- 中文名:黃培
- 畢業院校:中國科學院化學研究所
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 專業方向:高分子物理與化學
10/2015-10/2017 重慶大學 航空航天學院 博士後
11/2017至今 重慶大學 航空航天學院 講師
- 複合材料力學
- 多功能回響性複合材料
- 納米材料製備
2. 橫向項目,“納米顆粒的可控制備”,38萬,在研。
[2] Pei Huang, Yuan-Qing Li,* Xiao-Guang Yu, Wei-Bing Zhu, Shu-Yan Nie, Hao Zhang, Ning Hu and Shao-Yun Fu*. Bio-inspired flexible and highly responsive dual-mode strain/magnetism composite sensor. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 2018, 10, 11197−11203.
[3] Xi Chen,* Xinmin Song, Jia Huang, Chaodong Wu, Desheng Ma, Maozhang Tian, Hang Jiang, and Pei Huang*. Phase Behavior of Pickering Emulsions Stabilized by Graphene Oxide Sheets and Resins. Energy Fuels, 2017, 31, 1213439-13447.
[4] Pei Huang, Han-Qiao Shi, Shao-Yun Fu, Hong-Mei Xiao, Ning Hu, Yuan-Qing. Li, High Refractive Index, High performance surface-modified TiO2/silicone nanocomposite. Scientific Reports, 2017, 7(1).
[5] Pei Huang, Mizi Fan*. Development of facture free clay-based aerogel: Formulation and architectural mechanisms. Composites Part B, 2016, 91, 169-175.
[6] Pei Huang, Han-Qiao Shi, Shao-Yun Fu*, Hong-Mei Xiao, Ning Hu, Yuan-Qing Li*. Greatly decreased redshift and largely enhanced refractive index of mono-dispersed ZnO-QD/silicone nanocomposites. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2016, 4(37), 8663-8669.
[7] Pei Huang, Yang Zhao, Shigenori Kuga, Min Wu* and Yong Huang*. A versatile method for producing functionalized cellulose nanofibers and their application. Nanoscale, 2016, 8, 3753
[8] Pei Huang, Min Wu,* Shigenori Kuga,* Deqian Wang, Dayong Wu, and Yong Huang*. One-Step Dispersion of Cellulose Nanofibers by Mechanochemical Esterification in an Organic Solvent. ChemSusChem, 2012, 5, 2319 – 2322.