- 中文名:黃川
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢
- 出生地:重慶
- 出生日期:1983.4
- 職業:大學教師
- 畢業院校:美國Texas A&M Univ.,Princeton Univ.,電子科技大學
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 專業方向:無線通信、移動通信
- 職務:特聘研究員
- 辦公室:主樓B3-512
- Ph.D.,電子工程,Texas A&M University,美國,2008-2012,導師:Prof. Shuguang Cui
- B.S.,數學與套用數學,電子科技大學,中國,2001-2005
- 特聘研究員,電子科技大學,中國,2015.1-現在
- 助理研究教授,Arizona State University,美國,2013-2014
- 副研究員,Princeton University,美國,2013-2014,Supervisor:Prof. Vincent H. Poor
- 博士後,Arizona State University,美國,2012-2013,Advisor:Prof. Junshan Zhang
- 助教,Texas A&M University,美國,2011,Mentor:Prof. P. R. Kumar
- 訪問學者,National University of Singapore,新加坡,2011,Supervisor:Prof. Rui Zhang
- 第5代移動通信技術:全雙工、CRAN、異構網路
- 可再生能源供電的無線通信系統:功率控制、網路最佳化
- 組播技術:基礎理論極限、多業務融合、發射預編碼
- 基於大數據的無線通信:隨機最佳化、線上學習
- 無線通信理論和技術:資訊理論、通信信號處理、凸最佳化及其套用
- 無線網路理論和技術:隨機接入、跨層最佳化
- H. Li, C. Huang*, P. Zhang, S. Cui, and J. Zhang, Distributed Opportunistic Scheduling for Wireless Networks Powered by Renewable Energy Sources, to appear in IEEE/ACM Trans. Networking.
- C. Huang*and Y. Tang, On the Energy Efficiency and Effective Throughput Tradeoff of Fading Channels, to appear in IEEE Trans Veh. Tech..
- D. Zhao, C. Huang*, Y. Chen, and S. Cui, Throughput Maximization Schemes for Multiple Access Channels with a Shared Renewable Energy Source, to appear in IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun..
- W. Han, C. Huang*, J. Li, Z. Li, and S. Cui, Correlation based Spectrum Sensing with Over-sampling in Cognitive Radio, to appear in IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun..
- C. Huang*, R. Zhang, and S. Cui, Optimal Power Allocation for Wireless Sensor Networks with Outage Constraint, IEEE Wireless Commun. Letters, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 209-212, April, 2014.
- C. Huang*, Y. Tang, and L. Yang, Diversity-Multiplexing Tradeoff for Opportunistic Access Systems, IEEE Wireless Commun. Letters, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 185-188, Feb. 2014.
- C. Huang*, R. Zhang, and S. Cui, Optimal Power Allocation for Outage Minimization in Fading Channels with Energy Harvesting Constraints, IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., vol. 13, no.2, pp.1074-1087, February, 2014.
- Y. Zhou, T. Jiang, C. Huang, and S. Cui, Peak-to-Average Power Ratio Reduction for OFDM/OQAM Signals via Novel Alternative Signals Method, IEEE Trans. Vehicular Tech., vol. 63, no. 1, pp. 494-499, Jan. 2014.
- C. Huang*, M. Zeng, and S. Cui, Source Power Allocation and Relaying Design for Two-Hop Interference Networks with Relay Conferencing, IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., vol. 12, no. 7, pp. 3213-3225, Jul. 2013.
- Y. Zhou, C. Huang, T. Jiang, and S. Cui, Wireless Sensor Networks and the Internet of Things: Optimal Estimation with Nonuniform Quantization and Bandwidth Allocation, IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 13, no. 10, pp. 3568-3574, Oct. 2013.
- C. Huang*, R. Zhang, and S. Cui, Throughput Maximization for the Relay Channel with Energy Harvesting Nodes, IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun. vol. 31, no. 8, pp. 1469-1479, Aug. 2013.
- L. Han, C. Huang, S. Shao, and Y. Tang, Relay Placement for Amplify-and-Forward Relay Channels with Correlated Shadowing, IEEE Wireless Commun. Letter, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 171-174, Feb. 2013.
- C. Huang* and S. Cui, On the Alternative Relaying Diamond Channel with Conference Links, IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 758-768, Feb. 2013.
- C. Huang*, J. Jiang, and S. Cui, On the Achievable Rates of the Diamond Relay Channel with Conferencing Links, IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. 60, no. 7, pp. 1838-1850, Jul. 2012.
- C. Huang*, J. Jiang, and S. Cui, Asymptotic Capacity of Large Relay Networks with Conferencing Links, IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. 60, no. 5, pp. 1193-1198, May 2012.
- C. Huang*, J. Jiang, and S. Cui, Asymptotic Capacity of Large Fading Relay Networks with Random Node Failures, IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. 59, no. 8, pp. 2306-2315, Aug. 2011.
- C. Huang*, Y. Tang, H. Liu, Y. Liu, and Y. Ren, BER Performance Analysis of Optimum OFDM Receiver with Superimposed Sequence in Fading Channel, Acta Electronica Sinica, vol. 2007, no. 6A, pp.165-168, Feb. 2008. (In Chinese)
- J. Zhou, Y. Tang, H. Liu, and C. Huang, A method of Iterative Channel Estimation for OFDM Using Superimposed Training Sequence, Acta Electronica Sinica, vol. 2007, no. 6A, pp.179-183, Feb. 2008. (In Chinese)
- H. Li, C. Huang, S. Cui, and J. Zhang, Distributed Opportunistic Scheduling for Wireless Networks Powered by Renewable Energy Sources, to appear in IEEE Infocom 2014.
- D. Zhao, C. Huang, Y. Chen, and S. Cui, Competitive Analysis of Online Throughput Maximization Schemes for Multiple Access Channels with a Shared Renewable Energy Source, in Proceedings of GlobalSIP, Austin, Dec. 2013.
- C. Huang, J. Zhang, P. Zhang, and S. Cui, Threshold-Based Transmissions for Large Relay Networks Powered by Renewable Energy, in Proceedings of GLOBECOM, Atlanta, GA, Dec. 2013.
- D. Zhao, C. Huang, Y. Chen, and S. Cui, Optimal Resource Allocation for Multiple Access Channels with a Shared Renewable Energy Source, in the Proceedings of PIMRC, London, UK, Sept. 2013.
- C. Huang, Y. Zhou, T. Jiang, P. Zhang, and S. Cui, Power Allocation for Joint Estimation with Energy Harvesting Constraints, in Proceedings of ICASSP, Vancouver, BC, May 2013.
- D. Zhao, C. Huang, Y. Chen, and S. Cui, Optimal Resource Allocation for Multiple Access Channel with Conferencing Links and a Shared Renewable Energy Source, in Proceedings of ICASSP, Vancouver, BC, May 2013.
- C. Huang, R. Zhang, and S. Cui, Outage Minimization in Fading Channels: Optimal Power Allocation with Channel Distribution Information Known at Transmitter, in Proceedings of GLOBECOM, Anaheim, CA, Dec. 2012.
- C. Huang and S. Cui, Capacity Bounds for the Alternative Relaying Diamond Channel with Conferencing Links, in Proceedings of ISITA 2012, Honolulu, USA, Oct. 2012.
- C. Huang, R. Zhang, and S. Cui, Outage Minimization in Fading Channels under Energy Harvesting Constraints, in ICC workshop on Energy Harvesting, Ottawa, Canada, Jun. 2012.
- C. Huang, R. Zhang, and S. Cui, Delay-Constrained Gaussian Relay Channel with Energy Harvesting Constraints, in Proceedings of ICC, Ottawa, Canada, Jun. 2012.
- C. Huang, R. Zhang, and S. Cui, Optimal Resource Allocation for Gaussian Relay Channel with Energy Harvesting Constraints, in Proceedings of ICASSP, Tyoko, Japan, Mar. 2012.
- C. Huang, M. Zeng, and S. Cui, Achievable Rates of Two-Hop Interference Networks with Conferencing Relays, in Proceedings of GLOBECOM, Houston, Dec. 2011.
- C. Huang, J. Jiang, and S. Cui, On the Achievable Rates of the Diamond Relay Channel with Confer- encing Links, Proceedings of the Forty-Eight Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing, Monticello, Illinois, Sep., 2010.
- C. Huang, J. Jiang, and S. Cui, Asymptotic Capacity of Large Fading Relay Networks under Random Attacks, in Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM, Hawaii, Dec. 2009.
- C.Huang, J. Jiang, and S. Cui, Asymptotic Capacity of Randomly-Failing Relay Networks with DF Strategy, Proceedings of the 47-th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing, Monticello, Illinois, Sep. 2009.