


  • 中文名:黃英
  • 國籍:中國
  • 職業:浙江大學金融學教授
  • 主要成就:教育部“新世紀優秀人才計畫”入選人員


浙江大學經濟學院金融學教授、博士生導師、教育部“新世紀優秀人才計畫”入選人員。City University of New York金融經濟學博士,曾長期在美國高校從事金融學的教學和科研工作,近年來致力於風險管理、公司治理、金融衍生品、中國金融市場等方面的研究。已在國際學術期刊發表近30篇論文,其中包括Journal of Banking & Finance、Journal of Empirical Finance、Journal of Corporate Finance、Journal of Futures Markets、Journal of Financial Services Research等金融類權威期刊。曾擔任國際金融管理學會 (FMA) 年會和多家國際知名學術期刊的審稿人, 並在多個主要金融學國際學術年會上宣讀論文,研究成果被廣泛引用。




· “Are College Chief Executives Paid Like Corporate CEOs or Bureaucrats?”Applied Economics (SSCI), 2013(45), No. 21, 3035-3043;
· “Mutual Fund Governance and Performance: A Quantile Regression Analysis of Morningstar’s Stewardship Grade”, Corporate Governance: An International Review (SSCI), 2011 (19), No. 4, 311–333;
· “Stock and Option Market Divergence in the Presence of Noisy Information”,Journal of Banking & Finance (SSCI), 2011 (35), 2001–2020;
· “Markets Contagion during Financial Crisis: A Regime-Switching Approach”,International Review of Economics & Finance (SSCI), 2011 (20), No.1, 95-109;
· “Hot Money and Business Cycle Volatility: Evidence from China", China & World Economy (SSCI), 2010 (18), No. 6, 73-89;
· “Does 'Hot Money' Drive China’s Real Estate and Stock Markets?”,International Review of Economics & Finance (SSCI), 2010 (19), No.3, 452-466;
· “The Dynamic Impact of Macro Shocks on Insurance Premiums”, Journal of Financial Services Research (SSCI), 2009 (35), No.3, 225-244;
· “Hourly Index Return Autocorrelation and Conditional Volatility in an EAR-GJR-GARCH Model with Generalized Error Distribution”, Journal of Empirical Finance (SSCI), 2008 (15), No.4, 789-798;
· "Deposit Insurance and Banking Supervision in China: The Agenda Ahead ",The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance (SSCI), 2008 (33), No.3, 547-565;
· "Determinants of the Japanese Yen Interest Rate Swap Spreads: Evidence from a Smooth Transition Vector Autoregressive Model", Journal of Futures Markets (SSCI), 2008 (28), No.1, 82-107;
· "Macro Shocks and the Japanese Stock Market", Applied Financial Economics, 2008 (18), 1391-1400;
· "Swap Curve Dynamics across Markets: Case of US Dollar vs. HK Dollar",Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money, 2008 (18), No.1, 79-93;
· "Author Affiliation Index, Finance Journal Rankings, and the Pattern of Authorship", Journal of Corporate Finance (SSCI), 2007 (13), 1008-1026;
· "The Role of Oil Price Shocks on China’s Real Exchange Rate", China Economic Review (SSCI), 2007(18), No.4, 403-416;
· "The Effect of Fed Monetary Policy Regimes on the U.S. Interest Rate Swap Spreads", Review of Financial Economics, 2007 (16), No. 4, 375-399;
· "Modeling Swap Spreads: The Roles of Credit, Liquidity and Market Volatility",Review of Futures Markets, 2006(14), No. 4, 431-450。


