- 中文名:黃山大熊貓生態樂園
- 外文名:Huangshan Panda Ecological Park
- 占地面積:三百餘畝
- 地址 :中國黃山休寧齊雲山西大道161號
- 建築風格:徽派
樂園占地面積三百餘畝,五座熊貓別墅採用徽派建築風格,依山傍水, 古樸典雅。白色山牆寬厚高大,灰色馬頭牆造型別致。每座別墅及室外活動場面積均在一千平方米以上,活動場內綠草如茵,林木茂密,山石奇異、流水潺潺。
走在別墅四圍環形相通的木棧道上,仿佛置身於原生環境下的大熊貓王國,零距離感受來自遠古“活化石”的神奇魅力。獨特的徽派建築,遠古的生態環境,幾隻調皮玩鬧的亞成體大熊貓,不知不覺中,你也溶入到這幅美麗的圖畫裡了。 園區山巒起伏、植被茂盛,青山綠水間匯集了幾十種,數百頭(只) 珍禽異獸。是集動物、植物、建築、科普等多種特色和觀賞功能為一體的生態環境風景區。
Giant Panda Ecological Park is located in the south of Xiuning Phoenix Mountain, just 18 kilometers from Huangshan city. The traffic is very convenient. It is a world-class, largest panda ecological park in East China.This park covers an area of 300 acres, including 5 Anhui style Panda villa, simple and elegant. The white Gables are very tall, with gray wharf wall. Each villa and outdoor games are a thousand square meters area, with green grass, lush trees, strange rocks, and running fountains.
Walking on the round wooden path around the house, you will feel like being in the native environment of giant pandas Kingdom, feeling the ancient "living fossil" of the magical charm closely. With unique Huizhou architecture, ancient ecological environment and a few naughty sub-adult giant panda slapstick, you dissolve into this beautiful picture unconsciously.There are park hills, lush vegetation, mountains and waters together with hundreds of exotic animals. This scenic environment has included a set of animals, plants, architecture and scientific capabilities.
Address: 161 West Qiyunshan Xiuning Huangshan China