驗有豐富經驗,與英國南安普敦大學空中客車技術中心聯繫緊密。